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Everything posted by McMooney

  1. you know I was thinking bout that, what's the best kinda wax? was thinking of hitting it with some carnauba; probably take all day to wax. found a guy at the airport, kdwh, who does avionics. thinking about removing the HUGE beacon and replacing my kx170b with maybe a kx155 or gnc 255a. would love a set of sl30's but man those things are expensive.
  2. man that is one gorgeous plane.
  3. is it as simple as sewing up a set? no special material required? also, if I have strobes on each wing and the tail, can I dump the rotating beacon.
  4. mine has the curtain rods. I know it's totally 70's but I would love to find a new set.
  5. I know right, my poor little mooney was put out there with the big boys.
  6. just up late, i'm in Houston. Yeah I read that, the ap/ia that owned her did an amazing job of getting her back together. Anyone know where I can get curtains made for the side windows ?
  7. Not really, I've followed the site for months now; reading everything in prep to buy my first mooney.
  8. Hello mooneyspace, just introducing myself, I'm the new owner of n7106v( less than 24hrs now ). I really can't believe I actually own an aircraft. Thanks to the previous owner for putting her back together.
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