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I saw a Mooney today with the designation “Mooney 211 Special Edition” on it. I have never heard of such a Mooney! What in the world is a Mooney 211?!


Sounds like a MooneyMart name...  like a 262...

MooneyMart was known for selling upgrades for bringing older airframes up to current standards...

MooneyMart sales practices and prices were’t appreciated by many....

Best regards,



I think that was one f I hate to say this Chris, Coy Jacobs modified 201’s. I just washed my mouth out with soap.

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That was a new one on me, so I googled it.  Found an article that said that Mooney Mart (Jacobs) converted C’s and E’s into Trophy 211’s, and G’s and F’s into Trophy 212’s, basically it looks like they were converted into 201’s to as great a degree as possible. Don’t know if the link will work, but here it is.  Flying Magazine, 1996.  https://books.google.com/books?id=eK-0kCuwKz8C&pg=PA90&lpg=PA90&dq=mooney+211&source=bl&ots=lgCazMFXjv&sig=YeK8FHIYUFDoZGtGwrzzaSRL_XU&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwis0-XU8eLZAhVs8IMKHWQMCBc4ChDoATAGegQIARAB#v=onepage&q=mooney 211&f=false

  • Thanks 2
  • 4 years later...
On 3/10/2018 at 5:23 PM, jlunseth said:

That was a new one on me, so I googled it.  Found an article that said that Mooney Mart (Jacobs) converted C’s and E’s into Trophy 211’s, and G’s and F’s into Trophy 212’s, basically it looks like they were converted into 201’s to as great a degree as possible. Don’t know if the link will work, but here it is.  Flying Magazine, 1996.  https://books.google.com/books?id=eK-0kCuwKz8C&pg=PA90&lpg=PA90&dq=mooney+211&source=bl&ots=lgCazMFXjv&sig=YeK8FHIYUFDoZGtGwrzzaSRL_XU&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwis0-XU8eLZAhVs8IMKHWQMCBc4ChDoATAGegQIARAB#v=onepage&q=mooney 211&f=false

This article isn't about Mooney Mart or Coy Jacobs, it's about Mod Works and Tim Coons.


I can’t help but ponder what the future would have been if hurricane Charley had missed Punta Gorda in 2004.

Would all those Mod-Works STCs still be available?

Ahh well.

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This article isn't about Mooney Mart or Coy Jacobs, it's about Mod Works and Tim Coons.

Say what you want but I’m impressed by their ability to get STCs relatively easily. Ditto for Rocket engineering.
  • Like 1
16 hours ago, John Mininger said:

I can’t help but ponder what the future would have been if hurricane Charley had missed Punta Gorda in 2004. Would all those Mod-Works STCs still be available

And what would have happened to all of those Porsche Mooneys waiting to be converted?

On 5/22/2022 at 6:02 AM, ArtVandelay said:

Say what you want but I’m impressed by their ability to get STCs relatively easily. Ditto for Rocket engineering.

It was different time...field approvals were far far easier from our local GADO (general avation district office ?)

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25 minutes ago, thinwing said:

It was different time...field approvals were far far easier from our local GADO (general avation district office ?)

The guys back then that actually had aviation experience were looking for ways to say "yes" back then. Now it's full of people with no practical knowledge and they seem to look for every reason to say "no" to cover themselves. Then it turns into a vicious circle because now people don't think they can get it approved so they don't even bother. It seems like it now takes hiring a firm that specializes in jumping through the correct hoops to stand a chance.

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