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Culver LFA

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Everything posted by Culver LFA

  1. Hi Richard, I fly out of 8GA9 (Griffin) in a M20F. I go to Pine Mountain about once a week or so for fuel, we could meet there or I could easily come down your way if needed. Good luck with your search for the right Mooney! -Joe
  2. Yep, I totally agree. Unfortunately I’m 2 miles too close to the big airport...
  3. Any chance that @jaylw314 might be the FAA employee I was asking about? I can understand equipped, but not functional ADSB, aircraft getting a one time exemption (like for a trip to the avionics shop) but aircraft without ADSB installations being allowed inside the mode c while others played the FAA game of compliance is what’s questionable to me. I’ve somewhat been following this as modern ADSB equipment really doesn’t have a place in antique aircraft panels. While many pilots (1960’s up Mooney, Beech, Piper, Cessna, etc) are just biting the bullet and convincing themselves this is a good time to upgrade their panels, most antique aircraft owners cringe with the thought of digital displays in the cockpit. I’d give one time exemptions a try on my other ‘non-adsb’ aircraft and see how it works out before I’ll spend $3500+ on equipment for an occasional evening flyer. I’m at 28 miles out on the 30 mile mode c, the Culver rarely stays in the ring as most flights are heading south outside the mode c and nowhere near the class B 6,000’ floor (the tires haven’t even touched pavement in probably 100 landings). And from what I’m hearing on the board here with verification flights, and experiencing myself flying the Mooney, it’s questionable if ATC can even see ADSB aircraft for a substantial portion of the actual flight inside mode c veil anyways; What are we equipping for? To appear on an iPad for other low-n-slow bug smashers? The ADSB fun is really just beginning, the enforcement stories after Jan 1st should be entertaining!
  4. The FAA must really get a kick out of getting aircraft owners all worked up. I guess they didn't get enough people upset by offering two rounds of rebates and not reimbursing the people that installed ADSB-out in between the rebate times. This latest decision should get some more panties in a bunch... https://eaa.org/eaa/news-and-publications/eaa-news-and-aviation-news/news/04-04-2019-FAA-Issues-ADS-B-Out-Airspace-Policy-Statement?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTUdZNFpHUTJaRFprT0daaCIsInQiOiJwZnFTZU1CTHJJelo4UE85djNIUVpBb2F2bHBIdmpcL3puUFRiWjJXK0x5RG9rUElva0h5a1VVbllUaEtSOFRoOVljWGxrcTlXXC9VWU9ZVXVZVGI4NnIzSk43VCtadHIzS0ZiN1BiOEpjb29ZdmF0SCtTS1YzN0g1NnhBUCtnaVp2In0%3D Here is the full policy statement link in the screenshot: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2019/04/01/2019-06184/statement-of-policy-for-authorizations-to-operators-of-aircraft-that-are-not-equipped-with-automatic
  5. I don't think that it does, doesn't show it on the attached pdf. I'll have to take a look tomorrow to confirm this. E-04.pdf
  6. Weights from the installation manual for each version and optional equipment.
  7. 2200 hrs is pretty good but let’s not be frivolous here, are they replacing the part rather than repairing/welding the crack? Once repaired that system should be good for another 2000 hrs!
  8. @Bob_Belville I believe his PFS is a GEN 1 version and yours is Gen 2?
  9. I wonder why he would sell it rather than return it, did he buy low and sell high to make a quick buck? "If within 60 days from the date of the first flight after installation the customer is dissatisfied for any reason, they can return the system to Power Flow Systems and they will be entitled to a full refund of the purchase price of the system (exclusive of shipping charges and labor) once the system has been received ..."
  10. Power flow test results on a J
  11. That's a good upgrade from the standard bulb at a great price. I...ahem, know a guy...that has one on his Mooney. It's been on all the time for years just like you did. Even if you don't fly at night much I think it's worth it for the daytime safety/great visibility to other traffic aspect alone. At night the beam is a bit narrower, but it's not a problem, just a different pattern with sharper lines and less flood.
  12. McGyver must have been very busy, mine has the breakers located exactly the same as the above photo. Maybe Dugosh is McGyver??? Are these all manual to electric gear conversion airplanes?
  13. I’m really liking not using mine (it’s a ACK E04).
  14. @rdv if any work was recently done check the cable routing closely for excessively sharp bends, that’ll bind it up and no amount of lube will fix it.
  15. Wow, but the guy that installed the seat sure didn’t do his job. Sounds like the Saf-T-Stop may have saved you but the seat installer almost killed you! Glad your here to tell about it.
  16. I have my one of my gps antennas located there. The bar for the cage going right down the middle of the plenum is something to keep in mind. You can remove the panels on the plenum for access and the antenna can be placed left or right of center of the bar. You'll need a 90º connector on your antenna lead for clearance. Just make sure you double/triple check the fastener locations with the template to make sure you can install the antenna in the holes you drilled.
  17. Sorry for the thread drift but this is really interesting to me. Sure, I can understand if the workshop procedure is not followed then the results will not be accurate. But this should not be the norm, if the procedure is followed as it should be then the results should be absolutely accurate. Now if 3 mechanics get wildly varying results using the same equipment and procedure on the same airplane, the equipment or procedure is not the problem (unless the instructions are overly complex or poorly written, which in this cause they are not).
  18. I honestly have not heard this before. The scales don’t lie and the weighing procedure in the manual really isn’t very complicated, how could it not be more accurate if done correctly? How many installations include the weight and stations of the components but not include the 18’ of coax or 50’ of 20 gauge wire? And my point about the ‘negligibles’ is that they all add up to more than the weight we save on lightweight starters, alternators, prop governors, etc. I have all these items on my airplane now and it’s still 70#’s heavier on the scales than it was when last calculated in 2002. I’m not disagreeing with you, I’m asking so that I understand.
  19. In most cases you will probably find that the lower useful load numbers are real, airplane put on the scales recently, numbers. The higher useful load numbers are calculations upon calculations since the airplane was new, last real weight and balance being many years ago. And those “negligible weight change” logbook entries for each small mod completed, rather than doing a proper w&b and equipment list, add up.
  20. What about the bent j-bars, the worn downlock blocks, the j-bars slamming up while in cruise unexpectedly, the sticky handles not engaging as your just clearing the trees... The 'complex' in complex airplane isn't necessarily the operational procedures, I think it's more the complexity of the wear and tear/maintenance!
  21. @ShermAv8tor I just may know someone that will soon have everything you need to do this conversion, the switches, wiring, brackets, pushrods, actuator, emergency gear crank, everything! I’m just waiting for a few more parts to arrive and then I’ll have everything I need to convert my F back to J bar. All my electric gear parts will be for sale soon!
  22. On my 67 F the fuel selector lamp is on the same circuit as the panel lights.
  23. Yeah, he is probably busy resealing his tanks because you can't land a Mooney on grass
  24. All is well, I heard back from him this AM!
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