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Hey all,


I've dropped subtle hints lately about my move from the J to an Ovation. Last weekend was the closing, and since a couple of folks have asked, here's the big reveal. I brought the plane home from Florida on Friday, and of course we had a crappy weather weekend in Atlanta so there it has stayed but I'm looking forward to getting it out this week some more.


Details are that it's an Ovation 3 GX...with a bit of a history!  Anybody who was patrolling Controller undoubtedly saw her sitting there forlornly but in full splendor, waiting for somebody to come along who could accept that her prior owner never really got the hang of flying her. After two prop dings and a gear-up he called it quits. But the damage repair has been fully vetted and is rock solid, and with only 390 hours she's practically brand new. And at a price that couldn't be beat.


So, now I REALLY have to sell the J...any takers!?






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Jeff good luck with your new plane it looks like a clone of my GX. You'll fall in love with the avionics. Consider buying Max Trescotts G-1000 book. Have fun you've got a lot of plane there.




I have one of the first M20R's, 190 knots at 75% power, just like the book says.


I am aware of increased prop rpm's and thus increased HP and a faster climb rate for the 03.


Curious as to what the book says for cruise.


You will enjoy the increased longitudinal stability on takeoffs and landings and in my experience crosswind landings are


no longer a concerning factor.  (Previous plane was a Bellanca Super Vike, you never knew which side of the runway it would try to exit, you just knew it was going to be a rock and roll rudder dance)


Congratulations again and best.




Welcome to the O club!!!

I picked up the tracks you were laying down...

I was surprised to not see an updated avatar and data block.

As usual, consider some MAPA training...

Best regards,



Thanks all. Yes, the J is back on the ramp and if I were to personify an airplane (and who among us doesn't do that?!) I would say she's a bit pissed off, especially with the "For Sale" banner sleeved onto two prop blades. But it's for a good cause...I'm hoping a new owner will come along quickly and treat her with the same respect I have. There are a few people taking a look now so we shall see.


I especially like the cup holders. Welcome to the O club!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


That's some expensive upholders!  :-)  Enjoy!


Agree with triple8s - you'll spend more, but you'll certainly know where that money went.  Congratulations, welcome to the Ovation Club, and fly safe.  Hope to meet up with you one of these days...


I just got my first months gas bill from the marina. It was higher than the gas bill for the FBO! And I flew to the beach 4 times this month.  So the Ovation is at least a cheaper distraction than a little boat! 

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I've never owned a boat. One reason is my wife has always had a motion sickness issue and her idea of fun is definitely not riding around on a boat. Of course, her idea of fun didn't include riding around in a little airplane, either, until she realized how quickly it gets her to the beach. And now I own 2 airplanes (which is hopefully a temporary condition!).


Hmm...hope that doesn't mean I have to pay for a boat sometime in my future.  Oh well, boys gots to have toys.




Congratulations!  You are going to love the cruise speed.  When you are in a stiff headwind, think back to what your groundspeed would have been, and be happy you are fortunate enough to be in an O.


I owned my Missile and my former M20F for a few short days together - the F thank goodness sold quickly.  It was bittersweet but I know the current owner, and he's taken good care of her - new paint and some other fix ups. 


Happy flying and here's to a quick sale.  Make sure to get a picture of two of your "fleet" for the history books.



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