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Well , I start training in my mooney m20e this weekend.I have read a lot of articles about landing and to be honest it seems a little intimidating.Fortunately, where I live there is a 150x8014' asphalt runway that gets no traffic at all. so this will be the perfect place for practice.seems to me that once it gets in ground effect ease off power and let it settle down but I have no idea because I have never flown one.It will be a very interesting next few days.any advice is much appreciated



I only have one piece of advice.  Fly the numbers. 

  • 100 mph on downwind to deploy flaps.  Gear should already be down and first GUMPS check done.
  • 90 mph on base and turn to final.  (Second GUMPS check)
  • 80 mph on final.  (Third GUMPS check)
  • Cross the fence near 75 mph (1.3 times Vso), pull the throttle and let it settle.  Keep the nosewheel off for as long as possible.




There's no need to wait until you're over the runway to go to idle. I do it as soon as I know I have the runway made. As you practice, this will improve, especially after you practice emergency procedures at altitude. Mooneys glide very well, unlike the power-off bricks made by the competition.


I transitioned from a Cessna 170A with springy gear – the plane I learned to fly in – so I find my M20B easy to land.  I do find it hard to hold the nose wheel off as long as I would like and I have not had many greasers.  My only real bounce was while practicing night landings which surprised me.
I was practicing power out landings last month and was surprised how LITTLE glide I had with the gear down.   After two failed attempts to reach the runway from my normal power off glide point I tried it with the gear up and made the runway with no problem.  This was an eye opener

I agree - fly the numbers listed above.


Quote: markeg1964

 After two failed attempts to reach the runway from my normal power off glide point I tried it with the gear up and made the runway with no problem.  This was an eye opener

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