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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. Because TCM owns Bendix now, would Ford use GM accessories ?
  2. For me and probably many on this board, the 20 year limitation is a non starter.
  3. lycoming requires the engine be new, never overhauled, and less than 20 years old to get the credit for the exchanged core, I assume the prices quoted include a exchanged core.
  4. Can't he do the wobble test to check for worn guides? Search for lycoming and wobble test. I'm no mechanic, just my 2 cents
  5. Sarasota avionics did my 210,88 install, IIRC it was $7k. They do good work, multiple locations.
  6. Looks like somebody removed an API Tapatalk was using to login, FWIW, I have latest IOS,Tapatalk software. Since I don't have this problem with POA forum, I think problem is a MS upgrade issue. i did fix the Location issue for me (prepended : to my location :-) )
  7. I think they do now, before upgrade they didn't, but I now have to login every 2 weeks or so.
  8. I guess you could try flightaware if he was IFR,FF, or liveatc if they archive that airport?
  9. They look bigger when not installed, this will be my future as well...closing in on 1800hrs.
  10. I think as everybody's credentials expire they will see this problem.
  11. Can't seem to login via Tapatalk but obviously direct web access works, any hints?
  12. Tires are a lot cheaper than a prop strike, if you were buying a plane with those tires, would you accept it?
  13. Does pulling the chute automatically kill the engine?
  14. I hope they teach them not to do that if there is a fire.
  15. My POH says 2600 for normal climb, 2700 for max. I wait until 1000' before I adjust anything, but I was taught 2500 rpm, WOT and 125-150 ROP, CHTs stay below 380, but will go above if speed drops below 120mph and it's warm.
  16. I don't what you mean by white noise, but I don't hear anything with my A20s. You just put them on and the noise goes away. If you want more noise, just put on glasses, they will pull the muffs a little from you head giving you more a noise. I've got the thicker glass so I don't hear wind, but the engine noise is enough @90dB.
  17. I agree, Oct is a good time, Nov&Dec you want to have the plane available for travel.
  18. Not necessarily, the devil is in the details, that's why we have logs. In my case it was done along with other work by the now defunct Modworks.
  19. But that would be the case for any engine that was sitting, I don't understand how a new engine would be destroyed? My point was that the new engine would have had same oil left on it as our engines when we leave them sit.
  20. I find it hard to believe the engine doesn't get manually turned over by engine shop after assembly to check it and is bathed in oil before its first start.
  21. On my plane, the 12v outlet is literally within a few inches of the radios. If you need the charger, buy a 12v extension cable (a few $) so you can move the charger away from the radios, see if that helps.
  22. I thought that slicks had some bad years 2000ish timeframe, and was told if you had the older ones to hang on to them. Note to manufacturers, once you get a bad rep, you can't shake it.
  23. I'm guessing you don't use power screwdrivers?
  24. His panel may be up to date, but those socks and shorts are from the 70s, time to upgrade the apparel [emoji1]
  25. That's the way I read it too and always at 75% power. IMHO, that's engine abuse.
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