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  1. Good day, Ive been searching around on-and-off for the last several months to see if there is a crack in the Garmin armor to load flight plans that originate from your desktop/tablet. The best idea I can find is perhaps using FlightPlan Migrator and the USB Aviation Data Card Programmer to preload and transfer flight plans to GNS430W. Garmin FlightPlan Migrator I have also looked at the idea of FltPlan Go except that seems to require FlightStream 210 hardware. And that idea seems great, but Im not so sure of the overall value. My best MS search comes up with this, Garmin 430w obstacle/terrain update... not trivial , which seems to focus primarily on DAFIF database transfer. I have a 'limited' avionics package with no wifi/ BT connectivity at the moment - just GNS430W. WingX7 and FltPlan Go are on my tablet. Ive already learned alot of general Mooney knowledge from searching and reading the forums, thanks. This is my first Thread start. In summary, Id like to ask your thoughts and experience that originates a flight plan on the desktop that can be loaded in GNS430W using the Garmin's data card slot. I have access to a USB ADCP. Cheers! Lumberg, M20F
  2. I'd like to upgrade my King KAP 150 to a Garmin GFC 500 and I'd like to have it done semi-locally (I'm based at KCMA). Can anyone recommend an avionics shop in SoCal? TIA, DJ N201LX
  3. After reviewing information provided on my earlier post about adding an Auto Pilot to my M20A with M20E Wing and M20J Tail along with information provided by a FAA Engineer it might be fairly easy to add an auto pilot out of a similar model Mooney utilizing excerpts from a STC along with my own documentation for a Field Approval. S-Tec will not provide any information since they do not have a STC for a M20A. If anyone has any photos of a S-Tec System 30 or 50 installed in a M20B, C, D, or E it would be helpful. I have found a system out of an early M20E but there is no documentation. The brackets, servos and harnesses are included but I would like to see where and how the system is installed if possible. Specifically the Roll Servo mounting and connections and the Pitch Servo Mounting and connections and location. If any one can help it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! Carl
  4. Hey All... PilotSafety.org is saving my bacon, maybe literally, with their Master Course on the Garmin 430/530. If you are in need of online training courses for Avidyne, Garmin, IFR, Foreflight, please check out their website. Anyone using code: JOLIE gets a 20% discount. bit.ly/PSJolie
  5. I am a gadget guy and I like Garmin's portable units. So I ordered the new AREA 760 as soon as I heard it had been issued. I was really excited and when I saw the unit I thought: this is it. Better and brighter screen than my ipad and a sturdier build. This is exactly what I needed. The capacity to download via WIFI the updates was also great. So I was a happy camper until... I tried to get the approach plates... from Jeppesen (have used jepp charts for so long...). I went on the www side shop.jeppesen.com and looked for the unit. It was not listed. So I called Jepp customer service. Waited for about 30 minutes and was told Garmin had not send the unit over so they didn't support it. So I called Garmin and they told me that Jeppesen did support the unit. I called Jepp and they told me no. Called Garmin (waited and got a call back) told them that Jepp did not support the 760, so they shared with me a notice on the Jepp www side stating that indeed they did support the unit. Called Jepp was told first yes it is supported and then they backtracked and said NO. So I called Garmin and they told me I could order the plates for the 796 and they should work. I called Jepp and tried to purchase the approach plates for Northamerica for a 796. I was quoted 1300.- just for the plates!!!! I asked them if that was the price? And that I thought that this was simply too much, considering that it was portable unit! They basically said yes that is it. There is no bundle available. Long story short... I have a nice unit, but the plates cost each year about the same as the unit... so instead of a nice unit, I have a nice paper weight until Garmin and Jepp figure out what to do and what their pricing should be. So if you want to use the Garmin unit with your Jepp approach charts... call them and evaluate if it is right for you. I had I known all this I would have not bought it.
  6. Before After
  7. Hi all! Garmin will have our recently upgraded Ovation 2 on display at the Garmin exhibit during AirVenture Oshkosh featuring the G500 TXi flight display, dual GTN Xi navigators, dual GI 275 electronic flight instruments, and the GFC 500 autopilot. Stop by, say hi, and take a look at how we upgraded the company Ovation! For more info on new products, seminars, and other Garmin news during Oshkosh, visit www.garmin.com/Oshkosh. Kyle
  8. GI 275 software 2.32. upgrade installed and showing very easy access to the GPSS vs HDG toggle function for the Autopilot. It is now in the first menu level rather than three levels deep. I did not install the alternative option which is a physical panel switch since I wanted to try the software option first. Since the software option works quite well I do not think I will be installing the switch. Need to make more flights in IMC and busy ATC with interspersed deviations to make final assessment. However, based on this flight it appears I will stay with the software option. There were no glitches whatsoever. Easy to toggle even in busy ATC airspace. GI 275 performed excellently as in the past including an RNAV approach. Very happy with the change!!!
  9. This video shows how the dual Garmin GI-275’s perform superbly in an RNAV approach into KFHB in low IFR conditions getting me down to minimums. The scan is easy and clear. Horizontal and vertical deviation indicators on both the ADI and HSI are clear and easy to fly with. The KFC 150 autopilot is driven perfectly by the top GI-275 (ADAHRS+AP). Just remember to put autopilot in APR mode once the Navigator (in my case a 530W) shows an approach mode such as LPV!!
  10. Hi all, Long time lurker, first time poster as I just bought my Mooney this week. I will be replacing a KX-170B nav/com with Garmin's newish GNC355 waas/com. The CDI currently installed is an older design, I believe a KI-209, but the aircraft is currently getting its annual so I'm not 100% sure. The avionics shop that will (probably) do the installation told me: "One thing to note, if it matters to you, your existing indicator does not have an OBS Resolver compatible with the GPS. That will limit you to non-precision GPS approaches." I assume they are referring to LPV approaches here since the box doesn't have a nav radio and there is nothing else connected to the CDI (though LPVs technically aren't precision approaches?). Does anyone here know more about this? I thought no OBS resolver simply meant you couldn't use the OBS knob in OBS mode, though you could still input a radial in via the touch interface. Do LPV approaches really require an OBS resolver? If so, I may just be poorer than I thought Thanks, Vince
  11. Currently installing a new G3X into year 2000 M20R Ovation. Im looking to get information on how the International Avionics Inc Fuel processor outputs the fuel data, and what type of Signal it outputs (Digital, Resistive).
  12. For Sale Garmin 530W Navigator GPS: $8000 OBO I am selling a Garmin 530 with WAAS, feeling due to an upgrade. Works very well, screen when off is good/fair condition, but when on screen condition is unnoticeable. Buyer will receive Navigation Unit, Tray, connectors, Nav and terrain data cards alone with a reader.
  13. Hey guys. I just purchased a 66' Mooney M20E and took delivery of it today. I was trying to set up my aircraft in Garmin pilot based on the most recent weight and balance information I have. For some reason it keeps giving me an error and I was wondering if anyone has experienced this before or could help me out. I've attached some pictures to show how I have it set up now.
  14. Brand new Garmin GA35 GPS antenna for sale. I ordered two separate avionics packages and got two antennas. $250 + shipping.
  15. Scenarios: 1. We purchased the MLB100 with our Avidyne AXP 322 and IFD 540. 2. Also, we have a GDL39R being used with Garmin Pilot. 3. What we have noticed on the Garmin Pilot with a GDL-39 since around mid-2018, after the update, we now have access and can utilize the new FIS-B weather products are available such as the following: Lightning Turbulence Icing Cloud Tops Graphical AIRMET Center Weather Advisory 4. My question is since MLB unit is a NAVWORX unit and NAVWORX is out of business, will the MLB100 units receive any updates via Avidyne and/or any other 3rd party source that may take on these units. If no, then basically, we have invested into a product (that is only a couple of years old) that will not provide any current FIS-B functionality. OR 5. Will these new FIS-B WX products become available via a firmware update to the IFD 540? Now for another scenario 6. Will the Garmin GTX 345R work with the IFD540? This will allow us to remove both the AXP-322 and MLB100 and 1 unit in lieu of 2. 7. In addition to question #6 (if the 345R will work) will the newer ADS-B products be supported with the IFD unit? Overall it seems like the IFD unit will need a firmware update to support the newer ADS-B features since many of these features are consider map overlays that the end-user can toggle off and on. 8. Regardless if you fly with a Garmin GTN or Avidyne IFD series, why can't you have Winds aloft and FIS-B Radar displayed both at the same time? On the inexpensive Garmin Pilot app you can display both at the same time, but not on our $$,$$$ GPS units. 9. On the IFD100 will the newer FIS-B products be available? 10 What about the Skytrax 100? Is the the same operating system and different name? Is this a total different unit? and can any details be provided about the new ADS-B FIS-B products in regards of the Skytrax100 supporting these features? Sorry, I do not fly with Foreflight; although, I do have the Foreflight APP. Foreflight users are welcome to chime in just as long the points are related to this post. The same goes for Garmin GTN, Avidyne IFD users, and/or any other FIS-B equipment and application that is applicable. This posting is not about which unit is better or worst; however, the objective is to determine and/or gather information and functionality based on the details depicted within this posting. Thank you.
  16. What should be included in a Garmin G5 pre-flight checklist? Thank you!
  17. Garmin just released a series of upgrades (on the 5th of September) for our GTN navigators and other G500/600 TXi displays. I am at my avionics shop now (for something else) and they told me about the update. They have upgraded 10-15 planes already and are installing the newest upgrade in my GTN750 + FS510. Highlights include: GTN Update: Decent VNav. You can now give waypoints in your flight-plan, vertical altitudes to assist with VNav planning. ONce an arrival or approach is loaded and activated, GTN automatically populates step-down altitudes or any applicable altitude restrictions. These are overridable if ATC issues something different. GTN: You now won't lose your final destination airport when loading and activating an approach - in the flight plan. GTN: Forward Looking Terrain Avoidance (FLTA) audible messages: "terrain ahead, pull up", "wire ahead", "five-hundred" GTN: Keyboard enhancements (QWERTY) GTN: Sidetone setttings GTN: user-defined waypoint as an airport, so terrain alerts are minimized. Other related products enhancements: Course Deviation Indication (CDI) and VDI Preview Garmin Pilot can now be used on Apple Devices to view real-time engine information via a FS510 New TXi display Orientations -Bryan
  18. One of my 430 WAAS data cards gave up the ghost this weekend and I need another one. When I last bought a card I remember noting how horribly expensive they were. Before I buy a new one I thought someone who may have upgraded may have one laying around for sale. If so, please message me. Thanks!
  19. For my M20J - 201: I bought a JPI EDM700 to replace a faulty JPI EI from Willmar but unfortunately they(he) went out of business and have been unable to track down the instrument. Also had an annual and new prop that I don't have paperwork for yet...Anyone aware of a loose 700/730? Or perhaps have one to sell? Or how to reach Brian? ;-/ I also have a GNS 430 with a sticky button - would like to buy a WAAS 430 or 530 to replace. Thanks to any responses! See you @ SNF. 605 389-4225 mei.cfii@gmail.com
  20. When I began upgrading the panel in my twin cessna I added a PMA 8000 G audio panel. I chose that model because it had the USB charge outlet- handy for phones and ipads and the auto squelch function. Now after flying with it for 6 months, my wife wanted a PMA 8000 G in the Mooney that she flies. She can't live without the auto squelch and the bluetooth music. So I pulled a perfectly good Garmin 340 audio panel out of the Mooney and replaced it with the PMA 8000. Happy wife, happy life. So the Garmin 340 audio panel is for sale. It works perfectly and is still supported by Garmin. I looked at ebay and the various outlets and see that they are selling for minimum $750-800. I am offering it for $700 if anyone on the Twin Cessna on Mooney forums want it. If not I will post it on ebay. First one gets it. Email me at jeffa@iglou.com Regards, Jeff
  21. We are looking to share the new expansion to the entire Mooney Community. What are you looking for? What are you interested in doing in the near future? Please give us an opportunity to earn your work and make a good difference not only with your aircraft, but throughout the community as well. We can accommodate your needs from an annual to a full avionics stack upgrade. We are running several different specials and are booking installations for the upcoming ADS-B mandate that is right around the corner in 2020. Give us a shot, you will NOT be disappointed!!! Shoot me an email, text or call me if you have any questions and to schedule your visit. Greg Baker 541-205-9141 gbaker@bakeravionics.com
  22. Gents, I believe I have a chance to buy a Garmin GTN 750 at an incredible price and it includes the unit 12/28v, connector back plate, rack, and Garmin GA 35 WAAS GPS antenna AND a current 8130. The unit was working perfectly when removed for an upgrade. My 1980 M20K is 100% original with the King silver crown package so I have a lot of changes coming due real soon to get ADS-b compliant. I've been looking at the Lynx 9000 thinking I didn't have a GPS source, but with the GTN 750, solved. I know the install costs are going to be astronomical but I plan on walking into a shop and handing them a pile of compatible parts and say "make it pretty ...and work", all at one time. I already have a JPI 830 in a box waiting, so also want to get a new comm panel, (my plane only has 2 place intercom plugs-need to add 2 rear) and of courses a new ADS-B transponder. (decisions, decisions) I'm pulling the entire interior for a complete upgrade and to upholster all of the interior panels as well. I plan on having all the interior out when I take it to the avionics shop (still need to find a good reasonable one within a couple hours flight time of Sacramento) so its quicker and easier for them to install wiring, antenna, etc. I'm a recreational flyer in my Mooney and wouldn't give a second thought flying back to the Midwest or farther from northern California so dont necessarily need all the latest and greatest digital wiz bangs, but it will be nice to step into modern times with a real GPS Panel unit. (KNS-80 and iPad up to now). Is there anything I should know up front or should be planning for to avoid having to go back 2 steps later on? I've attached a current panel pic to help. Hope it comes through ok. Thanks all ! This site rocks !!! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone ! (Can you tell I'm happy to be back in the US for the holidays from Afghanland !!?)
  23. I want to buy a Garmin GNS 430W with Rack and antenna and a Garmin 106A within the next month or so. I am in the Houston Area and after the TFR is lifted here I can fly to pick it up if you have one.
  24. Recently upgraded my 430W. Will sell my Garmin Aera 796 for first offer over $1275. Comes with GPS and XM Antennas, AC charging mount, aircraft mount, Manuals, and everything I received when I bought it new. The carry case has a worn spot in one corner which has no bearing on the operation of the unit which is fully functional. The XM weather feature requires a subscription to Sirius. Email any questions. No phone calls, please.
  25. Hi everyone, hope this isn't a duplicate of what's going on in the G5 thread. Since I'm not yet an owner, I wanted to leverage the knowledge here to better understand what Garmin's announcement that the G5 will soon support 3P autopilots means for the Mooney fleet. Short version: G5 coupled with GAD 29B adapter expected to support the following autopilots: Honeywell (Bendix King) KAP 100/140/150/200, KFC 150/200/225 S-TEC 20/30/40/50/55/60-1/60-2/65, 60 PSS, 55X Century II/III, IV (AC, DC), 21/31/41, 2000 Cessna 400B, 300 IFCS/400 IFCS Thanks.
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