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Rip, that is good news. I have your unit in a box awaiting my next trip to LASAR. Exactly where have our Mooney folk been mounting the vane units. The distance from the leading edge of the wing is clear, but is there a consensus or recommendation where to mount the unit spanwise.?Thank you.

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Rip, that is good news. I have your unit in a box awaiting my next trip to LASAR. Exactly where have our Mooney folk been mounting the vane units. The distance from the leading edge of the wing is clear, but is there a consensus or recommendation where to mount the unit spanwise.?Thank you.

It seems that most Mooney installers are using the inspection panel about halfway out under the left wing. The important thing is that it be well outside of the propeller arc, and as close to the leading edge as possible.




It seems that most Mooney installers are using the inspection panel about halfway out under the left wing. The important thing is that it be well outside of the propeller arc, and as close to the leading edge as possible.


Mine will be installed at the annual next month. Where you are describing is near the pitot tube. Is the panel you talking about inboard or outboard of that location?

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Mine will be installed at the annual next month. Where you are describing is near the pitot tube. Is the panel you talking about inboard or outboard of that location?

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Marauder, I don't have a Mooney in front of me, but it likely varies by model. From memory it's inboard of the pitot tube, but others who have done the install - please weigh in!



Marauder, I don't have a Mooney in front of me, but it likely varies by model. From memory it's inboard of the pitot tube, but others who have done the install - please weigh in!



I hope to have my install completed (except for the audio part of it)  in the next week or so. Will provide some info to the group when it is done.

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Alpha Systems has some very broad parameters, so a lot of it is up to you and your installer. It needs to be outside the propeller wash, but the closer in you put it, the shorter distance to run the tubes/wires.

Mine is in an inspection cover about 2 to 2 1/2 feet inboard of the pitot tube, about 18 inches back from the leading edge. (These are very rough estimates from looking a few hours ago.)

  • 2 weeks later...

My CYA-100 AoA indicator has been installed and I completed a calibration flight with it. Works as advertised. Thanks to Rip for sending a replacement connector since we messed up with the first one. I need to clean up the wiring a bit and fly with it a bit more to figure out flights under various scenarios. I could see the LED lights respond instantly as I changed the plane's attitude. Putting on or removing flaps showed the expected behaviour.I can easily re-calibrate if my settings are too conservative or aggressive. I posted some pics in the gallery.





My CYA-100 AoA indicator has been installed and I completed a calibration flight with it. Works as advertised. Thanks to Rip for sending a replacement connector since we messed up with the first one. I need to clean up the wiring a bit and fly with it a bit more to figure out flights under various scenarios. I could see the LED lights respond instantly as I changed the plane's attitude. Putting on or removing flaps showed the expected behaviour.I can easily re-calibrate if my settings are too conservative or aggressive. I posted some pics in the gallery.





I'm glad it's up and running, and I want to thank you for your patience during the install. I'm basically modelling my support after David-Clark: if you screw up, it's my fault (within limits, of course; hammer installations don't count!). As a result of your experience, the display connector comes fully populated with color coded wires, and it doesn't matter which way the cable is pulled through the wing. No more monkeying with tiny connector contacts.


I sure hope you plan to put that gorgeous display in the panel. There's plenty of room!


Fly Safe;



I'm glad it's up and running, and I want to thank you for your patience during the install. I'm basically modelling my support after David-Clark: if you screw up, it's my fault (within limits, of course; hammer installations don't count!). As a result of your experience, the display connector comes fully populated with color coded wires, and it doesn't matter which way the cable is pulled through the wing. No more monkeying with tiny connector contacts.


I sure hope you plan to put that gorgeous display in the panel. There's plenty of room!


Fly Safe;



My panel is very dense on the pilot's side. I like the current location as it is in my peripheral vision. Once I clean up the wiring, it will look much more professional!


During calibration, for setting the close to stall speed, one has to press the button twice, but not too rapidly. Perhaps wait a second before hitting the button again. If done too quickly, it doesn't register. Had to try this a couple of times to make it work.


I did another flight today and I can see it is very responsive, much more so than the ASI. With wind gusts/turbulence the display quickly flashes from green to yellow and back to green depending on the intensity. The effect of putting on flaps on landing approach is noticeable as the display goes from red to yellow and green fairly quickly. Hoping to learn more..


Has anyone experienced tail buffeting (possible elevator stall) in a slip with full flaps?


The words "stabilized approach" came to my mind when I read this. Seriously. if you're having to slip with full flaps you might want to consider going around and getting set up better. To quote my friends in the barrio, "Tail buffet and possible elevator stall no bueno."

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Still waiting to to fly off a few more hours on mineral oil since LASAR re-ringed and honed a cylinder for me. It had an oil leak at the bottom where it meets the block, so it was taken off and machined smooth. When they reinstalled it, they did the honing and re-ringing. No reason to replace the cylinder, but the rings and newly honed cylinder walls have to be broken in - hence mineral oli. As soon as the hours are flown off, I will take my airplane to LASAR for an oil change, and ask them to install the AOA. Still concerned a bit as to how the indicator can be neatly mounted in the new panel. I wish Rip had designed some sort of thin face plate that might cover up the ragged edges that will probably result from drilling, and filing the panel. I supose, if necesary, I could design and make up a facia, but I am not keen to take on still another oproject. Rip, if you are reading this, any thought to making up a plastic or metal black unit for flush mounting?


Bennet asked, "Rip, if you are reading this, any thought to making up a plastic or metal black unit for flush mounting?"


Lacee mounted his AOA indicator vertically in a metal sleeve on top of his glare shield to the left of the airspeed indicator.

Looked like a very good location. The sleeve could also reduce glare if the indicator is recessed a little.

A quick disconnect plug would ease removal of the glare shield.


He said he set his key speed at 71 knots level. with gear and flaps up.


Bennet asked, "Rip, if you are reading this, any thought to making up a plastic or metal black unit for flush mounting?"

Lacee mounted his AOA indicator vertically in a metal sleeve on top of his glare shield to the left of the airspeed indicator.

Looked like a very good location. The sleeve could also reduce glare if the indicator is recessed a little.

A quick disconnect plug would ease removal of the glare shield.

He said he set his key speed at 71 knots level. with gear and flaps up.

I have been looking at the glare shield as well for installation. Mine will be installed next week during the annual. Will post pictures afterwards.


Still waiting to to fly off a few more hours on mineral oil since LASAR re-ringed and honed a cylinder for me. It had an oil leak at the bottom where it meets the block, so it was taken off and machined smooth. When they reinstalled it, they did the honing and re-ringing. No reason to replace the cylinder, but the rings and newly honed cylinder walls have to be broken in - hence mineral oli. As soon as the hours are flown off, I will take my airplane to LASAR for an oil change, and ask them to install the AOA. Still concerned a bit as to how the indicator can be neatly mounted in the new panel. I wish Rip had designed some sort of thin face plate that might cover up the ragged edges that will probably result from drilling, and filing the panel. I supose, if necesary, I could design and make up a facia, but I am not keen to take on still another oproject. Rip, if you are reading this, any thought to making up a plastic or metal black unit for flush mounting?

Hi Bennett;

It IS supposed to be flush mounted. The LED's are embedded in a 0.090 inch "extension" on the casting which should protrude through a 1/4" wide by 1-1/8" high slot in the panel. Most panels are about 0.090" thick, which makes the face of the display level with the surface of the panel. The installation manual includes a 1:1 drill template and instructions for the drill sequence (start small, then use 1/4" step drill. Practice on a piece of scrap aluminum first if you're nervous. Here's a very close-up shot of the display installed in a thin (1/16" thick) scrap sheet, drilled with a hand drill, and finished with a rat-tail file. Any avionics shop should do far better!





  • 5 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...

Just wanted to bump this thread to see what y'all think about your AOA's, especially those of you who go the CYA 100.

Are you happy with it?

Do you use it as much as you thought you would?

Is there anyone who wishes they hadn't installed it?

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