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Everything posted by McMooney

  1. I have them, sitting on a table probably never to be installed 8). Purchased fully intending to install but figured it was sooo much easier checking tire pressure without
  2. shrug, it's to the point where around houston, I cannot depend on anything vor related being operational. flew kdwh-knew yesterday 2 of the 3 vor's on my route were out. last month, randomly decided to shoot an approach into klbx oops ils was out, and of course atc didn't mention it. same, day shot the ils into kgls, vor for missed approach was out. yes, there are notams but in an emergency you'd be screwed
  3. 1. Get rid of the ki-214, they are nigh impossible to fix and any used ones are likely to be bad. If you must, there is one guy in Lafayette Indiana who can service them, somewhat. If the installer can get you the Val and make it legal, i'd consider it. VHF Nav is on life support at this point, I'd say do NOT depend on it in an emergency or atleast be very cautious. you know that makes me think, can they PLEASE do something better than NOTAMS, i mean yes if i'm planning a flight i can read thru the 1000 items to find notam'd navaids, but, what happens in an emergency? do i stop the plane while i read up on the latest notam'd vortac, ils, dme ?
  4. uh huh, it's coming we promise, pinky swear
  5. omg, that's just insane. My surefly was installed during annual, so some of the interior was out anyway but if i remember correctly i think it may have been 5 or 6 hours ?
  6. If you're not constantly filling 4 seats, get an E. Not sure about the older E's but in my 74, once i'm in with the seat pulled up, there's plenty of room in the back. I'm about 6'0. they sit like a sports car, matter of fact it's exactly like my camaro, no room at all until the seats move forward.
  7. SMH -- see, see this is how it goes, give a guy an Instrument Rating and he goes out and gets an ovation 8). Congratz btw
  8. GA is far too expensive, yes there will always be the few who have enough dough to do whatever they want but for the rest, they have better things to do with money. esp when new sexy cost close to a million dollars, just sayin. we should fight tooth an nail to reduce cost. tell garmin 10k is far to much for a damn gps, 20k is too much for an autopilot.
  9. I'm in, sign me up
  10. kinda hard to imagine not having room in the C. In my E, at 6'0 with 32in inseam, with the seat all the way back I'm FAR from reaching rudders and i'm stretching for the yoke. that being said, i'm thinking bout taking the right seat out so i can have peace when the wife comes along. shhh don't tell her i said that
  11. just had to go there, smh, can't let the touch-n-go people be 8)
  12. Replacing the tire and shimming the nose gear fixed my shimmy. Really think it was mostly replacing the nosewheel tire that did it
  13. 15 - 20 miles, like to give plenty of warning.
  14. Same, i add a bit of the compressed variant
  15. I'm with you, i love flying high, less traffic, better weather and the oxygen doesn't bother me. maybe they could add a built in oxygen concentrator. I love my E but if I ever upgrade, the next plane will be turbonormalized. honestly make it a turbodiesel and less expensive than a cirrus/diamond and you'd win.
  16. maybe think about an E, the best model mooney ever made 8). Unfortunately, i'm finding most flying to be solo. Get an E put all the saved money into the avionics
  17. Sorry to hear about your instructor, i understand, my CFII died in a plane crash right before my IR checkride; Really miss her yelling at me. My numbers are with gear and takeoff flaps, flap speed in my E is 125mph. One of the things she beat into my head was to have flaps, lights, catmissed, etc done by halfway on the Inbound segment so that at the final you only have to drop gear and ride it in. The speed, except for a timed approach and being above stall is almost meaningless, 100 to 120 just happens to be where birdy feels most comfortable/stable. I once tried shooting an approach at 80ish knots, literally had approach telling other planes how the slow mooney was holding things up, like i wasn't ON channel. wth. also made the approach take FOREVER.
  18. Just figured out my numbers last week, only been 1.5 years since getting the IR. numbers for my E model 2300 rpm 20 in upon entering approach area 2300 rpm 18 in before FAF 2300 rpm 14 to 16 in FAF to runway, i usually try to shoo the approach at about 110 mph. atc tends to yell at me when I get much slower.
  19. how much for the clock
  20. IFR everywhere. it seems to make flying under and between the Houston and Dallas B's easier. I also find it much easier to find airports when IFR 8) Prior to the rating, I had no issues flying 1000+ miles VFR, just had to be prepared to sit at times. Actually, most of the times i was forced to sit VFR, would've also kept me from flying IFR.
  21. darn, i'd have done it just to get it off my bucket list. well next year once i finish my commercial
  22. http://www.wetwingologistseast.com/Contact.php
  23. hey LP's are coming back, never know about cassettes, just sayin
  24. This, can't stand birdy not being in the Hangar, really makes me irritable. Hope you get her back soon
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