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Right main gear is tilted slightly inward


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Most of the mooneys I have looked at all seem to have one or both gears tilted inward slightly. How tilted inward is it? Do you have any pictures? I have heard of the gear folding up on the Johnson Bar system. Most were because the bar was not secured properly in the down lock block under the dash or the block was warn out.  If it were me, I would have it checked out by a qualified MSC, just to be sure it's OK.

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Some things to consider while you are getting pictures this weekend...

tilted inward sounds less like "over-center".  As George points out, Down and locked, over center, no big deal.  Not over center indicates not locked, need to verify.

Visual cues on the MLG are challenging to discern.  The angles of the wing make the MLG look like they are 15 deg off.

Look to see if anything has changed.  visual inspection around the gear support and retract mechanism that you can see.  look for any bends, scratches, missing paint etc...

Landing on one MLG first does not present a problem in itself, unless that one MLG always gets a burst of side loading, such as landing in the crab... or high speed turns off the runway.

Best regards,


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If it were me, I would jack and level the plane, then measure the landing gear while you're inspecting everything.  Grab your favorite mechanic if you're unfamiliar with everything.  I have a "digital protractor" device that is useful for measurements like that.  Level the plane, then measure the angles on the gear tubes L & R and note any differences.  Since our planes are hand-built, there could be some variation, but more than a degree or two should possibly be a cause for concern.  I know my main gear differ by 0.5 or 1.0 degree (can't remember now) and I was mildly surprised when I measured that.  The gear pre-loads on both sides were in-spec, though.

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