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Everything posted by McMooney

  1. seems to work as well as the nav radios for the localizer at KDWH but have to admit i haven't really played with it much. I'd rather have it than not in a pinch but honestly, things have gotten really bad if i'm at that point.
  2. I believe it's a b5 or b6, so just have to find a dg coupler and i'm golden
  3. already have accutrack, i want to switch from the magnetic deal to follow a dg
  4. Hey Kevin, what need i do to get my system to follow heading instead of the magnetic doohicky
  5. hmm, my camaro will get 30MPG , actually true, 36MPG when i'm really being miserly. love it to death, but would def trade it in for a 300 mile per charge version. haven't kept a car for 7 years yet, let alone the 10 years it'll take to kill the battery. Just the idea of only stopping at gas stations when i do road trips just gives me the warm and fuzzy. seriously, i bet i've been in a gas station atleast once for almost every week of my life, even before getting my license.
  6. I have the yaesu 750 YAESU VERTEX FTA 750L VHF HANDHELD RADIO - LI ION BATTERY | Aircraft Spruce, Not an expert on handhelds but this thing is really nice. rechargeable battery, really really loud, tracks vor/loc has gps, also gets these nice weather channels.
  7. Now that i think of it, I don't think i'll notice a diff once ev range averages somewhere between 300 and 400 miles; gladly getting out of the car and taking a break. what's that like 5 or 6 hours of driving ?
  8. Same. Also, i just like the plane being ready to go.
  9. I'm pretty much always at max fuel, 52Gals though. rather leave people than gas
  10. this would def work : Ford Eluminator Motor Comes From Mustang Mach-E GT, Costs $3,900 (fordauthority.com) just have to worry about batteries.
  11. I think it was a V-tail bonanza
  12. can i get a few of these ?
  13. man, you think that's bad. just had this done, really hoping the LED is as reliable as they say. added landing light cover, hard to see clear plastic.
  14. call lasar, yash may be able to sort you
  15. since you already have nav, i'd just buy a gnx375 to replace the current gps and transponder. adsb and rnav approaches all in one 8). working on your ifr you def want waas, makes things soo much easier.
  16. man, guess i'm a glutton for pain, i have a Stratus 2i mounted behind the glareshield And a GDL393d on the floor between the seats. 750$ doesn't sound that bad
  17. that's actually pretty nice add a g5 and gfc500 and go to town. would mention trutrak but you'll prob be fully retired in prescott driving a golf cart b4 it's released. only thing missing is Waas.
  18. note, you'll be paying for multiple db subs in this fit.
  19. I'd leave out the garmin panel mount and go with a portable tablet. or two/three hehe. maybe add a garmin nav/com. I believe the hdx's have backup gps
  20. I currently use Garmin Pilot on an IPad Mini5, Samsung Tab S7 and Samsung ultra S21+, everything works great. BUTTTT mainly due to size, i'll be replacing the Samsung Tab with an IPad Mini6. Also, i tend to prefer the cell/gps model, it's nice being able to work independent of wifi or another device
  21. Cricut Maker Machine, Champagne - Walmart.com get this, all the stickers and overlays you could ever want. give it to your wife as a gift, she'll be so happy she'll make the stickers for you
  22. I meant prop full forward and just verify the flaps are at takeoff 8). I generally try to keep the speed around 100kts
  23. I want this mod, would make my E perfect.... esp with the other tank mod being unobtanium at the moment. is there anyway you could forward all the docs ?
  24. 1974 m20e Initial approach area 2300/20 - slows the plane to something reasonable, generally about 120 to 130 approach 2300/18 - def in gear/flap range, add takeoff flaps and configure plane between if and faf right before FAF, gear, undercarriage, mixture, prop full, flaps takeoff(verify), power 2700/16-15 to mins.
  25. come on now, you can order it on Aircraft Spruce, probably only 2 or 3 years out
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