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Brandt last won the day on May 10 2023

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  1. I suppose that makes sense if the cylinder was lean enough to run at peak if the other cylinders were rich of peak. I was thinking LOP across the board and further leaning would cool that cylinder. Thx
  2. Great recap. I concur about TCM. A poorly run business.
  3. Try Buddha Belly. It works. https://planeperfect.us/products/bbb?srsltid=AfmBOoqAmbEEzPCv0fxpcq9iFGjbny5Q42t7XdkNjftArRcNpm2cQEiE
  4. Published today. https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-24-107001?utm_campaign=usgao_email&utm_content=daybook&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery
  5. The G1000 may as well. But I’d like to be able to set an alarm before it reaches that point.
  6. So couldn’t you sand down to aluminum and redo the alodine to prepare the surface? Haven’t tried it. Just curious.
  7. A bit off topic but I agree with you re the G1000 as well. It seems ludicrous to me that something that sophisticated doesn’t include the ability to set alarms for CHT’s, TIT’s, etc. I spend way too much time with my head down monitoring because I can’t use the electronics to alert me.
  8. I have had great results with Buddha Belly https://planeperfect.us/products/bbb?srsltid=AfmBOoqAmbEEzPCv0fxpcq9iFGjbny5Q42t7XdkNjftArRcNpm2cQEiE
  9. If you can’t afford a turbine, an Aerostar might be a good option for you to look at as well.
  10. Fairly typical. Sensationalism without facts. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13001031/homebuilt-plane-aircraft-FAA-crash-california.html
  11. Sorry. Didn’t mean to suggest it was recent but I hadn’t seen the video anywhere before. Maybe I missed that.
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