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Had my flight bag in my Tahoe between the two seats - some %$Q#@%$ punched the lock and took the bag containing the headset, handheld along with various and sundry flight baggish items.  Cry

No joy from the auto insurance - homeowner deductible is at about replacement value of everything and plane insurance is for theft from the plane only........... BAHHHH.

Question is - now that I have to replace my Bose X (which I do like)  does anyone have experience with the Lightspeed Sierras?

I could go with the new Bose, do an ebay and get a Bose X (tried and true) or for about the same amount as used get the Sierras with the bluetooth and warranty.


That sucks...sorry to hear it.  For what it's worth, and not that it would stop a determined thief, I always put on my full canopy cover when I tie down away from home.  It keeps prying eyes out and it's one more thing potential thieves have to get through to enter the plane. 

As for Bose v/s Lightspeed...for me lightspeed comes out on top.  I used to fly a PAC 750XL for fun and had both the latest bose and lightspeed side by side.  The PAC 750 XL is a very loud single engine turboprop and I tried each on for a minute or two to compare the noise levels.  My uncalibrated ears told me the lightspeed were superior at noise cancelling the big PT-6 and 3 bladed Hartzel.  Also, maybe they just fit my head, but I like the fit of the lightspeed better, your mileage might vary...


That stinks.  Noone should have to go through that.

JMHO, skip the head clamps and go straight to the QT Halo's.  I tried the Bose X and they really hurt after about an hour not to mention the top of the headset hitting the roof with every little bump.  Maybe it's just my head, but I'm also used to wearing the insert type ear plugs from all those years on the range and they are just comfortable over the long haul....

True story, had a four hour flight and went to get out of the airplane and about choked myself.  I forgot the headsets were still on my head. 

The QT's are priced that you can get two pair for the price of one LS or Bose set.

YMMV, yadda, yadda, yadda....



I've seen used Bose X headsets going for about $400. Heck you might just buy your old one back ;-)

Think of it as "redistribution of wealth".


Quote: fantom

I've seen used Bose X headsets going for about $400. Heck you might just buy your old one back ;-)

Think of it as "redistribution of wealth".


Sorry to hear that Mike...I would buy a used Bose X.  The new has brought them down.  Brian must have a big head in his awesome E as I have zero clamping issues with the Bose X.  If ND could actually win he'd really be in trouble...head size that is...I know I know it's your wife...Just having fun.


Quote: scottfromiowa

Sorry to hear that Mike...I would buy a used Bose X.  The new has brought them down.  Brian must have a big head in his awesome E as I have zero clamping issues with the Bose X.  If ND could actually win he'd really be in trouble...head size that is...I know I know it's your wife...Just having fun.


Being broken into is no fun; when it happened to me, I left a lot of rubber in the parking lot heading home.

If you want good performance and a warranty, buy two Quiet Technology Halos and fill your plane for the price of a single new Bose headset. Since getting mine at Christmas, my head enjoys flying much more and I no longer have sweaty ears or headset-hair.


That stinks.  I'm sorry you had to go through that. 

I have an original Zulu, a Zulu 2.0, a 10 year old DC, and another no name brand fourth headset.  I know there is a trade in program for the Zulu headsets - that may be worth it.  If I didn't have the trade in twenty year old still working but not comfy DC that someone else gave me and got me $200 off a Zulu 2.0, I probably would have gone with the Bose A20 headset.

For my head, the Zulu and Zulu 2.0 are better than the Bose X.  However, I'm not sure the difference between the A20 and Zulu 2.0.  I was astounded by the A20 during a test flight with one, but that was compared to the original Zulu - yes the Zulu 2.0 is better than the original Zulu, not by much, but it is better. 

The Halos though I have not tried, have a great bunch of followers. 

Take care,



Sorry you lost your gear. Does your car or home insurance offer any re-imbursement at all? I would keep an eye on Ebay, Barnstormers, and Craigslist. Your experience is driving me to look for a hidden area on my expensive gear where I can engrave some ID. Maybe the N number or a phone number.

Replacement headsets:

I have owned and used QT Halos, Bose X, Telex Stratus 50D, Lightspeed 20XL, and a mess of other pre-ANR and borrowed headsets. 

The QT Halos are my favorite for more than an hour in the air. If I am just hopping around locally I  use the Bose witht eh panel mount connector. Some people are just more sensitive to clamping than others. It's not just "big heads". My wife refuses to use any over the ear head sets because they give her bad headaches. She prefers to use ear plugs for noise reduction with a Telex on the ear headset (the ones sold to executive jet type guys) rather than any over the ear set. The next long trip we go on I'll see if I can get her to try the Halo in-the-ear set. 

The Halos are absolutely amazing for light weight, noise reduction, and no clamping pressure. Putting them on is not as quick as slipping on a clamping headset, but after more than a year of use, it is pretty easy. I've never had any complaints from ATC about voice quality using the Halos, although a couple times I have had to 'speak up' when using my old Bose X. You can easily forget you have the Halos on, which  I have never done with a conventional headset.

The Bose X ANR circuit just crapped out on one headset. I haven't gotten around to getting a price on fixing it yet. I am hoping the Bose factory is better about repairs than the Telex was when it needed work. I will never buy another Telex regardless of price or features after dealing with them on a repair a couple years ago. Non responsive and insanely high 'flat rate' repairs whcih are obvioulsy intended to discourage any repairs. Fortunately I knew a printed circuit board repair tech who found a bad solder connection on the power portion of the PCB and fixed it without the $500 (from memory) flat rate repair cost. It took him about 30 minutes, including re-assembly and testing. That would work out to $1000 an hour for the flat rate repair.

Lightspeed has always been absolutely fantastic about any questions or customer service for my many years old 20XL headset. They should be put up as case study for excellence in customer service. Once I called them to tell them I broke the 'yoke' that holds the ear cup. The lady answering the phone said 'that should not happen'  and sent me free parts for both L&R sides, well after the official warrantee period. Replacement ear and headband pads are sent out promptly, cheerfully, and at a reasonable cost. I like these guys. I bought the Stratus 50D because I wante to try the digital ANR system to see how much different it would be. It is difficult to do a side-byside comparison,but my thoughts are maybe a little better thna the Lightspeed 20XL. I can't tell the difference betweent the Bose X and the Stratus 50D, although the specs show the 50D is better at adaptive ANR.

My 'new' plane has only one panel mount connector (pilot), so I just traded the Telex 50D with the Lemo /panel connector in on the new Zulu 2 (should be delivered today or tomorrow). 

When I did the trade in I could have traded either the Telex or the Bose. The Telex is bigger and bulkier.  I could not tell any difference between the Telex and the Bose ANR performance. Plus, I didn't want to trade in a non-functional Bose. It didn't seem cricket.

Unless I really fall in love with the new Zulu I will probably continue to use the QT Halo and let my son use the Zulu, or he can continue to use the Lightspeed 20XL, which he seems to like.

I think the best advice I can pass along is that you should try to borrow any headset you are thinking about and see if it works for you. Everyone is different and what works super fo rme not be your preference.

These things are all expensive. If you can possibly try out a set first it would be great.

Best of luck, 





Go halo, and if you don't go back, a few of us can all say we told you so.

If you do go back, I will be in the market for a used set of halos....

Let me know...

Best regards,



Just got some Halos about 2 weeks ago and have had a couple of flights with them.

I really like them and recommend them. Totally eliminates the head clamp and is very easy to forget it is there.


I have 5500 hours on a Bose X and when it finally breaks again (3x at 250$ each), I am going with Lightspeed Zulu 2.   The bose X is fragile and the A20 is marginally better.  Still feels cheapo for a 1K headset.


Thanks all for the feedback - I flew two hours last night doing IFR training with an ASA non ANR head set I have for back seaters, I still have a headache this morning - makes me think I have to upgrade for the pax!!  


I bought a pair of lightspeed zulus off ebay and a set of bose a20  . I have been using the lightspeeds and love them. Have not tried the Bose yet but am sure they are just as comfortable.I guess it is what you get use to ,but if I had to do over again I should have just bought another Bose X headset like I had before.


Some people have no shame, but I'm convinced there's a special place reserved in hell for them.

You need to get out of the 1960's mindset and pickup a pair of Halo's. My instructor bought a pair two weeks ago and after yesterday's flight was still raving about their comfort.



I'd start watching eBay for Bose headsets being sold in your area.  Then watch what other items the guy is selling.  I caught three thieves when my car was broken into and my airline flight back was stolen.  I found my telex headset and the leather flight bag itself on eBay and called the police who were investigating. They have all been convicted.  They will have no use for the Bose and will not have many options for selling them. A pawn shop probably wouldn't give much cash for them. Good luck!

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