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Culver LFA

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Everything posted by Culver LFA

  1. This thing is worth twice it’s price, I use it all the time https://www.amazon.com/Siphon-Self-Priming-Aquariums-Drinking-FDA-Grade/dp/B00MVAIL76/ref=asc_df_B00MVAIL76/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312280085431&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14479300769218246&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=t&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9010882&hvtargid=pla-568757071563&psc=1
  2. Here is a copy of the installation manual, and a sales document on the KMA24. After reading this thread I noticed today that I also have some faint static on my cabin speaker without any of the top speaker audio buttons selected. I would guess it is EMI from a harness somewhere or just the antique audio panel, but it isn't really bothersome on my airplane? KMA-24Install.pdf kma24.pdf
  3. Unfortunately it is currently in pieces waiting for me to get back to it.
  4. Griffin (6A2) is still under the veil and a pretty good country road drive over to a Peachtree City. I think I’d use UPS before going that route by air & road. I’m ADSB compliant 8.5 inside the mode C at 8GA9, between KFFC and 6A2. With all the training traffic flying between Newnan and Griffin, especially just north of me over Lake Horton, ADSB traffic is very, very nice to have.
  5. There are some unbuilt lots there, buy one of those and build a hangar? Make sure there is room for me when I come down and visit, that’s my old stomping grounds.
  6. Maybe check at Tampa North? X39
  7. Hey, don’t complain! They wouldn’t let me in, said I wasn’t on “the list”!
  8. It does appear that way but looking closer I believe it has been cut and is not attached to anything?
  9. That’s not a Mooney fuel tank, it’s not leaking!
  10. Probably not this week for me but I’d be all over it in January! I was thinking about setting one up for Tifton GA, they have 2 crew cars and there is a cool restaurant in town called 41st & Main that has bacon wrapped meatballs.
  11. I got that route once, while VFR over Atlanta middle of the night. And I've been told to remain clear of Bravo more times than I can count.
  12. I do the same, it’s so easy to do why wouldn’t you? I also note interesting things I did or saw along the way, who I met and the names of passengers I took flying. When I can’t fly anymore I’ll enjoy remembering this time in my life and the experience
  13. Private
  14. @Mooneymite check our this Mite restoration going on not far from us at PDK. It’s a beauty!
  15. I will be attending. Looking forward to it! Joe Burley
  16. Wait for your first HOA meeting, that’s when the honeymoon is over! Just joking, that’s a great update to hear and living at the Aerodrome with your airplane close by is truly living the dream!
  17. So exactly what altitude are you cruising at
  18. The 27th of July is competing with a pretty big aviation event. (2019 EAA AirVenture Oshkosh will begin Monday, July 22 and ends on Sunday, July 28)
  19. How's the restaurant at Bessemer?
  20. Welcome Pasturepilot, Nice looking Mooney! Looks like we are pretty close to each other, lots of Mooneys popping up in the ATL area! -Joe
  21. That is a pretty slick setup, I think I may put this on my Christmas list (or maybe get one at Oshkosh if I can't wait)
  22. Welcome to the group pilotrider, I'm 20 or so minutes (by Mooney) NW of you, I'd be happy to come down and meet you sometime and we can do a flight together in my M20F. Good luck with your search! Joe
  23. You guys flying off pavement probably don’t kill as many bugs as us turf guys but I find that a little spritz of WD40 on the prop blades after each flight and then a quick wipe with a paper towel takes the bugs right off. They don’t seem to stick very well to the treated surface.
  24. I just made one of these using your pdf, after 2hrs of flight on each tank today I checked the levels with the stick when I landed and it shows around 13 a side. That’s about perfect! That scrap wood and sharpie I used to make this was the best money I ever spent in aviation.
  25. Like the title says, anyone in the area want to meet up and grab some dinner? Tomorrow (5/23) or Sunday evening would be best for me. @gsxrpilot I’ve lost my link for the Mooney member map, can you send it to me again please?
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