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Whoever said the day you sell your Mooney is the happiest one...


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...is so full of shit his eyes are brown.  Turned over the keys last night.  Declining eyesight and finances forced the sale.  I am a pilot no more, and I will never fly a Mooney again. Mooneys will always have sweet spot for me though.

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I lknow it is a tough thing to do. I have many friends that have made the same decision. Being an aircraft owner is a very unique experience. You’ve enjoyed your machine. You’ve made some great memories. As hard as it is, it’s best to move on in a healthy way. I’ve seen many hang on to planes they don’t fly, paying bills with resources that would be better used elsewhere.  Keeping your memories and letting the plane go is far better than the alternative which usually amounts to decades of neglect, deterioration and expense with a loved one then trying to deal with the sale of a complicated asset. 
Sometime it sucks to do the right thing.

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You are a part of a small number (relative to the population) of dedicated learners that became pilots and experienced a life perspective that cannot be matched or exceeded (except maybe by an astronaut…).  Be proud of your accomplishment and wisdom to know when to settle into your next phase of pursuits.  

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9 hours ago, N201MKTurbo said:

I’ll go buy one of your books, would that help?

I would only want one to buy one to purchase one of my books who really desires one.  But my eyesight is declining, I can see it (pun intended).  I will not be a danger to others.  Gotta hang it up now.  Perhaps I can pick it back up once my eyes get fixed, but I'll never be able to afford a Mooney again.

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You're always a pilot. You might not be a current pilot, but your accomplishments aren't being taken away. If you don't feel safe you made the best decision in your safety and others and that says a lot. It's the hardest thing to do. I haven't flown a Mooney in 16 years (but I do have a PA on one right now) and I still consider myself a Mooney pilot. Be proud and stay in the loop! 

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Some things to consider…

1) You can take the pilot out of the Mooney…

2) You can’t get the Mooney out of the pilot…

3) There are always Mooney pilots looking to share rides…

4) Keeping in the loop is important… Always welcome to discuss Mooney topics here.

5) Discussing Mooneys can be fun… while helping other people get to their next level…

6) Discussing age and health issues happens a lot around here… be sure to open that discussion to see if you can find more info about your situation… how other people have handled it, or something similar…

7) If you can navigate and talk on radios… you can make a great flying partner… :)

Good luck with your current situation, and your next steps!

I applaud you, sharing your situation.

Way to go Steingar!

Best regards,


The ‘Book of Steingar’ is oft quoted around here….  https://mooneyspace.com/search/?q=Steingar book&quick=1&updated_after=any&sortby=relevancy&search_and_or=and

Is there really a ‘book’ written by Steingar?


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21 hours ago, carusoam said:

The ‘Book of Steingar’ is oft quoted around here….  https://mooneyspace.com/search/?q=Steingar book&quick=1&updated_after=any&sortby=relevancy&search_and_or=and

Is there really a ‘book’ written by Steingar?


 @steingar is quite the origami artist and has several books on origami airplanes.

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