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Pimp my panel.

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I am looking at a panel upgrade from my vintage shotgun configuration in my 64C.  I would love to go the Aspen route, but just not feasible for my situation.  I do have a fresh Bendix/King HSI that will be slaved to the 430W and a STEC-30 w/GPSS.  This will eliminate the old DG and TC’s as well as the CDI and KX155 as I plan to go with the 430W as my primary  with my 496 as backup.  Keeping the current Artificial Horizon,  Altimeter, VSI, and Airspeed Indicator, this gives me six instruments on the right side.  This leaves space for the addition of JPI 700 or 730, FS-450 fuel monitor, and clock as well as the slaving buttons for the HSI and GPSS, vacuum gauge, and Landing gear annunciators.  I will be cutting a new panel to set up a standard six-pack configuration. 

My stack will consist of PS 8000b, 430W, and a SL40 (doing away with KX155).  I’ll keep the Bendix transponder on the left side for now with future plans to upgrade. 

I am currently working on my IFR ticket so the above configuration gets me a good platform to work from. 

My questions are-

1)      Are there concerns for going with the 430W as primary/sole source of legal guidance?  As mentioned, I have the 496 as backup with an Ipad and Iphone with too many aviation App’s too mention in case of a total meltdown. 

2)      Is there anyone flying with one radio on IFR flight plans?  I’ve never had just one radio, but it is a consideration.  I always carry my handheld for emergencies.  It is nice to have two for picking up the weather info and with the PS audio panel it would make it nice to have, but is it necessary with today’s equipment?

3)       Am I missing anything or is there something you would suggest I change before I start this project?

If you have a picture of your refurbished “non-glass” panel, please feel free to show it off.  Nothing against glass, but it’s just not in the budget.  I am also in the market for an engine monitor and fuel flow system if someone has one that they have possibly upgraded from. 


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I have a 69F with a 430W, 496 connected to the 430W, PMA 8000B, KX155 w G/S Garmin 327 Transponder. I have the JPI 700 and FS 450 for fuel info  FS 4502 is connected to the 430 also.  I also have the STec 30, with heading, Alt hold and GPSS.   I did not go the HSI route, but would have loved to.

This makes a great platform for me.

Check out my pictures here on Mooneyspace.


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For what it's worth:

Unless you have a connection to an external antenna, a handheld is almost worthless if you have a radio or electrical failure enroute.  Especially with a total electrical failure in hard IFR enroute.  I thought my handheld would at least be helpful backup, but it wasn't.  Been there and done that!

For me, for now on (and for several years since my unpleasant experience), it is at least two radios in the panel.

But as always, you makes your choices, and you takes your chances!

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Quote: N9154V


I have a 69F with a 430W, 496 connected to the 430W, PMA 8000B, KX155 w G/S Garmin 327 Transponder. I have the JPI 700 and FS 450 for fuel info  FS 4502 is connected to the 430 also.  I also have the STec 30, with heading, Alt hold and GPSS.   I did not go the HSI route, but would have loved to.

This makes a great platform for me.

Check out my pictures here on Mooneyspace.


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Quote: dcrogers11


My stack will consist of PS 8000b, 430W, and a SL40 (doing away with KX155).  I’ll keep the Bendix transponder on the left side for now with future plans to upgrade. 

I would consider keeping the KX155 with the CDI or go to the SL30 with a CDI. Good to have back ups for IFR flying. If your 430 blacks out on you, you cannot continue IFR, or fly an approach with your 496. However, with a KX 155 or SL 30 you can. With either radio, make the CDI have a glide slope so you can fly an ILS.

I am currently working on my IFR ticket so the above configuration gets me a good platform to work from. 

My questions are-

1)      Are there concerns for going with the 430W as primary/sole source of legal guidance?  As mentioned, I have the 496 as backup with an Ipad and Iphone with too many aviation App’s too mention in case of a total meltdown. 


Yes. Everything breaks. My 430 is broken right now.

2)      Is there anyone flying with one radio on IFR flight plans?  I’ve never had just one radio, but it is a consideration.  I always carry my handheld for emergencies.  It is nice to have two for picking up the weather info and with the PS audio panel it would make it nice to have, but is it necessary with today’s equipment?


I don't understand. You're saying you're going to put in a 430 and a SL40, that's two radios, no?

3)       Am I missing anything or is there something you would suggest I change before I start this project?

See above. Also, if you want to save space, consider the 700 with the FF option.

If you have a picture of your refurbished “non-glass” panel, please feel free to show it off.  Nothing against glass, but it’s just not in the budget.  I am also in the market for an engine monitor and fuel flow system if someone has one that they have possibly upgraded from. 


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I am considering gutting the mid-panel on my "C" and putting in a single 530W.    For backup I have a handheld radio and a connector to a belly-mounted external antenna.  The com radio has a VOR receiver capability as well as voice -- and for other nav backup there's the Aera GPS on the yoke with its internal battery. 

Question for this group -- why do I need an audio panel?  With just one radio there's nothing to select, so can I route the radio's audio to the PS3000 stereo intercom?   I already have a MB receiver,  Sure, backup is nice, but panel room is at a premium on these old birds, and I have only one engine, one vacuum pump, one generator, etc.  


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Good comments and ideas.  I think I'll probably go with the 8000B, 430w, SL30, and bite the bullet and change out the transponder to garmin as well. I have a nice KX155, but just like the idea of a uniform stack.   

Did anyone have a chance to look at or have any experience with the Flight Cheetah FL650?  Could be a nice alternative to a Garmin mounted on the Pass. side during my upgrade.  It does have cheaper options for XM and synthetic vision.  It would be nice to mount it to the right of my MAP and RPM where the old transponder once resided.  I just noticed they have a special on it today.  


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