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Did Erik get a new prop???


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Maybe he's a visual learner?

hmmm, can't paste nothing here. Guess I'll attach it below. It shows up nicely until I Save my post.  Well, got it in and it continues to shrink. Wish I could crop it to keep the image large and make the empty space go away . . .  :angry:

Map for Erik.png

Personally, I'm a little vague on geography that far above the Mason Dixon. I can generally find Delaware, it's the little tiny spot outside of Maryland. I have learned right here on Mooneyspace that Delaware is pretty close to NJ, but nobody has yet told me which exit it's closest too.  :D

Maybe Erik isn't a country music fan, and has never heard of the band. How about Rock 'n Roll? "Sweet Home Alabama" and we'll just leave Neal Young out of it. No, I'm not from here, just glad to be back close to home [I claim Georgia, but the USMC moved me to a dozen towns before I graduated from high school.] You know, the 96 Olympics, complete with a bombing and a fumbled FBI investigation?

Anyway, it's getting dark here really early now, since I'm about 30 miles into the Central Time Zone, so it's time to get Night Current again. But my offer still stands, if Erik can find his way down, I'll take some nice photos, go to ride and put him up for a day or three with all the barbecue he can hold.

P.S. for the NJ contingent:  "barbecue" is a noun, smoked pork with tomato-and-pepper sauce. In NJ, I am led to believe that "barbecue" is a verb meaning "to cook [any] food on a grill." Sacrilege!  ;)  Yes, it's possible to barbecue a chicken or piece of beef, but those are called "barbecue chicken" and "barbecue beef".

Edited by Hank
Attaching file that wouldn't paste into text
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Maybe he's a visual learner?

hmmm, can't paste nothing here. Guess I'll attach it below. It shows up nicely until I Save my post.  Well, got it in and it continues to shrink. Wish I could crop it to keep the image large and make the empty space go away . . .  :angry:

Map for Erik.png

Personally, I'm a little vague on geography that far above the Mason Dixon. I can generally find Delaware, it's the little tiny spot outside of Maryland. I have learned right here on Mooneyspace that Delaware is pretty close to NJ, but nobody has yet told me which exit it's closest too.  :D

Maybe Erik isn't a country music fan, and has never heard of the band. How about Rock 'n Roll? "Sweet Home Alabama" and we'll just leave Neal Young out of it. No, I'm not from here, just glad to be back close to home [I claim Georgia, but the USMC moved me to a dozen towns before I graduated from high school.] You know, the 96 Olympics, complete with a bombing and a fumbled FBI investigation?

Anyway, it's getting dark here really early now, since I'm about 30 miles into the Central Time Zone, so it's time to get Night Current again. But my offer still stands, if Erik can find his way down, I'll take some nice photos, go to ride and put him up for a day or three with all the barbecue he can hold.

P.S. for the NJ contingent:  "barbecue" is a noun, smoked pork with tomato-and-pepper sauce. In NJ, I am led to believe that "barbecue" is a verb meaning "to cook [any] food on a grill." Sacrilege!  ;)  Yes, it's possible to barbecue a chicken or piece of beef, but those are called "barbecue chicken" and "barbecue beef".



I know....I remember Neil Young.  When I was in college and singing in singing groups I also had a guitar - I wasn't very good with it but I did have a Neil Young's music book.  I even used to know how to pluck sweet home alabama.  Not to mention I had for a while a contract job with some folks are redstone arsenal and whenever I visited to work, the dinner was ... BBQ.

P.S. Your circle "Erik's home" does cover my home....but it looks like I am in the middle of NY.  I am right at the Northern border of NY, 15 mi from Canada and the closest city to us is in fact Ottawa.  Our little rural part of the world was made famous this summer....remember those escaped prisoners?  I couldn't let my oldest son go fishing because his favorite fishing holes were in the search zone!

Edited by aviatoreb
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you all!!!

Clarence, I would love to see a picture of your Comanche 400 and the prop - is it 3 or 4 blades?  Clarence....someday I want to come down there to Kitchner and bumb a ride with you in that beast.  I always was really intrigued by the 400.

Thanks for noticing - I don't think the engine is sagging - and I think the cone is properly fitting - and that it is just a trick of picture angles?  I'll go take a second look.  But as for sag - I did have a bit of sag when I got the airplane 5 years ago, and we replaced the shock discs at that time, but also I learned that there is a tiny bit of sag when static on the ground, but under power the prop stands up just a bit, and I have observed that watching the prop (from outside) right after we replaced the discs.  It could be resagging after just 5 years....  I think its fine, but I'll look again.


Here is the MT on the 400.



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and has never heard of the band. 


Other than Levon they are all Canadians so he probably knows them pretty good.  God bless Ronnie Hawkins, and I can go on more about The Band than I ever could about a Mooney (which is saying a lot!).

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Here is the MT on the 400.



Wow - that is beautiful.  Was that done on a field approval like my MT prop?  When did you have it done?  What did you see for performance changes?

I sure would love a ride in that bad boy 8-cylinder someday....(hint-hint-hint...)

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Wow - that is beautiful.  Was that done on a field approval like my MT prop?  When did you have it done?  What did you see for performance changes?

I sure would love a ride in that bad boy 8-cylinder someday....(hint-hint-hint...)


Its installed by an STC which is held by another 400 owner, Charlie Horton who races his 400.  I've had it for 3 years now.

In my case 38 pounds off the nose sure helps with pitch trim in the flare.

The ride is easy, just stop by.


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Its installed by an STC which is held by another 400 owner, Charlie Horton who races his 400.  I've had it for 3 years now.

In my case 38 pounds off the nose sure helps with pitch trim in the flare.

The ride is easy, just stop by.


Hah!...I will.  Booked in Nov.  Maybe weather permitting in Dec?  Otherwise next year.

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P.S. Your circle "Erik's home" does cover my home....but it looks like I am in the middle of NY.  I am right at the Northern border of NY, 15 mi from Canada and the closest city to us is in fact Ottawa.  

I've been there!  On a cold day too!  Erik is literally on the border to Canada.



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