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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. I notice the don't fold in the middle, and pictures are from the side, they look like they stick out a bit unless you have a wide head.
  2. Has anybody run their io-360 past TBO without any major cylinder,engine work?
  3. Lycoming makes a 390 for your Mooney (Eschelon?), 210 HP..... Personally I rather see them STC the TIO360-A3B6 instead, seems that's a more appealing upgrade.
  4. Is no one bothered by the fact this engine needed a top overhaul after only 1060 hrs? You got to wonder what kind of abuse it took to require a overhaul at that point. To answer M20F, yes I would run from it.
  5. If 1 valve failed, I'd be suspicious of the rest, it's be through a prop strike already, if it were me, I'd get the rebuilt. Too much bad history.
  6. Those prices don't include a lot of extras that may be required in this case, new cam, new cylinders and other items that usually are overhauled at the same time like prop, mags, alternator, etc.
  7. You'll need to still adjust for density altitude and gross weight.
  8. I thought they quit making the originals and only make the plus now. When I bought mine they were discounting the originals $175 vs $229, since I have 4 of them, I took the CB route and saved myself some money.
  9. ABQ to PHX BTW, service ceiling goes up if you are below max gross, a J goes To 23K if at 2300lbs. At least in theory, I would not try it during summertime. I was limited by CHTs, could not climb at Vy
  10. Yes, it basically uses an internal 1090 receiver to pick up the info it needs, I have kt74.
  11. Works now for me as well, thanks!
  12. Some might not like their tail number posted on the Internet, he may have been there to see his mistress, feeling safe that he couldn't be tracked without ADSB [emoji1]
  13. I'm curious about stop in Providenciales, did you have to go thru full customs procedures, what fees did they charge?
  14. If the 1 bottom plug gets lead fouled, then it's more likely not to be able to burn off the oil since it's not firing. do you have GAMIs? Maybe that cylinder is running richer than the rest?
  15. Is the iron coming from cylinders or cam shaft? personally I would price it as a runout, then if no takers, do the overhaul. That way you can try it both ways and the question is mute. In the meantime, a borescope examination might be a good next step.
  16. When you are sitting on the ground your chances of receiving ADSB WX and traffic is improved, how much don't know, how important given you have cell coverage, not much, IMOHO
  17. It would be interesting to see the airflow around the propellor. I would have thought faster RPM would be less efficient, ditto for 3 vs 2 blades because of the turbulence from preceding blade rotation, possibly improving with speed. Engine should have less friction losses at lower RPMs as well. The inner part of blades are always going to be less efficient since they don't generate much air flow. Maybe birds have it right and the next Mooney should have flapping wings.
  18. Does the $4000 include the cost of the antennas? Which run about $340 each. My labor was twice that. I wonder how much labor it takes to remove the interior?
  19. Hank, did you ever post it?
  20. No further large FF spikes, checking next couple of flights were ok, then it went in for an annual, just goes to show that without a engine monitor, would have never known. BTW, I never realized this because no CHT limit was reached, it wasn't till I reviewed my flights. Be careful out there.
  21. If you are going to do that, then you would have to consider Garmin 500 instead of the Aspen
  22. Not sure why it's fuzzy, my iPad shows it pretty clear if I touch it, maybe try treating it as a link, and click on it. im assuming the FF is spiking because the injector is partially clogged, seems reasonable to me, you notice there is another big spike when it clears itself.
  23. It's hard to tell but I think he is saying, learn old school methods first, before you get an iPad which can be a great help for situation awareness, but has its limitations
  24. I had this happen, normally high egt, lo cht is a spark plug not firing, but with the FF i think it was a partially clogged injector, cleared itself.
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