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STATE TAX aircraft

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From the Wall Street Journal  -

Means-tested programs, designed to help the needy, accounted for the largest share of recipients last year. Some 34.2% of Americans lived in a household that received benefits such as food stamps, subsidized housing, cash welfare or Medicaid (the federal-state health care program for the poor).

Another 14.5% lived in homes where someone was on Medicare (the health care program for the elderly). Nearly 16% lived in households receiving Social Security.

High unemployment and increased reliance on government programs has also shrunk the nation’s share of taxpayers. Some 46.4% of households will pay no federal income tax this year, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center. That’s up from 39.9% in 2007, the year the recession began.

Thats alright - Uncle Sam will help.. we'll just raise taxes on the rich and give ya a government job... should only cost about 200k per job.

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Mike that article is interesting but I cannot verify her source.  For example, the government data lumps federal employee pensions, social security, and welfare payments all in the same category.  I dont know how they broke those numbers out if at all. It sounds awful high.

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Quote: jetdriven

I would like to point out it is Scott who hijacked this thread with his political rant.  Of course since I have a differing opinion then I must be a "nazi" "socialist" "sick" or some other name you saw on Fox News.

No wonder GA is going away with some of the attitudes I see on here.  As it is, my wife and I must be the only under 50 somethings who own an airplane on this board.  Probably a reason for that as well given some of the sentiment diplayed here.   Perhaps we are all hopelessly divided.  Everyone heil to the Republican Party, Fox News, Drudge Report!   Give everything away to serve your corporate masters! Anyone who doesn't agree with that should be marched out and shot!

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ps-My avatar is Erich Alfred Hartmann:  A German pilot in WWII who flew for his homeland.  He wanted to be a Dr., but was imprisoned (improperly) by Russians for ten years for achieving aerial victories against the Motherland to the total of 352.  After being released from captivity he was to old to become a physican and so trained in the United States and flew F-86 and F-104's for West Germany.  He was NOT a nazi, nor were most Germans...Just wanted to clear that up as some on board believe him and perhaps by association me to be a nazi sympathizer.  THAT could not be farther from the truth.  He was "A heck of an aviator".  What was G.A. Custer?

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Quote: scottfromiowa

ps-My avatar is Erich Alfred Hartmann:  A German pilot in WWII who flew for his homeland.  He wanted to be a Dr., but was imprisoned (improperly) by Russians for ten years for achieving aerial victories against the Motherland to the total of 352.  After being released from captivity he was to old to become a physican and so trained in the United States and flew F-86 and F-104's for West Germany.  He was NOT a nazi, nor were most Germans...Just wanted to clear that up as some on board believe him and perhaps by association me to be a nazi sympathizer.  THAT could not be farther from the truth.  He was "A heck of an aviator".  What was G.A. Custer?

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New to posting here--tried on the iPad and couldn't do it. Love the site otherwise. Mahalo! Mooniac58!

Without the specific intent of starting a firestorm, I have to point out that a number of posts on this thread seem to be the product of confirmational bias. This is the opposite of an analytical mind and the antithesis of an organization that would seem to be very anytical by nature; our planes don't stay in the air because we will them to do so.

As the first member of a minority political party, I understand that one must believe in something. I believe in things that work and will listen to concepts and political dogma only if they work as well, and will politely pummel and then ignore an opinion that shows up to the field of battle of wits unnarmed. My party is the RPM Party: "Radically Pragmatic Moderates"

Whose with me??!!


'04 Ovation2

Baylor JD '94

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Quote: N1026F

New to posting here--tried on the iPad and couldn't do it. Love the site otherwise. Mahalo! Mooniac58!

Without the specific intent of starting a firestorm, I have to point out that a number of posts on this thread seem to be the product of confirmational bias. This is the opposite of an analytical mind and the antithesis of an organization that would seem to be very anytical by nature; our planes don't stay in the air because we will them to do so.

As the first member of a minority political party, I understand that one must believe in something. I believe in things that work and will listen to concepts and political dogma only if they work as well, and will politely pummel and then ignore an opinion that shows up to the field of battle of wits unnarmed. My party is the RPM Party: "Radically Pragmatic Moderates"

Whose with me??!!


'04 Ovation2

Baylor JD '94

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I am a farmer and I am very offended at that farmer subsidy remark. Just keep drinking the kool-aid.

Let me educate you my lib friend to a couple of points.

Remember the wheat boycott? When was the last time your liviing was boycotted? The ag sector begged for this not to happen because it would increase the slash and burning in South America, seen ag output from Brazil in the last 30 years? Our gov said it's OK we'll take care of you. 

How much of the ag budget goes to food stamps? Most. How much of the ag budget goes to the farmer? How much of the ag budget goes to pigford scandles? Beauacrats er I mean admin.The direct payment I got last year did not cover 1% of my cost to do business and this year's is less than half of that. Next year's will be $0. Thanks government of the people for taking care of us.

Do I want subsidies? NO. But when the gov't gets his hand out of my pocket I will remove mine. 

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