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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. I'm surprised that JPI can't send my GTN650 the OAT, it sends it the fuel stats. How big is the Aspen probe temp probe anyway? The JPI probe is big:
  2. Most of the hot air passes underneath the plane, my original wing mount seems to match my 830 vent mount, or at least as close as I can tell from little analog temperature gauge.
  3. Mine (J) is at the air inlet for the pilots footwell vent.
  4. That's 1300nm trip, I'd have an out in case winds weren't favorable, right now they are 27knts W->E. I thought you need a high frequency radio if you go that route, but don't need if you go by way of Greenland?
  5. Wow, a lot of dirt, btw, those switches can be found on Amazon for a few bucks, have the hangar fairy replace them. AC 250V 16A SPDT Short Hinge Roller Lever Momentary Miniature Micro Switch https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DCAI9X0/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_ltehwbYZPFF0Y
  6. If I was the seller, I would not allow an inspection, I would allow an appraisal. Been told the word inspection gives the A&P power to ground the airplane (I think Busch mentions this). The idea is the buyers A&P uses this to extort repairs from the seller. Not sure how common this is, but when I bought my plane, they had restrictions on where I could take it. I would listen to your wife, the purchase agreement is BS
  7. My MSC did it at annual when have the plane open already, cost about 0.1 AMU
  8. Crossing the Atlantic sounds like fun, but I wouldn't do it in March...May-August sounds like a better time.
  9. I'm a little slow, doesn't a new Acclaim from the factory come with ADSB & G1000? Can't they just retrofit current the current hardware,software changes?
  10. You might have Second thoughts if you get a search of the following keywords : joy ride airplane stole
  11. Does the inside of the exhaust pipe look clean? The problem is the act of lowering the gear could just be disturbing the air flow and that's why you smell it then. Check the muffler supports as well, is the muffler touching anything it's not suppose to?
  12. I ran my slicks to 1100 hrs, then had the 500hr inspection. Mine are from 1996, I believe slicks (like lycoming) had quality problems post 2000. If they are older and have no issues I would just do the 500 hr IRAN, cost was just around $200 for 2 mags. If I had problems and had to buy new I would consider switching. But I think if you switch you will pay full price, no credit for the core.
  13. IIRC, it was printed with a picture of an old avionics panel. So casual glance would cause somebody to look elsewhere.
  14. How about adding TN to a J? Nobody done this? Only downside seems to be the $30K price tag.
  15. Maybe true, less weight, less lift required, less drag. Modern Js have wing tips with internal antennas and ELT antenna inside the dorsal fairing. My only antennas are Coms, transponder, UAT, and WX10. The WX10 probably the least aerodynamic with its square shape.
  16. No one uses a flight bag anymore? Keys, med, PP cert. A20, glasses, etc all in the flight bag.
  17. I'm not an O fan, if I was going big, I'd go turbo with TKS.
  18. Grandma and grandpa are not going use the extra tankage, unless they already wear adult diapers [emoji1] I'd plan on 3-4 hour legs, a J will cover 450-600nm, the missile will cover 540-720nm...is that extra distance worth it? Guess it depends on how far you have to go.
  19. Flying slower means less fuel per hour, so less $...where did the extra costs come from?
  20. I have a 40 degree spread 1-3 My 3 is the lowest, my 1 is the highest, kinda makes me think they are reversed, since the wires aren't labeled I can see why the would be mixed up
  21. PMD: I did what you described : bought the 2nd lowest priced post 77J, with old tired avionics and interior and 1600 hr engine and have updated it to get exactly what I want. This is my first and last airplane.
  22. Clogged fuel injector, it happen as I started leaning so I thought I just overdid it, fortunately it clear itself. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Yes, it's semiautomatic, you have to accept it, and it doesn't know if you shot an approach, but it does the airtime, nighttime, and knows if it's a cross country trip so normally you can just accept it. If you have 2 GP devices, you'll get 2 logs and just need to decline the extra one.
  24. On my flight home from its annual, this happen: You'll notice that once the EGT drops, the JPI marked it as a bad probe, that's why it stayed low.
  25. Ditto, I suggest going to Walmart and buying some sunshades for $10, problem solved.
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