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Midair at KSDM


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FDK iirc had a midair collision with a cirrus and a helicopter about a year ago as well.

I dont remember airports enough,,   but

about a year ago their was a video of a cirrus getting flipped and crashed by the rotor wash of a chopper!

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This is one of many aviation articles I've read lately where someone says "aircrafts" as the plural of "aircraft." According to my dictionary, the plural is still "aircraft." What the hell is happening to our language?


People are getting lazy, and someone forgot to hit the "spell check" button. Takes too long for a reporter on a hot story, depending on his typing it can be several minutes to find and correct everything.


It will be interesting to see details of how this accident happened unfold. I used to fly around a Class D with radar and felt pretty safe. Sometimes when I wasn't talking to them, I would hear them call me as traffic for someone else, and once or twice came on frequency to let them know what I was doing or that I would stay out of their way.

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I have recently added a step to my landing procedure. I flip the GTN750 to traffic mode and zoom in close as I near the airport. One more set of eyes.


I was coming in from PDK last week as a Lear was approaching our uncontrolled field from the east to make (non standard) right traffic to Rwy 3. I stayed to the west of the field, extended my downwind and tried to get a visual on my speedy friend. He beat me in, I never saw him. He did broadcast his presence and intentions from 15 out. He did no followup.    


I was heading into AUO last fall and heard a Falcon also inbound. I was closer and lower, but he was faster, and we communicated well. His pattern was abbreviated [midfield entry and a long arc to short final]; I also did midfield entry as he was rolling out, then he waited on the taxiway to watch my landing. Some things you just don't outgrow . . .


Everyone play nicely, and fly safe out there!

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This is oh so eerily familiar. On November 10, 1985 my best friend was flying in Teterboro airspace in a Archer when he was broadsided by a Falcon 10 owned by NABISCO. All on the Archer and Falcon perished along with a few on the ground. It was a life altering event for me. Still is.

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Terrible tragedy. RIP to all involved.


This is one of many aviation articles I've read lately where someone says "aircrafts" as the plural of "aircraft." According to my dictionary, the plural is still "aircraft." What the hell is happening to our language?

Well you have airplanes, helicopters, boats and cars. I guess is time for dictionaries revision to include aircrafts.

Plural for mouse is mice but for a computer mouse is mouses.



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Terrible tragedy. RIP to all involved.


This is one of many aviation articles I've read lately where someone says "aircrafts" as the plural of "aircraft." According to my dictionary, the plural is still "aircraft." What the hell is happening to our language?

It's the dumbing down of society to the lowest common denominator, and reliance on spell check.


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I have butchered the English language since I was a child, not intentionally. Please forgive me for any gammar or spelling errors in my post. Thank the lord for spell check!

No need to apologize.

Check for aicrafts here: 




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Wow-I think Jose has the definitive linguistic analysis on this issue here. It will use it make me better at piloting Mooney aircraft(s).   :lol:

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It says collision, not mid air collision. They provide additional services sure, but in the end that's all they're responsible for.


I'm sorry, but you are wrong. It says, "to prevent a collision between aircraft operating in the system." A collision is a collision. Aircraft operating in 'the system' are operating on taxiways, runways, and in the air within the NAS. A collision can happen in any of those locations... and again, this is the primary purpose of air traffic control - as in, an all encompassing umbrella that applies to class D towers, class C towers, class B towers, TRACONs, ARTCCs, etc. 


There might be individual cultures in Class D VFR towers, and yes, by the book all they care about is runway separation... but come on, ultimately it is the controllers JOB to make sure planes do not exchange paint.

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FDK iirc had a midair collision with a cirrus and a helicopter about a year ago as well.

They did... It was a sad situation with chilling audio. I am personally acquainted with several of the folks that were involved. Hearing one of the pilots in one of the other choppers (there were 3) recount the situation drove home that nothing really seemed extrordinary until impact. I think the calls made to the colliding aircraft would have been made sooner, but there was a biz jet taking his sweet time reading a clearance back to tower that tied up the freq...

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