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In case anybody needs a solution for using a TKS barrel.  After doing a little searching, I found a combination of a dolly and pump that so far works well for refilling TKS fluid.  I'm new to the world of TKS and surprisingly couldn't find a lot of information other than DIY solutions.  Finally I found this.

 I like the dolly because it is a one man operation to load the barrel onto it due to the low clearance and the dolly handle can be used to tilt the barrel back.  The handle also has a built in bung wrench which is convenient.   The pump is a plug and play solution which is what I was looking for.  Now I just have to find a way of knowing how full my TKS tank is before spilling everything underneath the plane.  When I see the fluid at the fill opening, by then its too late to avoid spilling fluid from underneath the plane (visible in the photo haha).  A flow meter would help.  Otherwise, for my next fill I'm planning on filling 1 or 2.5 gallon containers and then transferring the fluid because I'll already know how many gallons I need until full.





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That dolly is slick.  I wrestle the 30 gallon barrel onto standard wheeled dolly, and it's not fun.

Be careful that the pump is ok for corrosives.  I ruined a barrel with one of these, which corroded very quickly.


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I don’t know the exact date but I believe the shelf life is 2-3yrs. I live in the Great Lakes region so between monthly pump checks and the long WI/MI winter, I’m anticipating lots of preventative use.

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Posted (edited)

pH is what I’d be most worried about.

fluid specs

it can get acidic with age. pH testers are cheap insurance.

specific gravity should tell you if the water and alcohol have evaporated out.


Edited by exM20K

Super smooth terrazzo floor and FIKI fluid...  A forever plane deserves its own castle! 

Use as much care as possible to avoid slipping...

That cart sure looks like a great way to avoid the spills.  :)

Best regards,


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Very cool - I would suggest like you, use the pump to fill 1-2 gallon containers and then use those to fill the airplane. That way you know how much is going in.

Take care,


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On 8/17/2020 at 1:18 PM, apenney said:

In case anybody needs a solution for using a TKS barrel.  After doing a little searching, I found a combination of a dolly and pump that so far works well for refilling TKS fluid.  I'm new to the world of TKS and surprisingly couldn't find a lot of information other than DIY solutions.  Finally I found this.

Thanks for posting these.  I ordered both earlier today.  Probably a couple of the coolest tools I’ve seen in awhile.  Not sure why or how I haven’t seen them prior to now.  Really could’ve used the dolly a couple of months ago when I ordered my most-recent 55-gal drum.

Sidebar...at the risk of highjacking the thread:

If anyone would like a TKS top-off for your aircraft if so-equipped, I’m happy to do so at no cost.  I won’t go through the entire drum solo.  Got a huge price break on this last batch versus the smaller quantities.  I’ll obviously use some, but would prefer to share it with those who can use it.  No catch, and no other motivation than to pass it on to anyone wanting to save a few bucks.  So...if you’re planning to be in the area, ping me and we can connect.  Easy-in, easy-out of my airport’s Halstead air park area (East side of KISP by the approach end of rwy. 33R).


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