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Hello everyone. Just a quick introduction. Been lurking prior and after my purchase of Orangemtl's Acclaim. I am a total newbie to Mooneys and I must say my transition training, and this site has been invaluable. I currently have over 350 hours. Started out in a DA-40 and feell in love with aviation. After a 100hours in the Toga ( which my family loves). I knew I wanted a pilot's plane, and of course more speed.  One Test flight in the "Fanta plane" ( my daughter loves Fanta soda ) and I was hooked. Hook line sinker rod...ER well you get the picture. 




Thanks. Will do. 

Im still gushing from a quick flight this morning. Was doing 168 knots true at 12.5gph at 2300 rpm 50 degrees lop and she was smooth as silk at 7500ft. My old diamond would max out at 145knts at that full burn wide open- and the Toga would take well over 20gph rop and not as fast either!


Quote: AcclaimML

Hello everyone. Just a quick introduction. Been lurking prior and after my purchase of Orangemtl's Acclaim. I am a total newbie to Mooneys and I must say my transition training, and this site has been invaluable. I currently have over 350 hours. Started out in a DA-40 and feell in love with aviation. After a 100hours in the Toga ( which my family loves). I knew I wanted a pilot's plane, and of course more speed.  One Test flight in the "Fanta plane" ( my daughter loves Fanta soda ) and I was hooked. Hook line sinker rod...ER well you get the picture. 


Quote: AcclaimML

Thanks. Will do. 

Im still gushing from a quick flight this morning. Was doing 168 knots true at 12.5gph at 2300 rpm 50 degrees lop and she was smooth as silk at 7500ft. My old diamond would max out at 145knts at that full burn wide open- and the Toga would take well over 20gph rop and not as fast either!


Congratulations, and welcome!

You'll really love that bird when you get her up high. I flew a roundtrip from Denver to Albuquerque this week. On the way down I had a nice tailwind at 16,500' and was doing 190KTAS on 14gph at 50LOP, making 205KTS over the ground. The MFD showed I had enough range to get 100NM past Cabo San Lucas with reserves. The Acclaim never stops blowing my mind.


Thanks all!  Aviatoreb- oh I have had her up much faster. Just a a bit higher power settings. : )) and yes the DA 40 lands a lot like the Mooney. The pitching forces taking in and out a notable exception.  You know I'd swear the mooney's wings are closer to the ground!

Rbridges, I definitely will. Been thinking about going to the spitfire grill for lunch on day. I'll give u a shout. 

Thanks Colojo.  Those numbers are astounding.  I'm still giggly over this bird and what she can do.  I haven't been pushing her much. She's making metal and I got a few more weeks before the new cylinders et al. come in.  I wanted to Be real comfortable in her before breaking those new jugs in.  Just topping 20 hours in her today.  The more dialed in I'm getting the more I can't wait to getting high and stretching out those fuel reserves. 

appreciate all the welcomes. Any and all advice is greatly appreciated. 


Not really sure how the previous owner ran her.  I suspect the biggest issue is she sat.  He had her 5 years and only had 240 hours on the tach. (217 on the hobbs-go figure?)  When we talked to Continental about the hours and how old the plane was--ie sitting- they told us not to even bother with overhauling the cynlinders.  Which didn't take much prompting--I prefer brand new jugs anyway.   

Breather tube design?  I have to ask my AP about that.  He's been working on Mooneys since he was 17.  While we got her stripped down, that will be the time to address that.  Looks like all the parts will be in , in about 2 weeks.   Thanks for the heads up Colojo


Thanks Jim. I guess that explains the pretty bad flat spot on the left main tire...

I don't want to throw any stones.  And I'm not suggesting that the way the engine was operated as there are more than a few that get top ends prematurely. But we had compressions down into the 30's on three cylinders. We bore scoped those and there was some scarring in the walls as well as scorching and cupping in those exhaust valves. (though all the metal in the filter was non-magnetic).  My AP demonstrated the issue with the valve by the puffs of air coming through the breather tube.  I'm certainly interested to see what we find after tear down. 

As for sitting, I have no direct knowledge of times I between use.  But I am leaning toward what the AP is thinking. 

Course you'd never know by how she runs- flawlessly!  Though she does struggle a bit at idle after start up. Maybe due to the lower compression- or possibly just me.


Quote: colojo

None yet. Arapahoe Aero has been cleaning the carbon buildup out of the breather tube with every oil change. My engine has 330 hours and runs like a top. 


One option to consider for the Acclaim is the installation of long range tanks (130 gals total). This would give you the option of accomplishing high speed long distance flights in less time (door to door) than the airlines. Like from New York to Key West non-stop. With the airlines you would need to connect in Miami with another flight. Congratulations, you got the best of the best.




Quote: Piloto

One option to consider for the Acclaim is the installation of long range tanks (130 gals total). This would give you the option of accomplishing high speed long distance flights in less time (door to door) than the airlines. Like from New York to Key West non-stop. With the airlines you would need to connect in Miami with another flight. Congratulations, you got the best of the best.



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