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1 hour ago, N9201A said:

Steingar find me at MS event Monday. There are numerous CFIs flying in the Caravan, I will be happy to make some introductions.

Thank you so much.  I should mention that mine is a C with the Johnson bar gear.  I'll be the trollish little bald guy.


The Caravan is Gathering.  We made it to Madison today.  Some got here yesterday.  

The gathering of Mooneys has begun.  

First Mooneys on the Madison Ramp.jpg

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I thought someone asked what row that parking was up to in the North 40 and now I don't see the post. Just got back from the showers and they're up to row 513 which is a couple rows from the first showers near red lot and the CAP area.



We are here - row 509 - next to a Cessna 182 on the far south end of the row - the FIRST IN THE ROW AS A MATTER OF FACT. Come by and say hey! N7100U

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On July 18, 2016 at 0:07 AM, yvesg said:

For the keg, see next post please.

If I forgot anyone, let me know.

List of Mooneyspacers that pledged to attend the get together in Oshkosh at the Mooney Caravan tent on Monday at 6 PM

Jastu23 + 2
Bob Belville + 1
201er + 1
yvesg + 1
M20Doc + 1
jetdriven + 1
Stinkbug +1
cnoe (tentative)
Bob + 1
Ned Gravel + 1
druidjaidan + 1.5
drapo (tentative)
Dkmiata + 1
Culver LFA

Looks like I won't be to OSH by Monday, now hoping to make the Thursday gathering



We are here - row 509 - next to a Cessna 182 on the far south end of the row - the FIRST IN THE ROW AS A MATTER OF FACT. Come by and say hey! N7100U

Went by a couple of times today but you must have been out. I'm in row 506 at the south end of the row like you. I'll swing by tomorrow.

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We are now up to 42 aircraft or so that have made it to Madison.

It rained most of the day today, so we did not get to practice as much as we wanted - but tomorrow promises to be at least 4000' and 10 miles on departure and 2500' and 10 miles on arrival into Oshkosh.  


Tonight we gathered to hand out awards, recognize "contributions" and generally celebrate - celebrate the privilege of flying Mooneys and practicing a demanding skill.  ;)


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Looking at NEXRAD, looks like the weather gods are with you.. Clearing out nicely for tomorrow.  Wish we were there.

Alan & Brenda (Tigger & Karma).  Please explain Pepper's "elf ear".


All looks good folks for the Caravan arrival around 11:00 AM today. I have made arrangements for Pizza on Monday at 6 PM. Just take note that there is another pizza event at the tent just an hour before with the Caravan members and Caravan spounsors. More warm pizza will show-up in time.

When you get to the tent, just get your tag and socialize. I would like to thank the individuals who pledged money to pay for pizza.  We will have a hat or something to accept these amounts and any donations from people. After the pizza and tags are paid, any remaining money will be donated equally between the Mooney Caravan Safety foundation and the MooneySpace Web site. I will disclose the amount details during the week.


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Rained a bunch last night and just had another cell go through 8:41 am, but radar does not show anything behind this cell so hopefully it will stay that way. I'll be sitting by the runway with my GoPro to film your arrival. Good luck.

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Hope all have a safe event and that someday we might attend. Just wondering about the GoPro what kind of film does that thing take.

Photos and videos are all saved to a micro-SD card

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Mooney incident on runway 27 Oshkosh. Looks like right main folded on roll out. Everyone looks ok. Rwy27 closed.

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Just heard from Caravan they are still in Maddison on weather hold.  

Wishing the best for the pilot and his plane.  Glad to hear no one was injured. 

999JW is back on all three gear and being towed. Hopefully damaged will not be too bad. They are doing a FOD check on the runway now so I expect 27 will be open momentarily.

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3 hours ago, Hector said:

Photos and videos are all saved to a micro-SD card

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You know I'm kidding right you should say I'm going to SD card the arrival. Sad to read about the gear collapse hope everyone else is free of incidents 

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Just drove by the north 40 this evening.  Where is the tent this year, I didn't see it at the corner.




We did make it to Osh.  The Caravan tent was finally raised in the dark and it is on the north side of Rnwy 09-27 at the Super 8 Gate.  We had one hour holds from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm.   We started the engines at 2:40, taxied to the runup position at 2:45 and then launched Mooney Lead at 3:00 pm.  Six minutes later Mooney Tail was airborne.

The caravan had more twists than a bag of worms.  

  • Weather,
  • Oshkosh tower assignment of runway,
  • decisions on two-ship or three-ship formations,
  • warbirds operating on our frequency,
  • Madison issuing a change of procedure after the runup and before the takeoff roll.  
  • Three close encounters of the airplane kind with folks trying to break through the formation so they could get to the Fisk Arrival (northwest of us).  
  • Non-caravan aircraft declaring bingo fuel while still over Lake Winnebago.  

It was challenging.  We were all down by 3:36 or so.  Then came the taxi conga line from Hades.  Bob (Belviile) almost taxied back to Illinois (according to him) he was headed south for so long.  

I had a Navy fighter pilot as my wingman and he did a great job.  We had our first ever go-round declared by one of our Leads (Yves) because of a cluster *&^%# going on the runway on final approach.  

The people who flew made the difference.  Challenges answered and dealt with.  Everyone down safely - and that is what really matters.  I even had Mooney Tail (Toro) on my wing for a while.  He was my lead for my first Caravan.  

This is Jolie getting ready for the engine start.


Forty Moonies lined up for the takeoff roll.


Sierra Element lifting off Madison Runway 21 

Sierra Element lifting off Madison Runway 21.png

Sierra Element enroute to Oshkosh.

Sierra Element Enroute to KOSH.png

Sierra Element joined by Mooney Tail for some photos.

Sierra Element joined by Mooney Tail for some photos.png

Sierra Element touching down in Oshkosh.

Sierra Element touching down in Oshkosh.png

Post flight debriefing.


Tomorrow evening, we do the Mooneyspace get together.  The Tent is in Row 552.  We have things to celebrate. :rolleyes:


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