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So I pulled the 2 triangular rear panels that cover the tail hinge during annual/AD compliance and decided to repaint them. They've gone missing and I feel like a total schmuck. I am in need of a generous Mooney owner in the MD area with an F or J model that will let me trace a template from theirs in order to make new ones.  I had an easy annual until I discovered I had done this... Please PM or call (301 502 3924) me if you can help out. I am flexible on timing. I'm based out of KHGR! 



You've just explained where my brand new pint of automotive touch-up paint disappeared to between when I bought it and when I was ready to use it two days later . . . Maybe the hangar faeries decided both could be used elsewhere?


I don't know where they are, but I expect they'll show up right about the time the paint cures on the new pair...If I find someone local that will let me trace them.



If you don't have any luck, I will be happy to fly down next week one day.  It's just a short hop for me and I'd be glad to help you out.

My email is listed below.



Quote: PilotDerek


If you can't find someone local, I can trace mine and mail it to you or scan and email it. Let me know and I can get it done tomorrow.


Quote: Bnicolette


If you don't have any luck, I will be happy to fly down next week one day.  It's just a short hop for me and I'd be glad to help you out.

My email is listed below.


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