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The Different Mooney Models -- REAL World Performance

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Fellow Mooniacs,


Regarding the long list of different Mooney models available, something that has always seemed to elude us have been what could one REALLY expect Mooney model x, y or z to really do.  So, for those of us who are current or future Mooney owners, I'd like to propose that we establish this thread for that purpose.  I would like to see actual Mooney owners post what they routinely see for performance from the various Mooney models out there.  Let's say power settings, LOP/Peak/ROP, GPH, TAS at what altitude, etc...


I'll start.


My wife & I own a 1986 J model with GAMI's, powerflow exhaust and K&N air filter with an engine that is under 200 hours since O/H... she runs strong and I routinely see the following:


At 25 ROP off of #2 (first to peak) using a UBG-16 and I like to run 65% power at WOT (using the "47" number) around 9,000 feet...usually 22" & 2500 RPM or 21" & 2600 RPM.  My CHTs are usually 340-360, cowl flaps closed, ram air open, 9.3 to 9.6 GPH and 161 KTAS.  My GAMI spread is 0.2.  I usually cruise between 8 and 12 thousand feet for nearly 20 sm per gallon.  8 and 9 thousand seems to be my J's sweet spot (also mine without O2) and I typically see WOT at 8 and 9 thousand feet giving me 22 or 21" MP, respectively.


Of particular interest to me will be the performance specs for turbo J models, Eagles, 231s, 252/Encores, Ovations and TLS Bravos...


Here's our bird...  



Unmodified M20S


FT, 2400 RPM. 170 KTAS, FF about 12.5 at 4000, 11.3 at 10000, 50 LOP low, 20 LOP high


BTW, quoting a percent power is meaningless.


Nice numbers FlyMU2.  Near as I can tell, you're getting 17.3 sm per gallon at 10K w/ 20 LOP.


BTW, I've heard the talk, but % power does mean something to me.  To each their own, right?


When you say unmodified -- what do you mean?


C model.  I see roughly 152 knots at 9-10.5 gph depending on altitude.  201 cowling, windshield and powerflo exhaust.  I usually cruise at 2400 rpm, full MP.


I keep CHT <380, closer to 360.  I don't watch EGT too much.  

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'82 J Model with GAMIs.  152 Knots @ 10,500 Feet, 2,500 RPM, WOT, LOP, 8.5 GPH


NOTE: As soon as I get my plane back from the paint shop I expect it to be 10 knots faster :)


'82 J Model with GAMIs. 152 Knots @ 10,500 Feet, 2,500 RPM, WOT, LOP, 8.5 GPH

NOTE: As soon as I get my plane back from the paint shop I expect it to be 10 knots faster :)

It should be faster. Not from all the money you put in, rather from how much lighter your wallet is

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'85 M20K 252TSE w/ Reman


Yesterday, from KPVJ (Pauls Valley) to KCXO (Conroe), 11,500', IA 165kts, GS 195kts, sq 25, 11.2 gph.


It should be faster. Not from all the money you put in, rather from how much lighter your wallet is


Owning an airplane is a great way to turn a big pile of money into a small pile of money...but what is money for?

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Nice numbers FlyMU2.  Near as I can tell, you're getting 17.3 sm per gallon at 10K w/ 20 LOP.


BTW, I've heard the talk, but % power does mean something to me.  To each their own, right?


When you say unmodified -- what do you mean?

Not converted to 280 or 310 hp. Also has 2 blade prop.


The only "percent power" that makes any sense to me is when LOP, using the 14.9 x gph formula to get horsepower, then dividing by max power for percent power. There is a formula for ROP ops that somehow estimates mass air flow, but I don't have it at my fingertips.


In my POH there are charts for max power and max economy that give the same percent power at the same MP and RPM whether ROP or LOP. That to me is meaningless.


64' M20 D/C WOT, 2500 RPM, 50 ROP, 9500 MSL 137-138 KTS TAS 8.5 GPH, @18MPG. 3 blade prop.

Checked it many times both with wiz wheel and GPS On a good day maybe 140 KTS on a bad day 135 KTS.

No mods.


'85 M20K 252TSE w/ Reman


Yesterday, from KPVJ (Pauls Valley) to KCXO (Conroe), 11,500', IA 165kts, GS 195kts, sq 25, 11.2 gph.


N252W, regarding your numbers, what true airspeed are you seeing?  If it's about where I think it should be, 11.2 GPH is quite impressive.


From my #'s, TAS was around 190-195.

Assuming you mean KTAS, then I'm thinking your 252 is getting about 19.5 to 20 sm per gallon. Very impressive; the epitome of efficiency for a 4-seat airplane!



115KTAS, 2100rpm, 25", 6.5gph

160KTAS, 2500rpm, 31", 9.5gph

165KTAS, 2500rpm, 33", 10.2gph

170KTAS, 2550rpm, 33", 11gph

180KTAS, 2700rpm, 40", 24gph


145KTAS, 2500rpm, Max MP, 8.2gph

155KTAS, 2500rpm, Max MP, 11gph

The last couple knots are expensive. Might look up the Vz threads for a good paper on efficiency.


What is LOP, I keep seeing everywhere?


lean of peak.  fuel injected guys can do it.  tons of threads about how to do it, but it lets you run a little slower burning substantially less fuel.


1977 J powerflow exhaust, boarding step removed:

8000ft 2700rpm, full throttle, 50rop 12.3gph 168kts true

Same as above but at peak egt, 10.9gph 164kts

Same but 20 lop 159kts 10.1gph

Take 3kts off for 2500rpm and about 1gph less give or take.

Sweet spot is 22"mp 2400rpm 10lop at 8.2gph turning 152kts. Between 7-11k. Mp at 11k Is less so operate at peak egt but same fuel flow of 8.2gph same 152ish kts

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  • 2 weeks later...

Stock '78 J except a Donaldson air filter (which I recommend):


8000 - 10000'


2400 RPM

10-30 LOP

150 KTAS

8.7 GPH

17.24 nm/gal = 19.8 sm/gal... better than my truck




My TKSed Bravo is a 190knot bird at FL180, consuming about 18gph (30/2400) to accomplish that at 1650TIT, or a 200knot bird eating about 22gph AT 34/2400 but that's 89% power, so I never run it that hard.


A lot of times I'll stay down at 12,000, running about 27/2400, around 15.5 gph doing 175knots, or do 185knots on the same fuel flow at FL180.


If I'm really shooting for max millage, I can cruise at 24/2400, around 13.5 gph, doing 155knots at 12,000 or 165knots at FL180. A lot of times my cruise setting for when I get good tailwinds.


I do not like running the Bravo below 2400rpm due to weird vibration. At 2400 mine is turbine smooth.

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