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How do you spell relief?  D-O-N M-A-X-W-E-L-L

It sure is nice to drop a Mooney off at Maxwell for service.  I don't have first hand experience with all Mooney Service Centers, but I suspect most of them are excellent.  I have known and used many great aircraft mechanics, but there is no substitution for extensive Mooney expertise.  For my Mooney, I sure do like Don Maxwell.

And as a side bonus, you get to admire Parker's 252 sitting in the corner.  Awesome aircraft Parker!

Two thumbs up for Don Maxwell!




Quote: N6719N

 Just tell Don to put your oil change on Parker's bill.  With everything they are doing to his 252, he'll never notice. Surprised


Don is top notch I always learn more about Mooney than what is in the manual from Don.  Parker, saw your plane last Wednesday.  Very nice....still.  But there is also a very nice Bravo, 2000 model in the hangar Don is annualling before going up for sale.  I was very tempted to investigate but having spent some $'s on interior and Garmin this summer I had better let the plane and upgrades depreciate another year or two. HA.



Thursday moved to today. There were some good looking planes in that hangar including a 252 and a nice M20C!  George- Parker said no to paying for the oil change, so please don't look too closely at your bill ;)

There was also an acclaim S that was one of the last few planes to come off the line- all the bells and wistles.  That was a nice plane.

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