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IDIOT Kid lands on beach by JFK

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I'm sorry, this has me so mad.  In case you didn't see the articles....  ATC tape in story.  This gives pilots a black eye and endangers our freedoms.  Any way to comment directly to the FAA?  I don't want to be sharing the air with this idiot.  I frequently fly out of FRG and have flown along that beach at 500 ft...



Anyone remember the case where a jogger was killed a year or so by a legit emergency landing on a beach?  What are the odds of killing yourself landing a Warrior on a city beach at twilight?



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Holy crap!  Unfortunately, the FAA taking away his license probably won't do much if the idiot is that reckless to begin with.  This is where the knuckleheads that deliberately fly in clouds without an instrument rating or clearance come from (not saying inadvertant flight into IMC because that could happen by accident).

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Just saw an update that he was rushed to the hospital for some reason.  I could not listen to the entire audio file as it was so annoying listening to the way he talked on the radio.  Kudos for the controller's patience with this guy, especially a guy working busy airspace around JFK.  Wonder if his passengers will ever fly in a small airplane again?  Certainly not with him.

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I saw that.  Sounds like maybe the magnitude of his poor judgement has sunk in with all the press coverage, police and FAA interest, audio tapes everywhere, etc.  Sad.  But someone could have been killed.

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You can just see that little prick winking at his passengers listening on headsets while he shamelessly saps resources and puts himself and others at risk. They'll revoke his medical today.....if he ever has access to his ticket again, I'd be surprised. Say GOODBYE to the 500 msl bravo veil south of JFK. I have fond memories transitioning that area. Certainly no more. You gotta love NY Controllers. All business, no BS.

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Pricks like this really piss me off.  Its guys like this that give GA a black eye.  Hopefully common sense will prevail and people in power will realize this is a very isolated incident.  I feel bad for the FBO/owner of the airplane.....salt water can't be good for an airframe and engine.

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The controller tape was just bizarre.  I couldn't tell if he was trying to be clever or what.  The controller remained professional while he was responding in a manner that any pilot would cringe at.  If he has his instrument ticket he has demonstrated competence at a high level.  Just doesn't seem right his actions and decision-making don't seem rational for someone flying...especially with other "friends" on board.

I hope he not only loses his ticket...forever, but also is made to make the owner of the plane whole on his/her loss.  I can't understand how anyone with a pilot's license would act with such disregard for others safety.  The cavalier attitude makes me think there was something else going on.

Interesting that he was taken to the hospital today with seizures or some type of episode.  Wonder if this is faked like the engine problem and the "sick person" on board.  I'd trust him about as far as I could throw him.

GA does get a black eye from idiots like this one.  I will definitely be following the story through to "penalty/excuse" phase.

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Quote: Seth

Actually, there are words for it:  "Duh, Winning" and "Tiger Blood"

If you listen, you just know he's on something or messed up in the head.  And I guess "He" is both Charlie and this idiot pilot.

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I also see that he is (or was )a med student @ my old alma mater,georgetown univ.I bet he is on spring break and he is doing some heavy duty partying .As far as landing on beaches his technique leaves much to be desired.The idea is to try to parallel the beach just at the high tide line to get good firm sand.That usually implys an xwind landing with an on shore flow.He apparently landed directly toward the shore with a probable tail wind.With the salt water breaking over the wings...the warrior is trashed!!!..it is sad to see stuff like this,as it is apparent this kid has "lost it".Oh well if he thinks med school is too tough to handle ,it is better he finds(and the rest of the public)out about it now and change careers before he is allowed to exercise his questionable judgement..kp couch

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I really hope that the company that owns the Warrior sues him for damages. The FAA will find that his claim to a rough engine is false and the ATC recording is very compelling evidence that he chose to do a very stupid thing. The only thing that seems to teach people sometimes is to hit them in the pocketbook.

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Isn't he 24 years old?  Aren't there "kids"...of this age responsible for multi-million dollar aircraft or leading troops in combat?  He is a "man" in the eyes of the law and should be held accountable as such.

I would like to think my 17 year old would exercise better judgement and respect for others property and friends well being...as well as his own.

The poor decision didn't cost him or others their lives or significant personal injury.  Hopefully he learns and exercises better judgement throughout the rest of his days.  I'm glad he is getting the chance to make restitution and change.

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