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Migration Complete (almost!)


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I will check to see if there is a plugin like this out there already. I think Google provides enough of a free API to make something like this pretty easy.

Unfortunately it does not look like we were able to migrate location information due to some kind of incompatability in the two systems. So everyone needs to update their profile to re-enter this information, along with the new Mooney model and N-number data we are able to display now.

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Spectacular. The look is modern. The feel is familiar. The capabillitiest are top notch.

Did you think MooneySpace.com would take off when you first started it in '08?

Back in the early days, I was looking to find and purchase a six cylinder Mooney online when I stumbled onto this site. Met some great people. Shared some obscure technical details about aircraft. Then met some more great people. Increased my knowledge. Traded some parts. Organized some training. All connected to this site.

I have read every post. It makes great therapy.

Thanks again, YOU are the best.


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Not Found

The requested URL /index.cfm was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.


This error comes up in most google searches now because the index.cfm has been replaced by index.php

Will your server support a rewrite that will help bridge the migration gap so all of the information that google has indexed here

remains easily findable?

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Not Found

The requested URL /index.cfm was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.


This error comes up in most google searches now because the index.cfm has been replaced by index.php

Will your server support a rewrite that will help bridge the migration gap so all of the information that google has indexed here

remains easily findable?

I think it is going to take some time to get Google to re-index the site. Fortunately this is a commonly used community portal (IPBoard) and has been built from the ground up to guide the Google spider through everything. While a bridge in theory would be possible - it would likely be many programming hours and my gut tells me google will drop those old pages in a couple weeks and have this site fully indexed so it is hardly worth the effort.

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Make sure to update your profile with the time zone you are in to get the appropriate time stamp. Or else you will appear to be in London.

This advice comes from Dr. Bill...

Best regards,


It would also clarrify a boat load of confusion if you post data about your plane model, location and home base.

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I tried to send some details in a PM to Fantom (Gary?). But ran into memory issues (not mine though). MooneySpace would not allow sending the PM. It recommended deleting some PMs.

I was unable to....

Maybe next time...


I didn't mean you specifically, it was a general observation, and my ongoing pet peeve.

Heck, I can't even find the PM tab :wacko:


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Well, mod_rewrite should do all of the heavy lifting without having to pay a programmer for anything.


Just trying to help...

Thanks for that - but I think the snag would come into the IDs not being the same anymore. For example a given topic on our old site might have once had a thread ID of 1234 and in the new system it is 5678, etc. That ID in the URL that google has cached is no longer paired to the right topic. . So it would likely trigger either an error on the new forum or route to the wrong topic. Keep in mind that the old and new sites were on about as completely different platforms as you could imagine, the os, database, codebase and programming structure are totally new. The only option would be to have some kind of lookup db table that had the old id linked to the new ID, etc

I think the search engines issues should heal on their own in a relatively short amount of time. Google bots are pretty active and should start dropping those old links soon and replacing them with the new site links (I hope!).

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I tried to send some details in a PM to Fantom (Gary?). But ran into memory issues (not mine though). MooneySpace would not allow sending the PM. It recommended deleting some PMs.

I was unable to....

Maybe next time...


Do you have a lot of older PM's in your mailbox by chance? I think it might limit each user to 40 saved messages or something like that. Check to see if you can delete some older PMs and perhaps then it will allow you to send a new one. If not, let me know!

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Do you have a lot of older PM's in your mailbox by chance? I think it might limit each user to 40 saved messages or something like that. Check to see if you can delete some older PMs and perhaps then it will allow you to send a new one. If not, let me know!

Nope, it was me with 7+ pages of old PM's I didn't even know about. I deleted most of them.

Craig....all of us are beta testing the new site, and it might be good to have a specific bugs/issues list and another for improvement suggestions. That way you might not have to respond to lots of individual requests like: Do we, or can we, get a spell checker? or...where is the year or for that matter day and month in records dd/mm/yy?

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I had one or two PMs per month for the duration. I like to keep them all, because I have recently acquired some memory challenges.

I was unable to find any of them, so i could not try to delete one for a test run...


The view new content button does not go to the exact position of "new" content. In other words it goes to the first item that may have 38 posts, where the 39th post is the only one that is new.

Keep up the great work!

Best regards,


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I had one or two PMs per month for the duration. I like to keep them all, because I have recently acquired some memory challenges.

I was unable to find any of them, so i could not try to delete one for a test run...


The view new content button does not go to the exact position of "new" content. In other words it goes to the first item that may have 38 posts, where the 39th post is the only one that is new.

Keep up the great work!

Best regards,


As for PMs - I think you might have more than is allowed. I logged into your account yesterday and it did look like you had a lot of PMs. At this time we are maxed out on storage (working to increase this without spending $1000 per year as they seem to want). You might want to see if you can get rid of some of these. To see your PMs, just click on the envelope "mail" icon at the top. A smaller area will fly out - click on "view all messages" - from here there are some simple methods to delete mail.

As for the new content, you can jump to the first unread message, with a little effort. If you hover over an item in the list you will see a little down arrow appear, click that and it will give you a preview of the topic. At the bottom of that preview you will see a link to view first unread post.

Hope that helps!

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Cut half of old PMs out.

Experimenting with hovering procedure today to find my unread items.

Thanks again Craig.

I've learned a few things today about web sites, instrument installation, engine break in, and valve springs. I've been impressed by Dr. Stephen's speed collection...again.

You have done a great job!



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Thanks Craig,

Tapping the dot works, but generated a new question...

Sometimes there is a star in place of the dot. What does that indicate?

Best regards,


That is a thread you have posted to. Took me a minute to figure that one out too, but very easy to spot now that I know.



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