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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. For some reason X58 is not showing the map page, it does show up if i hit nearest, if I select it from airports page and select map, it's centered correctly, but no airport, if I select direct it shows up, until i clear then it disappears. Other airports including smaller, private ones show up, I tried resetting to factory settings.
  2. you have to slow the shutter speed I think, normal camera you would use a filter, try searching app store for shutter speed.
  3. Totally stopped is what you want, you can diagnose it. Bad sensor, lose or chafed wire could also cause it.
  4. Daytona Aircraft Services at DAB, it's a MSC
  5. 830 doesn't include amps, fuel pressure, or fuel tank levels not to mention it's not certified...maybe you meant 930.
  6. I found these: http://mitchellproducts.com/modular-gauge-frames/
  7. The fact that the cross hatches were worn off, you saying it would be normal for that to occur in 300 hours!
  8. And it sounds like they didn't replace the cylinders when they did the last rebuild. I'd overhaul it and replace all cylinders with new ones, I'd overhaul the prop and mags as well.
  9. Taxi light is has wider spread and lights up just the 25' in front of you, landing light is a tight spread and throws light much farther.
  10. I think that's the hidden file mention earlier, it's tied to the serial number of the box. As I said, just copying files over to a regular SD card won't work.
  11. You have to clone it or a bit by bit copy...if you have a Linux box I can tell you the command, I'm sure Windows,Mac have a way to do this, 3rd party tool. Search for keywords: clone, SD card, windows
  12. No, I pull it to update once a month or so, and SD cards should last 50,000 write cycles. Did OP ever try to format the cards use them as generic SD cards? In other words, was the card actually damaged or just its data got corrupted?
  13. $150 a card? Yikes. Get some generic sdcards of the same size and clone the garmin cards, save yourself $140.
  14. Or bad towing technique, my nose gear had to be repaired by PO because somebody over steered it.
  15. Is that only a problem with the 750?
  16. For those in Florida (X26), from airport website http://www.sebastianairport.org/ Fly in to the Sebastian Municipal Airport and play a round of golf at our great new "fly-in" discounted rate for airport users. The Airport has golf carts available on the ramp outside the Administration Building on the southeast side of the Airport. Contact The Community Development Director/City Engineer/Airport Manager Frank Watanabe at 772-388-8228 or E-mail fwatanabe@cityofsebastian.org for cart reservations. You can take the cart directly from the ramp to the adjacent Municipal Golf Course.
  17. A gallon! You drink a lot!
  18. Electronics are definitely not all or nothing, had similar problem with oil temp, turned out wire had frayed and was grounding out. Check your sensor wires carefully.
  19. I believe aircraft engines are certified to run at 50% of capacity, I wouldn't go that low, Mike Busch recommends 2/3, I used 3/4, or for 8 max, start with 6, if 12, I'd start with 8. If going on a long trip (3+ hrs), then I start with 6.5.
  20. FWIW, Daytona Services (another MSC) base price for M20J is $1850.
  21. I had mine repaired, covered with leather, by a shop that specializes in doing interiors (Aerotrim@KFPR), they were able to not just fix cracks, but removed ashtrays and repair the holes.
  22. agreed, they are trying to teach common sense....good luck with that.
  23. Its not the absolute cost that matters, it's the cost/hour, if you spend more, you balance that by flying more
  24. It looks like you are trying to keep it above 7 quarts, the higher the fuel level more it spits is out. What happens when you start at 6.5 or less, does the rate start to drop?
  25. Good, then we can eliminate the radios and testing becomes trivial Zulus have a mic adjustment, Bose do not (I think they auto adjust). dont know about Halos. BTW, the mics are very uni-directional, make sure its pointed at your mouth, easy to do because the mitt covers the mic and you may not have notice.
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