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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. IIRC, the 81J you speak of had a noop AP, VFR GPS, and other 40 year avionics. It really comes down to the details, each plane is unique, some updated, some still have original avionics, interior and paint.
  2. I don't understand what you are referring to, do you have a screen capture? All my map labels are in black.
  3. Tough to make the Dec-Jan transition, many shops close the last week in December
  4. I've had a brand new CB go bad, so it's not just old ones.
  5. Search for cloth ear muff covers, these prevent sweating.
  6. I don't think it's that easy? It would be nice just to pull the 830 and replace with a 900.
  7. Not an apples to apples comparison, the Halo ear bud types vs full ear cup. I personally hate the ear buds, iPods included.
  8. I heard JPI had requested to add user limits in addition to POH limits and were seeking approval, might want to call JPI support.
  9. Oops, not sure what happen
  10. You need to be cleared before entering B airspace, and sometimes they will let you fly direct and sometimes you get vectored around, depends on you altitude and if you direction of flight will interfere with the standard departure, arrival procedures i would guess.
  11. Really? This coming from the guy with a panel with 2 Aspens, GTN 650, GNC 255, etc... [emoji6]
  12. I thought there was a mod you could do to convert your rear seat to the fold down? I vaguely recall there was a HowTo somewhere. My 78J folds down.
  13. I still disagree with conclusions, I think the industry understood it just find, they just changed the rules to protect airbus. I would have used a titanium alloy skeleton with tongues instead of the fiber composite tongues, but that would have cost more $.
  14. Mine were 18 years old anyway, they also changed my brake hoses for same reason.
  15. I used 2: Nick Eberling, "New Heights Aviation" is his Mooneyspace ID, Goldsboro and Greg Boone out of KJNX. I did my transition training about 18 months ago. I used Nick as a "buyer's broker", don't know if he does just transition training, I think he is pretty busy these days with his Air Force duties. He was unable to complete my training and Greg was recommended by him.
  16. Why the qualified "single function"?? Doesn't this exclude Apsen,Garmin PFDs?
  17. My MSC said "by feel", once they become stiff they should be replaced.
  18. Nice, but I think the 796 install was gilding the lily [emoji1] I assume by sticking with all Garmin products where possible, it made the install easier, doesn't all Garmin products connect via a Ethernet bus?
  19. I was never taught to do this, and POH doesn't say to do it, it gets tested every annual, and I never turn the prop by hand except to get it horizontal to allow me to use the tow bar.
  20. What about the CHTs?
  21. Except you got some really long winded departure clearances...I had my Garmin think I had a stuck mike and it cut off my read back.
  22. If you are going to buy a 80K J, you should have another $10k in reserve for first year issues, annual, possible upgrades.
  23. This "test" is not valid. The problem with holding your breath is that CO2 levels increase the bloodstream, which causes its own problems, this is why you can't just put a bag over your mouth and become hypoxic. I have tested one of those small O2 canisters that give you 30 breaths, my O2 levels go from 90 to 97 with 2 breaths, that's only 20-30 seconds between readings. For a person at rest, it's takes about 1 minute for blood to make the round trip through the body, so the blood at the finger is half way on its trip, 30 seconds, as you become hypoxic your heart rate increases, so drop that some more. Of course these are averages, and depends on you fitness level, age, weight, etc. Obviously if you lose O2 at 25000' or higher, waiting that long it too much. This is why you should have an airflow indicator on each persons air hose and a air pressure gauge as well, which should be checked as part of your preflight. The airflow indicator should be part of your scan, it will give you an instantaneous indication if airflow has stopped. Having a couple of the small O2 cans in your flight bag could provide O2 long enough to get to lower altitude, they are cheap insurance, just make sure they aren't made in China.
  24. 170 in pilot logbook, don't know about tach time...which hours are we talking about?
  25. Points taken, but I'm not sure I buy the "instantaneously", especially when they qualify it with "for practical purposes" Probably enough to minimize the effects.
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