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I took an IPC this weekend and got some good instruction. Part of the exercise was to increase my work load substantially with a diversion from Ardmore to Gainesville, with an approach and circle to land, (perfect landing btw)  then a set up to another approach to Denton right after, with a return to Alliance and another approach right after that. All in all my procedures, setup, and flying were good even with the fast pace of things. However, if one had been listening in on ATC one might have heard something like:


Fort Worth Approach: Mooney 123, cleared for the Denton ILS RWY 18, maintain 2500 feet until established, return my frequency on missed. Advise Denton tower how you will terminate and intentions on missed.

123: Cleared Denton ILS RWY 18, 2500, advise Denton tower, Mooney 123.

123: Denton tower, Mooney 123 is with you in-bound ILS 18, 7 miles, will end in a missed and then leave your airspace returning to Alliance.

Fort Worth Approach: Excellent Mooney 123! That’s just what I want you to tell Denton Tower when you switch frequencies to 119.95.

123:  DOH!


<edit - I think I could hear the chuckle in his voice ...>

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Once, on a long day of IFR training, flying partial panel in light turbulence, I called the tower at St. Louis / Lambert International as "Springfield Tower" twice. They asked if I was sure I knew what city I was in.


Good news is that you were in the DFW area where things are a bit more relaxed than other parts of the country.  Places like SOCAL (southern california) and New York can have a bit less sense of humor with little errors.  You don't have to ask me how I know... :unsure:


...  Places like SOCAL (southern california) and New York ...


Yup, I got my initial Instrument Rating in SOCAL and they can get a bit worked up at times. But, every once in a while, even they had their moments on the lighter side.


Anyone here who tells you he has never xmitted on the wrong frequency would probably lie to you about other stuff as well.


Well Bill, I have never used the wrong frequency or called anyone by the wrong name! :)

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Anyone here who tells you he has never xmitted on the wrong frequency would probably lie to you about other stuff as well.

I have never botched a landing either


There's got to be a new radio technology that helps with that. ...

Some of the newer ones that indicate the station's name next to the frequency??? If it works?

Best regards,



Well, you have to look to see the mistake, and if you look it probably does not matter wiether there is a station frequency or a name. The way I make the mistake is by hitting the flip flop key and it does not flop, and in a hurry I never check to see if it flopped or not.


I flew a plane once where the radio display would flop, but the internals would not change from the powered up state.   I made more than one ATC transmission for flight following, only to be answered by the tower.  Fortunately power cycling the radio would fix the problem.  And even more fortunate, it was not my plane.  And I never got any crap from the tower.

  • 2 weeks later...

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