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Avidyne IFD440 seeks to replace GNS430s


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I'm always encouraged to see new product, and more competition.  After over a decade of total dominance of the GA avionics market, I wouldn't think that Garmin was surprised to see Avidyne finally make a stab at a competing product to the 430/530.  I am somewhat amused that the offering of these products comes at almost no significant savings to the consumer.  Amused when I think of all the posts on this an other websites that Garmin was gouging the consumer with high prices.  Now, after all this time, the "competition" offers pretty much the same, at pretty much the same price, without the incredibly reliable track record of the Garmin products.

We're all different in our opinions and interpretations of events.  For me, were I upgrading my Bravo at this time, I would honestly not even price anything but Garmin.

Still, I welcome Avidyne to the fray and truly wish them the best.  The "best" being a level of success and reliability that would cause me to consider them viable competition were I upgrading this or another panel.


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I don't know how installers charges would change the opinions posted. I am very fortunate to live 20 miles from a family operated avionics shop whose rates are very reasonable and work, to date, completely acceptable.

All of us in GA are paying for low production numbers of GA products. I'm sure in Europe, it is much worse. I can barely fathom the hassles and costs you must bear to enjoy the privilege of flying in Europe.

I can remember right before the new GA aircraft market went bust, around 1980, Cessna was trying to clear out the "last years" inventory and offering new Skyhawks for something just over $19,000 with a nav/com and txp. The best way to put that in perspective is to recall that in 1981 I bought a new Corvette for $13,000 and today the Corvette would be about $55,000.


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the free market does not exclude trying to get as much as you can from the buyer. quite the opposite, it is about getting as much as the market can bear. add to that that the product needs to be certified or mandated (waas / ads-B). a gps waas will be mandated by the ads-b requirement. 

try to buy a gps for the golf course that will end up as clutter in the garage sooner than later, and the price will be very different.  

that was my cinical 2 cents about market completion.

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I like the IFD-540 and I like that they are working on the IFD-440 to replace the Garmin 430s.  I think Garmin missed the boat big time not wanting to support their loyal customers who have the 530s and the 430s by making the new models size and pin out compatible to the 430 and the 530 so the units could be a slide in replacement.   In face Garmin should have made the 430 and 530 use the same chassis with only added dead space above the tray needed for a 530.  That way if someone had the panel space and had a 430 they could upgrade to the 530 with little difficulty.

On a similar but separate topic I think the other place we need competition is on the data updates.  Jeppesen needs competition.
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Drop in replacement for the 430/530 is genius and frankly what Garmin should have done. The Avidyne product does seem superior in many ways. However, I'm not sure whether or not they will cross fill to my Garmin 696.

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I too am disappointed at the retail price of the new Avidyne units, but they did (maybe still are) offering a substantial discount for early adopters.  The fact that they are tray-compatible with a very large portion of the existing market means their installation costs will be trivial compared to those opting for the GTN-series boxes.  (I still can't believe Garmin went down that road!)  What we don't know yet is the out-the-door price since both manufacturers sell to dealers/installers at less than retail, and there may be plenty of headroom for them to compete with each other for our business.  We'll just have to wait and see, and hope they get to market as promised!

I agree about Jepp prices...  we truly need another provider to re-sell this government data!!!!

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Don't forget Narco, Edo Avionics, S-TEC, Century, and a whole bunch of others.  When companies like these enjoy their life cycle and then fall, even if they are still around, it is hard for them to make a comeback.  Garmin may be about to join King at the ball!

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Honeywell/Bendix-King has gotten in bed with Aspen to revitalize their GA product line after ignoring it for 20+ years.  Who knows if they'll succeed, but getting a third major player into the game can't hurt!  Their previous/recent attempts at a GPS/COM/MFD box and a companion PFD never got to market, but perhaps if they refocus on a GPS/COM that complements the Aspen PFD/MFD products then they will have a nice package.  It would be wise for them to make it tray-compatible with the GNS 400/500 series product lines like Avidyne is doing too.

It would be especially nice if they also re-packaged their own NAVDATA and leave Jepp in their palace.  A tray-compatible product and cheaper data prices would get me to jump!

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Quote: 1964-M20E

I like the IFD-540 and I like that they are working on the IFD-440 to replace the Garmin 430s.  I think Garmin missed the boat big time not wanting to support their loyal customers who have the 530s and the 430s by making the new models size and pin out compatible to the 430 and the 530 so the units could be a slide in replacement.   In face Garmin should have made the 430 and 530 use the same chassis with only added dead space above the tray needed for a 530.  That way if someone had the panel space and had a 430 they could upgrade to the 530 with little difficulty.

On a similar but separate topic I think the other place we need competition is on the data updates.  Jeppesen needs competition.

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While we're wishing and hoping:


I'd like to see a pfd/mfd with a remote GPS/Comm.  skip the dedicated GPS interface entirely.  Less panel space tied up with redundant displays while keeping a single integrated interface to manipulate the GPS, COMM, MFD, PFD.  And all right in front of the pilot.  Kind of like a GTN750 and Aspen 1000pro all in one unit... Love the touchscreen...  Oh, and all for a reasonable price (5k or so).  After all, none of these systems from garmin, aspen or avidyne have more power than my iPhone, and that "only" cost $500!

Since I know that will never happen: how about some cheaper data prices from Jepp!!!!!

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Quote: M016576

While we're wishing and hoping:


I'd like to see a pfd/mfd with a remote GPS/Comm.  skip the dedicated GPS interface entirely.  Less panel space tied up with redundant displays while keeping a single integrated interface to manipulate the GPS, COMM, MFD, PFD.  And all right in front of the pilot.  Kind of like a GTN750 and Aspen 1000pro all in one unit... Love the touchscreen...  Oh, and all for a reasonable price (5k or so).  After all, none of these systems from garmin, aspen or avidyne have more power than my iPhone, and that "only" cost $500!

Since I know that will never happen: how about some cheaper data prices from Jepp!!!!!

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Quote: M016576

While we're wishing and hoping:


I'd like to see a pfd/mfd with a remote GPS/Comm.  skip the dedicated GPS interface entirely.  Less panel space tied up with redundant displays while keeping a single integrated interface to manipulate the GPS, COMM, MFD, PFD.  And all right in front of the pilot.  Kind of like a GTN750 and Aspen 1000pro all in one unit... Love the touchscreen...  Oh, and all for a reasonable price (5k or so).  After all, none of these systems from garmin, aspen or avidyne have more power than my iPhone, and that "only" cost $500!

Since I know that will never happen: how about some cheaper data prices from Jepp!!!!!

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Quote: fantom


The local shop tells me Avidyne hasn't given them any details on the IFD440, but based on the 540 data they have, an install price under the 530W I'm very happy with Tongue out would be "about $2,500".

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One of my sons suggested that I read "How The Mighty Fall" last year.  It is a short, but fascinating, book about large companies that were very successful and "feel from grace".  There are also a few examples of those that remade themselves.

I have long been fascinated by how AT&T missed the cellular market, Xerox the small copier market, and IBM the PC market.  I guess it's like my daddy always told me; there are no smart people and that includes you and me.


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Quote: DaV8or

I don't get it. $2500 for what? It's supposed to drop in the 430's tray and use all the Garmin antennas. Seems like all it would need is adjustments and configuring. Maybe 2 hours labor?

Or, are you talking about install from scratch, with no previous 430?

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