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I recently had back surgery(again) and forgot to prepare my bird for a long winters rest. I have a heated hanger and expect the Bravo to be down for approx. 4 months. What would your protocol be in preparing to get him back in the air with minimal extra wear and tear due to inactivity? I appreciate your suggested practices...have a great holiday"......Dan


find a friend and have him/her take you for a ride in your plane every week. 

Why so long? Is this self imposed or at doctors orders?


Are you a member of the NJ Mooney Pilots group? I am sure they would help.


Having a heated hanger is a great first step. Doing an oil change just before a period of inactivity helps. As the oil gets darker the incomplete combustion products in it include organic acids which can contribute to corrosion and double bond containing hydrocarbons that can slowly polymerize to form those varnish-like deposits that slowly build up on engine parts. Mike Bush has a vid you can watch on the Savy Aviator website on oil and there's a quick part on how to "pickle" your plane. 


Thanks for starting this great thread by the way. Hope the back comes along fine.




Thanx guys so long due to having major instability due to diseased spine have had a major recon 6 yrs ago with 8 discs removed worked great but need to get rods and screws removed due to problems. Never thought of a engine dehumidifier are they easily accessed and installed..getting rides are good idea but it's already been inactive 2 months , this was one reason I started thread avblend vs camguard a few weeks ago..thanx again


Gosh considering its a 70k engine or better isn't there someone around that your insurance will bless that can go fly it?

I thought Ed Collins said something about using a higher concentration of camguard for times of storage??? If it were mine and I couldn't fly it I'd look into using a high concentration of camguard, use aero shell 100w and start it every 14 days and run it for less than 1 min. I think you could get away doing that a couple times without introducing to much moisture into the engine. I'd also run a dehumidifier to dry the engine. Then monthly I'd dump the oil refill to get rid of any moisture. Refill with aero 100 and camguard, start and run for 20 sec and shut down.

I know thus would cost some money in maintenance but it's cheap insurance considering the cost of the engine, right?


I would  fly with someone regularly or put fresh oil and camguard in it , for lengthy storage pay someone to lay it up correctly , it will be less costly in the long term .I must say if you have a heated hanger it makes it a lot nicer , still over a couple weeks would concern me , weekly or more to run is better , but you already know that.


Here is a thought Dan. You got Brett (BNicolette) over on the opposite of the field flying a Falcon 900 for a living and a Mooney owner (not to mention a CFII). Ever consider having him run it for you while you are down? He has Bravo time and I know he is bored out of his mind while he is on layovers. So bored that he was willing to drive up to my airport yesterday to hang out for the day. Just a thought.  

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Chris. Thanx..when I get my staples out and can bend I'll c who's around..maybe I'll get you down from n57 U'd have to drive by my house.to get to kilg anyway.have a good holiday. Dan


Chris. Thanx..when I get my staples out and can bend I'll c who's around..maybe I'll get you down from n57 U'd have to drive by my house.to get to kilg anyway.have a good holiday. Dan



Sounds good. Based on your comment, I'm willing to bet we live in the same area. Have a great holiday -- start bending!! :)


Close enough I used to live in Hockessin hunt now 7/72 in the 2 houses one acct. office other I built on to it to live in


How do you hook up these dehumidifiers on aircraft that has a oil/water separator? Most I've seen ties into the blow-by hose.



I don't have real knowledge, but I understand my K model has a separator and I plug mine into the vent pipe. It would seem that if the system is "closed", that dry air going in will push the moist air out the filler cap (presuming it is open). 


Thanks Don. The prior owner had a homemade dehumidifier that had both tubes go into the plug that goes into the filler cap. The research I've done, I'm not sure this setup does much good. Need to pull it out again and see how I can rework it.


Dan I would be happy to help any way I can.  If you want your plane flown once in a while I'd be happy to put :30 on it a few times a month.  If you want to go for a ride, again, I'd be happy to go with you.  Whatever you need, I'd be there for you.  Don't hesitate to contact me anytime:




Good luck with your medical issues and a fast recovery!!

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Thanx guys I am definitely going to get a humidifier..A friend of mine went to the hanger to check on the bird and with the high outside temp. He said my floor, plane and all was wet, put the heater on high to dry out the hanger etc. appreciate our local mooney drivers for the offers. Look forward to meeting u all. Thanx again. Dan

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