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Everything posted by McMooney

  1. Don't be to rash, they might not leak. could last 1 day or 20 years
  2. is the issue you contacted tower regarding your gear status or that you changed a lightbulb? My guess it's about contact with ATC. Answers for Pilots: Preventive Maintenance - AOPA there are also a number of letters where an FAA rep has stated they cannot give an exhaustive list of owner maintenance.
  3. Already have my electric silverado reserved, can't wait to Roll IONS
  4. 99% of the time. Either IFR for trips or Flight Following for puttering about. The Houston area is too busy to be flying about silent, at least for me 8).
  6. So, another consideration. My current airport is privately owned, meaning i can just about do whatever i want with my Hangar. ( some rules ) the new hangars are of course county owned which comes with lots and lots of rules. ex. limited maintenance, no couches, tvs, only tiny fridge. essentially no Hangar Man Cave. can't use extra space for storage, blah blah blah
  7. Strange thought popped into my head, if i get the closer hangar and bike to the plane, would my flying then be Carbon Neutral ?
  8. second, that. in the 20 years i've flown with anr headsets i've never ran out of battery while flying. I actually rotate my spare batteries for fear they'll get old before i use them. also, my newest headsets zulu3 and sierras are so passively quiet, the ANR is kinda a nice to have; wouldn't be a big deal if it failed in flight.
  9. All 3 have rnav and ils/loc approaches available, 7000+ ft runways, fuel, fbos.
  10. I long ago napkin calculated the move from kdwh->ksgr would essentially be a wash due gas/tolls/wear, just something primal cb about 600 vs 400.
  11. 2016 2LT RS -- Actually got it to have some fun while saving gas. Picture is a bit old, current max is 36.1mpg not really unusual though, owned almost exclusively camaros since 1996, all have approached or exceeded 30mpg when driven sensibly. what surprised me, was a vette i rented for a road trip, thing destroyed 30mpg hwy, think i calculated like 33 or 34
  12. hmm, those numbers must be old, my camaro pushes 30+ mpg
  13. so, got lucky county airport 1hour away has an opening, cost is slightly less than half what i pay now. same time, airport 5 miles from me also now has an opening, cost is about 1.45 times what i pay now. what to do: x * 1.45 @ 10mins x @ 45 mins or x/2 @ 60min
  14. I think it took like two days to install my pma8000g, whole job, audio panel, gns480, antennae, indicator, davtron, wiring fuel flow took 5 days. I did give the installer a bit of a head start by purchasing a prebuilt harness from spruce
  15. quick look at the site, the tailbeaconX unlike the TailBeacon, is a full blown transponder with 1090Adsb and diversity. Man, if i didn't already have adsb, i'd prob think about this
  16. Garmin pilot user here, love it. really liked foreflight also but it was more expensive. hope Garmin doesn't feel the need to keep up on pricing. question: anyone know can verify the stratus 3i is compatible with GP, site says the stratus 3 is but nothing about the 3i
  17. NavStrobe Sextant Aircraft Navigation System with Constant & Fast Strobes 45w FAA-TSO | Aircraft Spruce
  18. As both radios are wass, I'd just keep the 430w and 530w, save those install dollars. admit, there are nice new features in 750 but what a horrible price to pay. g3x, g5 and gfc500 sound great. eventually, i'm going 3x gi275. (adi, hsi, engine monitor). was thinking g3x but installer started talking extra 0's.
  19. never pay attention to the fuel flow, I lean till its running slightly rough. mixture becomes my throttle
  20. Engine monitor and simple comm might be easier to find a good AP. Brian Isabell @ kaxh or Bat Aviation @ KDWH could probably sort you. Actually Brian has an avionics guy now so probably can handle everything. Would trust brian with everything mooney. James Miller - Brazos Avionics @ ellington field Avionics unlimited @kcxo also i remember there being a shop on ksgr, sugarland avionics. they spent some hours on my plane once charged me like 100$, seemed nice.
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