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There's really no way to block a user so I never have to see a post from him again?

St. Louis ATC conversation with pilots ... St. Louis approach to United: "United 126 best forward speed to the marker, you're number one." United 126 (male voice): "Roger, balls to the wall." St. Louis approach to American: "American 4521, you're number two behind the United 737, follow him, cleared visual, best forward speed." American 4521 (female voice): "Well I can't do balls to the wall but I can do wide open." -Radio silence- Unidentified Pilot (male voice): "Is American hiring?"
Good try! But I think this thread is a crash and burn.
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Okay, I missed a lot of good stuff here.(I was drafting a 20 page motion for new trial that has 21 exhibits--this is WAY more fun). But let's get real: My next writing assignment is a Writ of Certiorari to the US Supreme Court that is on behalf of a gentleman who was injured on the job in Texas where Worker's Compensation Insurance companies promised, in exchange for the darling of the right wing "tort reform" that they would get "lifetime medical benefits". Guess what happens next? The comp carrier cut him off by hiring a doctor to say that his L5-S1 ruptured disc healed all by itself and his uninterrupted string of doctors visits would now become someone else's problem. 

Who's problem do you think they became? 

They became the tax payer's problem. Because of his work related injury, he can no longer work. He has sufficient credits to qualify for some measly income benefits (certainly not enough to have anything in common with anyone on this board).  The tax payer is picking up the tab on Mr. Caldera and all those like him in Texas. Medicare paid over 50k for his surgery when the Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania turned their back on him.  

Bottom line: when you talk about where the money is being spent and why, realize that Mr. Caldera is one of tens of thousands of people in just in the state of Texas that can no longer work 3 years after their work-related injury. 

Want another fun fact? For 20 years Texas has had a super majority Republican government that has never met an insurance company it didn't love.  

Think I'm full of it? Fact check me: Google "Caldera v. The Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania." And "never bring a knife to a gun fight."



I have an upscale disability policy (governments will protect people if they loose arms or legs, but not vocal chords). So my upscale Afflac will bring me cushy workman's comp type benefits for GUESS HOW LONG!!!!!!!!! T-H-R-E-E  Y-E-A-R-S!!!!!!!! This is why there are occupational therapists, accountability and the necessity TO MOVE ON!!!!! The promise of medical care in perpetuity for occupation specific rehabilitation under a workman's comp claim is not realistic. On the bright side....HE GETS OBAMACARE IN JANUARY!!!!!!!



scottfromiowa, on 25 Jun 2013 - 3:50 PM, said:

NOT poor. You have a Mooney MSE.

I can be hated on 3-blade prop thread or here...doesn't matter to me one bit. I don't hate the man or woman...I hate the politics.



I got lucky on a real estate deal. Problem was I had to give the IRS $220,000. Left only $117,000 for a plane. My daily bills come from fixing cars. With this Bummer of an economy the plane is for sale and has been for almost 2 years. 3 years since we pulled a real profit. Worst business enviornment in the 32 years I have been in business. This government is making it worse not better. Spending "other peoples money" to buy votes is KILLING this country. Both sides need fixed. Socialist side is the one killing the economy. You simply cannot pay people to not work and expect things to last. Social security is a Ponzi scheme we would be better off without. I for one would give up my share of what I paid in, Self employed so I saw the 15.3% gone right off the top, if they shut the whole thing down.

 Scott you're right about hyphenated names to. Just someone being pretentious, kind of like a Porche is now a Por-shay. Pure sillieness.


scottfromiowa, on 25 Jun 2013 - 3:50 PM, said:

NOT poor. You have a Mooney MSE.

I can be hated on 3-blade prop thread or here...doesn't matter to me one bit. I don't hate the man or woman...I hate the politics.



I got lucky on a real estate deal. Problem was I had to give the IRS $220,000. Left only $117,000 for a plane. My daily bills come from fixing cars. With this Bummer of an economy the plane is for sale and has been for almost 2 years. 3 years since we pulled a real profit. Worst business enviornment in the 32 years I have been in business. This government is making it worse not better. Spending "other peoples money" to buy votes is KILLING this country. Both sides need fixed. Socialist side is the one killing the economy. You simply cannot pay people to not work and expect things to last. Social security is a Ponzi scheme we would be better off without. I for one would give up my share of what I paid in, Self employed so I saw the 15.3% gone right off the top, if they shut the whole thing down.

 Scott you're right about hyphenated names to. Just someone being pretentious, kind of like a Porche is now a Por-shay. Pure sillieness.


Wow, someone else to block.  Loving being able to separate the wheat from the chaffe like this, definitely reduces my reading material.  I'll let mom and dad know you don't approve of the free choice they made in naming me, they will love to hear your opinion I'm sure, should I call my elderly mom or dad silly first, how is this done, is there a protocol?  Hm, I wonder if I should send in for a new pilots license that reads Mrs. Byron Rodgers, you know a gal is not "really" married until she ceases to be a person and just becomes an extension of her husband, how did I miss that part of my vows?!   Obviously my name invalidates anything I have to say since it makes me all uppity and stuff.  But, that same dad is a small business owner and he made record profits this year despite additional taxes (the taking off of the income limits on medicare tax really does cost people who make lots of money... ), and the S&P 500 is up 15% since the new year, so the evidence I see in both the statistics and personal experience is that business is improving coming out of the recession and despite the increased tax burden.  Perhaps its just that you should take some individual responsibility for your business decisions and the associated failures and consider another line of work?  Also if your plane hasn't sold in two years, you obviously have it unrealistically priced and/or are failing to advertise, a good businessman usually understands the market well enough to resolve issues like that.




Consider me seared.


Silly, pretentious and B!cca-Mean.



Still no defence for SS or spending other peoples money.

The real issues in this country get ignored because NO polititian has the courage to back off from the nanny state. Nobody wants to give up their piece of the pie. The AARP is a great example of this. And they tend to be whiter and more conservative than most "taker" groups.  A significant voter group that wont back off now that they are on the getting end of SS. Current retirees "get" more than they paid for while future ones will get "less". When, and it is when not if, the money for socialism runs out the money for General aviation will already be gone. We lost Loran already, the only nationwide navigation system not susseptible to outside inteferance, to the $ crunch. What is next. Pretty soon it will be "all eggs in a leaky basket" GPS. VOR and NDB are going. No new ones ever and attrition will kill the rest. Just like GA airports. ANYTHING we lose is gone forever.............

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They don't all belong in the kitchen, Scott.

+1, indeed!

Some do better in some rooms than others. You have to let them explore and find their nitch.

In addition to the kitchen, mine excels in the br and laundry room. Multitasker!

  • Like 1

Nobody cares.

Wow no wonder nobody will go flying with you. The good thing is, time only works for me, friend.


Sooooooo............how about that IO360! One hell of a power-plant eh? Bulletproof!

LOP, camguard?

Where's Mike when we need another poll!


Comity anyone? Sometimes funny in a weird way, but this is supposed to be a Mooney forum, You know, engines, airframes, helping one another solve problems, and all that. Don't kill the messenger, but its time to knock it off for this thread. 

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Good thing Byron is cheap, he needs the cash to buy the pants for Becca.



Ok - this has been one down and dirty mud slinging event.  I have already expressed my opinions on the topic and I don't care to add any further on that.


This tension has been underlying apparently and obviously for the rapidity with which it grew into a house fire.  Unfortunately I suspect a great deal of what is being said here would not have happened in person if said face to face, but is more likely in partly a symptom of the typed online setting.  


So I will please this: For the sake of the health of the forum for all, I will plead of all the parties here.  Please do keep the mud slinging, deserved or not, heart felt or not, to this thread alone and possibly PMs, since it is toxic to mooneyspace generally if it leaks out more generally.

Ok - this has been one down and dirty mud slinging event. I have already expressed my opinions on the topic and I don't care to add any further on that. This tension has been underlying apparently and obviously for the rapidity with which it grew into a house fire. Unfortunately I suspect a great deal of what is being said here would not have happened in person if said face to face, but is more likely in partly a symptom of the typed online setting. So I will please this: For the sake of the health of the forum for all, I will plead of all the parties here. Please do keep the mud slinging, deserved or not, heart felt or not, to this thread alone and possibly PMs, since it is toxic to mooneyspace generally if it leaks out more generally.
How about one better? Knock it off!

I have an upscale disability policy (governments will protect people if they loose arms or legs, but not vocal chords). So my upscale Afflac will bring me cushy workman's comp type benefits for GUESS HOW LONG!!!!!!!!! T-H-R-E-E  Y-E-A-R-S!!!!!!!! This is why there are occupational therapists, accountability and the necessity TO MOVE ON!!!!! The promise of medical care in perpetuity for occupation specific rehabilitation under a workman's comp claim is not realistic. On the bright side....HE GETS OBAMACARE IN JANUARY!!!!!!!

Well, this is where it gets tricky. The facts and...well, the law matter. And it depends on which state you live in as to whether private sector cost shifting is occurring on an a smaller and inadvertent level or on a larger scale.  When you pretend to know that lifetime medical care for a specific injury is not realistic, you expose your ignorance in a large way.  (Kind of like Newbie wanting to buy a Bonanza and a Mooney because he wants the 'best of both worlds.'),  (Hold on everyone: this self-confessed diatribe will worm itself back to the OP--promise.)   Texas Work Comp, like many other forms comp. including U.S. Longshore and Harborworker's Act, is a private policy, premium-paid insurance that has lifetime medical for the specific compensable injury. See Tex. Lab.Code Sec 408.021.  It's realistic and it's worked since 1913.

The Medicare Act (42 USC) was passed in 1964. Whether you agree with the basic premise or not is irrelevant at this point--sort of like if you still believe in "separate but equal." 

Nonetheless, pursuant to the Medicare Act, it was intended to remedy the fact that there were so many retirees of industry and the military that were falling between the cracks in middle to old age and certain employers failed to protect the retirement funds of their employees (Studebaker is the most famous example--it used the retirement funds of its employees to fund its loosing grip on the auto industry--then filed bankruptcy). Well, it took over a decade to get Congress to pass ERISA to directly address an employers fiduciary duties to its employees ("damn government regulation--stepping in and protecting people from dishonest employers!), but the need for Medicare was so obvious and the US healthy enough (not in a gigantic $$$$$$$ hole), that the bargains were struck, exchanges were made and it became law. 

In 1980, Ronald Reagan signed the Medicare Secondary Payer Act (42 USC 1395y). That law makes ALL other forms of insurance that "have or had" responsibility to pay for a particular service, the "primary payers." The penalty for failing to pay for an item or service within a reasonable time (120 days of presentment) is that the primary payer is subject to a claim by Medicare or an affected beneficiary for double damages plus penalty interest at the same rate as delinquent taxes...ouch! 

Well, if that damn liberal, Ronald Reagan said Medicare is vital to protect the interests and health of an aging population and shouldn't be burdened by cost-shifting private enterprise, who the hell am I to disagree?

Becca raised an important and relevant point in her original post: the AOPA represents pilots. That's it. And when the organization that we all support tends to question spending on matters that affect one sector of the population without questioning large financial commitments in other areas, especially those areas that have huge contractual commitments with private industry, it smacks of special interest...shareholder concerns...conflict of interest.  For example, why isn't military contractor spending the topic?   Consider the question as phrased by another well known "liberal," Supreme Commander of the Joint Allied Forces, General turned President of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower: "The problem in defense is how far you can go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without."

Understand this: Becca's observation was started by a question. I don't know Becca and couldn't spot her in a line-up. But your response was an ad hominem attack and it was ugly, immature and unacceptable.  In my line of work, I can typically endure a lot of confusion and heavy duty advocacy, but as one poster has already observed, you probably would never talk like that face to face with someone.  And that's for good reason: most husband's would have a legal excuse for a spontaneous visceral but physical reaction to such words. In Texas, it's called the "fighting words doctrine."

A gentleman learns early in life that "one can disagree without being disagreeable."  Then again, my dad, Master Senior Chief, Michael Horne taught me, "Son, some people live and learn...others, just live."

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