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I was practicing yesterday VFR heading into Gwinnett County, GA (KLZU), and referred to the G1000 airport directory for the Tower Frequency.  It wasn't there, even thought it's a Towered field!  Since I was only 12 miles out, I quickly opened up my FlyQ app on the iPhone and looked it up there.  If the Tower frequency is missing from KLZU, I'm sure it's missing from a lot of other airports as well.  I called Garmin about it, and it was missing from their G1000 desktop mockup.  I wonder if it's also missing from the G500/G600?  I bet it is.  

I always have other references available, so it was no big deal, but surprising nonetheless when you need a frequency last minute.  

9 hours ago, RLCarter said:

Wouldn't pulling up an Approach been faster?

Not necessarily, David's point is that the G1000 DB is "lacking" reliable info here. As a 19000 hr pilot, notice he still practices VFR. Thanks for bringing this up to Garmin's attention and to ours, David.



That'll teach you for trying to go to Gwinnett! Those "outside the Perimeter" airports don't get any respect. ;)

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FWIW, I just checked KLZU on "airport information" tab on Garmin Pilot on my tablet. Presumable that info uploads to the GTN 750 with other data files. Freqs are there. (I suppose it is possible that that is AOPA Airports and not in the 750.)


To add one more data point, our navigation data (from Jeppesen) has the tower frequency for KLZU, so this appears to be a specific Garmin database issue.

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