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Quote: Becca

You'd be surprised at how much education costs now.  Heck, my Georgia Tech education would have cost double this year than it cost 10 years ago (it was $9k/year for out of state then, $22k/year now.)  One 3-credit class in the Houston college system is $800 (without books and other fees).


Quote: jetdriven

 Seriously? I think you may have shown your true colors with this link. And you say we have fallen for it? Liberalism is a sickness, honestly. Get yourself checked.


Who We Are

The United States’ oldest secular pacifist organization, the War Resisters League has been resisting war at home and war abroad since 1923. Our work for nonviolent revolution has spanned decades and has been shaped by the new visions and strategies of each generation’s peacemakers.

Bunch of hippies/slackers like the ones that are littering wall street right now.


Name calling.  Nice. 

I didnt even read the article. I chose it from a google image search for "military spending % disctretionary budget"  for the chart.

Seeing as how this senseless war was only to secure our oil interests which involves spending 200B a year now and killing a few hundred thousand foreign citizens in their home country, well, I hope getting your kids to school in a Tahoe is worth all that.  But hey, its our birthright, manifest destiny is an American trait.

Those hippies and slackers have the balls to demonstrate. Perhaps only they realize the "transfer of wealth" happening now is going from the middle class to the top .1 or 1%.  When you lose your job and home, perhaps you will see it too.

Quote: alex

 Seriously? I think you may have shown your true colors with this link. And you say we have fallen for it? Liberalism is a sickness, honestly. Get yourself checked.


Who We Are

The United States’ oldest secular pacifist organization, the War Resisters League has been resisting war at home and war abroad since 1923. Our work for nonviolent revolution has spanned decades and has been shaped by the new visions and strategies of each generation’s peacemakers.

Bunch of hippies/slackers like the ones that are littering wall street right now.


Quote: jetdriven

-Balls? no, free time, yes. The perks of welfare.There is not even a coherent message from its participants. 

Quote: alex

 Seriously? I think you may have shown your true colors with this link. And you say we have fallen for it? Liberalism is a sickness, honestly. Get yourself checked.


Who We Are

The United States’ oldest secular pacifist organization, the War Resisters League has been resisting war at home and war abroad since 1923. Our work for nonviolent revolution has spanned decades and has been shaped by the new visions and strategies of each generation’s peacemakers.

Bunch of hippies/slackers like the ones that are littering wall street right now.




Ditto to every post you made in this particular  forum.






Quote: nosky2high

Hey Sleeping Squirrel,

I'm active duty here at Rucker and got the tax bill in the mail this week. Absolute Robbery. $700 for a 1968 airplane. What exactly is the state of Alabama doing for me that is worth $700? God bless this country that I've sworn to protect. I hope when I'm done with all these deployments I'll still be able to tell the difference between Europe and my homeland. This sucks.


Social Security, Fair, Rich, "Can afford".......Where in the constitution does it say or has it EVER said anything about the feeral government having the right or power to TAKE earnings, harvest, or any personal property for the purpose of giving to someone less fortunate. This country was founded on the idea that we as a people would be free from an opressive government and be free to worship and persue life without the burden of a powerful government. America has been transformed into just what the founders were trying to protect the people from. We are close to a tipping point.                                  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdNYgRdWtNQ&feature=related



Perhaps in a few years the rest of the bottom 90% will not have a job, and lose everything.  Then the wealthy 10% can complaint they are paying ALL the taxes! Of course, they own 90% of the wealth in this country. The bottom 40% only own 2%.  Lets take all that too.

And once again, if it is so hard to be a "taxed to death" company in the US, then why are companies sitting on 2 TRILLION dollars in cash, and why aren't they putting this to work, creating jobs, juat as FOX news says? 

Because its all a big lie.

Quote: KSMooniac

After the Bush tax cuts took effect, the "wealthy" shouldered a LARGER burden of the total tax share in this country, and it has gotten much, much more disproportionate as the economy has gone in the tank.  The 2008 data shows the top 1% earned 20% of the income and paid 38% of all taxes.  The top 5% earned 34.7% of the total income and paid 58.7% of the total taxes. (http://www.taxfoundation.org/news/show/250.html)  Our income tax code has gotten more progressive every time the political class adjusts it...which is why the entire system should be scrapped and replaced with the Fair Tax!

The idea that a "tiny" tax increase would make a huge dent in the deficit is nothing more than a liberal dream.  We do not have an inadequate taxation problem by any stretch of the imagination.  We have a SPENDING problem.  The facts are that the government could CONFISCATE all earnings above $250k (and assume that the people would not change their behavior and keep working hard just to give all of that to the government) and only take in $1.4 trillion.  The entire Fortune 500 earned about $400 billion in total profit... Combine these and it just gets us to a little over halfway thru a fiscal year with the federal government!  (http://www.investors.com/NewsAndAnalysis/Article.aspx?id=568737)

The federal government has grown way outside it's historical boundaries in terms of share of GDP, and it is so far past it's constitutional bounds that the fence isn't even visible any more.


I would like to point out it is Scott who hijacked this thread with his political rant.  Of course since I have a differing opinion then I must be a "nazi" "socialist" "sick" or some other name you saw on Fox News.

No wonder GA is going away with some of the attitudes I see on here.  As it is, my wife and I must be the only under 50 somethings who own an airplane on this board.  Probably a reason for that as well given some of the sentiment diplayed here.   Perhaps we are all hopelessly divided.  Everyone heil to the Republican Party, Fox News, Drudge Report!   Give everything away to serve your corporate masters! Anyone who doesn't agree with that should be marched out and shot!


Quote: Becca

 #1 I personally think its fair to raise the social security retirement age to stabilize the expenditures. 

#2 I'd even be in favor of people who make over a certain income not being eligible for social security payments (does Warren Buffet really need to get a social security check?) 

#3 But eliminating it?  One has to look back at our history prior to social security to see what the end result of that would be.



Quote: jetdriven

I would like to point out it is Scott who hijacked this thread with his political rant.  Of course since I have a differing opinion then I must be a "nazi" "socialist" "sick" or some other name you saw on Fox News.

No wonder GA is going away with some of the attitudes I see on here.  As it is, my wife and I must be the only under 50 somethings who own an airplane on this board.  Probably a reason for that as well given some of the sentiment diplayed here.   Perhaps we are all hopelessly divided.  Everyone heil to the Republican Party, Fox News, Drudge Report!   Give everything away to serve your corporate masters! Anyone who doesn't agree with that should be marched out and shot!


Don't you find it obscene we are trying to find a way to extract more money out of people who make a household income of less than 35K PER YEAR? (this is the cutoff, many make far less) (bottom 40% of households)

Meanwhile the biggest corporations pay no income tax at all?  WTFO?  Is that fair?

Cant anyone see the ridiculousness of the situation?


source:  http://sanders.senate.gov/newsroom/news/?id=67562604-8280-4d56-8af4-a27f59d70de5


1)      Exxon Mobil made $19 billion in profits in 2009.  Exxon not only paid no federal income taxes, it actually received a $156 million rebate from the IRS, according to its SEC filings.  (Source: Exxon Mobil's 2009 shareholder report filed with the SEC here.)

2)      Bank of America received a $1.9 billion tax refund from the IRS last year, although it made $4.4 billion in profits and received a bailout from the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department of nearly $1 trillion. (Source: Forbes.com here, ProPublica here and Treasury here.)

3)      Over the past five years, while General Electric made $26 billion in profits in the United States, it received a $4.1 billion refund from the IRS. (Source: Citizens for Tax Justice here and The New York Times here.  Note: despite rumors to the contrary, the Times has stood by its story.)

4)      Chevron received a $19 million refund from the IRS last year after it made $10 billion in profits in 2009.  (Source: See 2009 Chevron annual report here.  Note 15 on page FS-46 of this report shows a U.S. federal income tax liability of $128 million, but that it was able to defer $147 million for a U.S. federal income tax liability of $-19 million)

5)      Boeing, which received a $30 billion contract from the Pentagon to build 179 airborne tankers, got a $124 million refund from the IRS last year. .  (Source: Paul Buchheit, professor, DePaul University, here and Citizens for Tax Justice here.)

6)      Valero Energy, the 25th largest company in America with $68 billion in sales last year received a $157 million tax refund check from the IRS and, over the past three years, it received a $134 million tax break from the oil and gas manufacturing tax deduction. (Source: the company's 2009 annual report, pg. 112, here.)

7)      Goldman Sachs in 2008 only paid 1.1 percent of its income in taxes even though it earned a profit of $2.3 billion and received an almost $800 billion from the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury Department.  (Source: Bloomberg News here, ProPublica here, Treasury Department here.)

8)      Citigroup last year made more than $4 billion in profits but paid no federal income taxes. It received a $2.5 trillion bailout from the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury. (Source: Paul Buchheit, professor, DePaul University, here, ProPublica here, Treasury Department here.)

9)      ConocoPhillips, the fifth largest oil company in the United States, made $16 billion in profits from 2006 through 2009, but received $451 million in tax breaks through the oil and gas manufacturing deduction.  (Sources: Profits can be found here.  The deduction can be found on the company's 2010 SEC 10-K report to shareholders on 2009 finances, pg. 127, here)

10)  Over the past five years, Carnival Cruise Lines made more than $11 billion in profits, but its federal income tax rate during those years was just 1.1 percent.  (Source: The New York Times here)

Meanwhile these large corporations paid:


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