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I just bought a Gopro camera and decided to check on landing gear's function.  I attached the camera with double sided tape and duct tape to the tail cone.  I am new to editing with Gopro so bless the mess :)


Here is the link to public folder on dropbox.




Dropbox dropped the link due to high activity :(


Here is a youtube link:



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M20S Driver:


Oops....   This is the message I got when I followed the link.  Probably means you did a good job and it is more popular than the service provide can cater for.




Error (509)

This account's public links are generating too much traffic and have been temporarily disabled!


Nice landings. Oh by the way did anyone notice the step not retracting? I heard that's worth a couple of knots. When I purchased my F model I had that problem. My A&P cleaned and greased it that was 2 years ago and still working great.


Nice flying and video!!! Some suggestions:

a.- Use the adhesive pads provided by Go Pro. They work well. Just tape them at least a day before you fly.

b.- Tilt the camera slightly more downwards. That way you capture more realstate, instead of the fuselage,

c.- Think about a story line and add some captures for those of us that do not know the area.


I really liked the area...continue sharing.




Nice flying and video!!! Some suggestions:

a.- Use the adhesive pads provided by Go Pro. They work well. Just tape them at least a day before you fly.

b.- Tilt the camera slightly more downwards. That way you capture more realstate, instead of the fuselage,

c.- Think about a story line and add some captures for those of us that do not know the area.

I really liked the area...continue sharing.


If he added drop tanks, a rocket pod or two and a Pave to drop, that would be fun to watch. ;)

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Speed brakes. You use them often? All the way to the runway?

I was doing some transition flying with Bob Cabe an instructor that Jimmy Garrison recommended and which I also now recommend, when I bought my log body. He did alot of instruction for the new plane purchasers at Mooney and had some discussions with the factory guys about speed brakes and landings. He said that they claimed 200 feet less ground roll on landing with the speed brakes deployed but this is 2nd hand knowledge from me. I have not personally tested it but will see if I can get some repeatable results to see if their claims are true.


Speed Brakes shorten the landing roll but I don't use them in a short field approach since I may need every inch of the runway/climb rate to go around.  I always use them if I am high for the approach and landing at a very long runway!!!  Otherwise, the best plan is to go around :)


I enjoyed watching your trip. Having grown up in the Bay Area liked to see familiar areas. By the way what's the story on slipping a long body?

I have done it a few times and did not have any problems.   The main challenge was speed control after the slip at low altitude.  In most cases I used up a lot of runway since I kept the speed high (90-100 Knots)!!!


As for LBs and slips...

Slips are not recommended... One known accident... (Tail plane stall caused by shadowing???)

Hence, the popularity of speed brake installations.

Speed brakes have a very noticeable feel at high air speeds. To get a good measurable result in landing roll, an app like CloudAhoy would be helpful...

At landing speeds and attitude, you would need to look at them, to see if they are deployed or not... (My opinion, of course)

Best regards,


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