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Well I'm in the Idaho backcountry right now! Currently 3u2. She does just fun on grass, gravel, dirt ect you just have to be careful to not hit any big rocks...but really who wants to hit a big rock! If ya have any in depth q's please feel free to ask I use her off road...I mean off paved fields all the time! :)


PS....BrYan!!!!! ;)


I fly both of my Mooneys into grass strips all the time.  The inlaws have a strip next to their house that is 2,000 ft and the lake house has a 1,600 ft runway.  If you are ever in the Wichita, KS area, try the Beaumont Hotel's strip.  It is a long 2,400 ft and you can taxi down Main Street and park in front of the hotel/restaurant.  Don't, though, land on a strip that was watered all week for the new grass seed and just had an inch of rain an hour prior (see picture)...it will make a dirty birdie!



I live on a residential airpark, 07TS, "Cross Country Estates Marshall". It was a major leap of faith to move to a Mooney from my C152, because our strip is grass "most" of the time. However, so far I am so delighted with my M20E that I try to forget about this drawback. Due to the heat or cold, the taxiways and runway can be more dirt than grass and very bumpy, more so the taxiways, several months a year. Due to the Central Texas rain patterns it can also be very soggy for several days at a time about 20 times per year. Texas clay in this area gets rougher in the summer due to cracking soil. This concerns me more than my inability to taxi when the grass has gotten soggy/muddy from rain in the past 3 1/2 months of Mooney ownership (brought home on 3/13/10). The roughness has yet to reach its peak for the year. I know not to go when soggy. The roughness "no go" will be harder to determine or accept. We have a mowing service to keep grass trimmed.

BTW, my avatar IS my Mooney, my wife and I onboard at LaGrange, TX, 3T5, but NOT at 07TS. That is why it is sitting on asphalt.

The second photo below shows the strip, but do not confuse it with our streets. Streets are completely separate from the taxiways and runway. The strip is to the botom of the second photo. However, Wilbur Wright Drive at the top could be used in an emergency, as it is a 40 foot wide paved street and we have undergound utilities. Taxiing is slow in my Mooney versus my pevious C152 to minimize bumping. The neighbor up the street also has a Mooney and has been flying from here for several years. It is "vintage" enough to just be a M20 model with no letter suffix. His taxiway is shorter to the most of the time smoother runway.

Stop or fly by if you are in the Georgetown, TX neighborhood. My house is indicated and parking space is ample at my end of Taxiway A. We are almost right between KGTU and T74, at about 7 nm from each. Both have services with T74 usually having a near area low fuel price. We have no services as a residential airpark only, with 29 lots sharing the aviation ammenities.

Use caution, as we are only 2500 feet plus 200 foot overuns due to a true 40 to 50' obstacle of trees and wire (marked with the orange ball) on the approach side of the trees at the approach to 17. Runway 35 has far less obstacle height with only 15' trees and a fence, but slightly downhill at 75 feet msl difference between ends.

I use about 1/2 to 2/3 (brakes vs no brakes) of the 2700 feet ~ 1350 to 1800, "if" I touch down by the second residence (airspeed, airpeed, airspeed), to land on 17. If not, I have used almost 3/4, oops lost the airspeed control, with moderate braking. This almost matches the published performance. I have not needed a go-around at 07TS yet, but be prepared, as I have needed one elsewhere (my first 10 hours) in my short 40+ hours, 40+ landings, of Mooney experience. The start of the official runway is near the south edge of Taxiway A and the 200' overun extends back to the trees. I am normally at 150 agl to 400 agl by the departure end in my E on takeoff, 200 - 300 pounds under gross and cool for the higher number. My neighbor's M20 just about matches me with 150 HP, but he is usually lighter.

The first photo is final to 35 in my C152. The second is from downwind for 17 in my C152. The third is looking into my hanger at my C152 pre-door install, now have a bifold, and pre-Mooney purchase. I stil have no apron, just grass right up to my hanger. The fourth is our location on the San Antonio Sectional, north half.






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