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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. Well from wikipedia"The power output of the engine — power output depends on oxygen intake, so the engine output is reduced as the equivalent dry air density decreases and produces even less power as moisture displaces oxygen in more humid conditions." If it affects the engine's oxygen intake, it seemed reasonable it might affect ours, hence the question
  2. I noticed everybody uses absolute altitudes, does anybody check the density altitudes when deciding to use O2 or what altitude to pick?
  3. Has anyone ever bothered to have their plane weighed, and if you did, was it heavier or lighter than calculated ?
  4. I had all my hoses replaced (oil & fuel) in my J, they were consider unserviceable, 6 hrs of labor at $85/hour and the hose kit was $1350 for a total of about $1850. They were 18 yrs old.
  5. If they wired it the bus I'd have a problem with that. My installer label it as ADSB and it's a 3 amp CB.
  6. Sweet! But what's your empty weight now?
  7. Those numbers are pretty close to what I get in my J, I assume you have speed mods (cowl & windshield)?
  8. Does anybody know how to correlate Mooney part numbers to Safe Flight part numbers?
  9. I would suggest going out to your practice area and pulling the 750 circuit breaker for both nav and com and seeing what happens.
  10. I understand having a backup vac for primary instruments, but do you really need a backup vac for a backup instrument? You might consider removing the backup vac for backup instruments especially if its electric. You're having a bad day if your glass panel goes away and at the same time your vacuum pump dies as well.
  11. So if the 750 goes down, and its COM1, how do you switch over to the 650 and make COM2 the active radio?
  12. Definitely a sweet panel. The only bad thing about Bennett's panel is to make room he is using the remote control feature of the 750 for the transponder and audio control, so if the 750 goes TU it takes those with it. Probably not a huge deal, but would a 650 instead of 430 fix that potential problem?
  13. Since the 900 is a primary does it require new probes?
  14. Don't try to keep up with Marauder... [emoji1] i installed it with the optional flush mount. I would add the ease of downloading data via USB memory stick is a big plus. To take advantage of the 830, I would consider the optional probes (oil temp, pres, oat, ff, etc) if you don't already have these.
  15. My FF tends to bounce around, like 7.6-7.8, as reported by my JPI. Is this something to be worried about?
  16. Oder in the cabin maybe just leakage thru the fuel gauge sensors and not require a $8000 re-seal, next annual while you have interior out check them carefully.
  17. But your fuel burn is 10.2, my J lumbers along at 128, 7.8gph @ 2300rpm. It's not about the speed, it's about doing it efficiently So assuming $5/gal, that's $12/hr savings, assuming 150 hrs per year, that means I saved $1800 in fuel costs, a couple more years and I will have saved enough to buy one of those fancy Aspens [emoji1]
  18. Even here at Mooneyspace: Js are considered modern while Fs are vintage.
  19. I'm not familiar with the 90's Js, but if you wanted oil temp to the JPI it's $195 + labor. Looking back I see it takes about 3 mins at an OAT 40 for the OT to reach 75, and was above 100 in 5 mins.
  20. How about a white line? Where does the gauge read when at operating temperature? Mine is somewhere past the middle. Do you not have an engine monitor? Can you attach pix of your gauge?
  21. ONLY $8.79 at KOPF (Landmark)!! There is low prices in many central Florida APs
  22. Only comms I found so far are requests for 370MM to ident.
  23. I listen to some of the ATC, icing and convective activity mention, lots of deviations and requests for altitude changes, 1 plane declared minimum fuel.
  24. I'll check my paperwork to see if I have it, thx
  25. I have same engine, do you have a link to limitations?
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