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I have an issue with removing center control links for AD M20-264-002.
I have them completly detached but can't get them out to get them serviced for the AD.
I attached pictures of my dilemma, how do you get them out?

The links are the grey with the 90 degree arms which are stuck under all the other bars.






Continuing what Rich said, the inner rods that you're trying to get out are connected to an outboard portion about where they go through the wing root.  Disconnect the bolt that holds them together and pull and twist them apart.  As you do that, you'll start to see the different angles and rotations that are available to you to get the rods out.

Keep working at it.  You'll eventually hit upon the combinations necessary to twist, rotate, and maneuver them out.


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If this is the gusset related AD... There was another AD that came about near the same timeframe... 15 or more years ago...

For changing out the aluminum oil pump gear in Lycoming engines...

Kind of small dollar parts, requiring a mechanic to do the work...   My M20C had these done back in the day...

Something to look for if the gussets weren’t taken care of back in the day, the oil pump may have gotten missed too.

Hoping to be helpful... apologetic if I missed the target... :)

I can be off some days.

Best regards,



In some cases the outer bolt has been over torqued, this squeezes the tube out of round making them difficult to separate.


Posted (edited)

The links are completly free, just cant figure out how to rotate them out. Had two people try. I guess the big question is, what else has to come out? But it sounds like nothing.


Edited by jM20
8 hours ago, carusoam said:

For changing out the aluminum oil pump gear in Lycoming engines...

Kind of small dollar parts, requiring a mechanic to do the work...   My M20C had these done back in the day...



If this is that AD.  There were three ADs that came  out in rapid succession.  Change one gear.  Then the other then both.    If you logbook says "changed out oil pump gear"  then it may be hard to know if the correct gears are in there.

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I vaguely remember having to remove these (a long time ago) If remember correctly it took at at least two people.

while having the aircraft on jacks... one person was manipulating gear retraction/extension handle while the other person was underneath playing constructionist  with the aileron linkage on maneuvering on getting the linkage out.  Seems to me the gear was the was less than half  way down was the spot. I don't have clue how you would do this on Electric gear. If there some disconnecting the gear retraction/extension linkage.   

Hope this helps ,  Good luck,


James '67C

  • Thanks 1

Thank you everybody for your responses. James the item that is directly in the way is the landing gear framework. I thought that it might have to come out, but it completely makes sense that if I stroke the gear it would move it far enough out of the way.

  • Thanks 1

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