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Check who you're logged in as


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In the past I have found other people posting under my login as well as inadvertantly being logged in as another user on MooneySpace. This is rather un-nerving as other people's posts, comments and opinions appear to come from me (and vise-versa). The latest is the an excellent post in the "201 vs. 231" thread that is listed as written by JimR but sure doesn't sound like JimR's history to me (signed by Randy) - Please correct me if I'm wrong JimR!!

EVERYONE PLEASE: When you open the MooneySpace.com web page, look at the top right of your screen and verify your login name. If you are not logged in with your login name, please log out immediately and log in as yourself. DO NOT MAKE ANY CHANGES TO THAT PERSON'S PROFILE as you will only cause indigestion for everyone involved!!

Craig - I PM'ed you yesterday on this. Please let me know if I can do anything to assist in troubleshooting this.


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Is anybody even paying attention to this?  This thread's been open for almost a year, and it's safe to say the problem predates the thread, but it doesn't seem that anything's been done about it.

Yeah, yeah, I know, it's a free site.  But none of the other free web forums I've seen have this problem.

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"Is anybody even paying attention to this?" - Danb35

Dan and Kendal,


Send requests, recommendations and extra resources to Craig. 

You can find him pretty much at the top of the members list.

He does listen.  He IS busy.... I had a short email exchange with him last week.  He is hopeful to work on some updates...this year?

DanB, You live here, Do you have over 200 posts on the other free sites?

Please keep in mind that MooneySpace is an incredible resource you cannot find anywhere else.  It is free, it has no advertisements, it has no moderator, as such it has no support.  If it were to dissapear overnight there would be many dissapointed Mooney enthusiasts.

I understand your dissapointment.  Let's aim our collective creativity, if we can, towards Craig to see if we can some-how get the resources required to support the developments and fixes you have in mind. 

Long known and accpeted issues: Login identity issue, classifieds, spell check, cut and paste from outside sources, mislabeled buttons, picture support,  different browsers, the list goes on....

In the meantime, I am happy to have met you and shared our common knowlege with you and others such as..People from the Mooney plant, Electronics International, Aspen Electronics, Halo, mechanics, builders, paint shops, MSCs, Professional pilots, engineers, lawyers, instructors, doctors, early adopters, classic keepers, Ambassadors, beginners and experienced alike...

Just wanted to share my thoughts.  MooneySpace is a gift horse....

Best regards,


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I really do appreciate the site it's a great resource.  I'm just pretty ignorant with this computer security stuff.  It just seems like I pulled his info from his compter some how and I don't like the thought of someone gettin my stuff from my computer.  I've used hundreds of online forums and never seen this happen before.  I assumed thats why things are password protected but if you don't need a password or it downloads someone elses password it just concerns me.  Sorry if I sounded ungrateful I really do appreciate the use of this site.



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  • 3 weeks later...
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I noticed an initial post about the "Garmin Magic" announcement by 201-FLYER then a response from 201-FLYER.

So I looked at the Forums screen to see how many logins were listes as 201-FLYER and there are 6. Please see the attached image below.

Craig - can you look into getting this issue rectified? Is there anything I or someone else more SW/Server oriented can help you with?


Dave (I am logged in as FlyDave and I AM FlyDave)


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  • 2 weeks later...

This has happened to me a couple of times. I've worked with websites like this that are based on 'content management' software (Joomla, Droopal,etc.), and there should be a fix from the vendor. It may be as easy as installing the latest update, but they don't show the credits of what software package they're using for this site.

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