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This isn't true.  They land at Bay Minette (1R8) in Alabama all the time, and I've seen them at other non-towered airports.

It seems like Parker may have been visiting the girls at Bay Minette Aviation also.  Nothing like a refreshing stop on the way back to Texas.




Small Business Owner - Yes

Watch Fox News - Yes

Able to manage my business and cut 2% without any fuss - Hell Yes


Small business owners have always sacrificed to keep their businesses going INCLUDING working for months without pulling a salary from the till.  I don't see any of our leaders, both Republicans and Dems as well the "Campaigner and Chief" volunteering their own wages.  Keep Air Force One in the hangar and go to work.  I agree that the manufactured "sky is falling" scare tactics are just that, scare tactics.  Tomorrow, the sun will come up and life will go on just as it did January 1, 2000 when the world would come to an end. 



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it should actually be pretty easy to eliminate programs proven of no benefit (like the biennial flight review)

How would eliminating the flight review save the FAA (or anyone else in the government) money?


It seems like Parker may have been visiting the girls at Bay Minette Aviation also.  Nothing like a refreshing stop on the way back to Texas.



A well known benefit of that stop. If they get laid off, I'm really pissed. Fear mongering and a complicit press seem to be a more powerful tool than working hard for a truly balanced solution via eye to eye negotiations.

Shut down the country...sure, but leave those cuties be ;)


Big government is bad. Barry boy thinks big government is good. hence the current problem with him. His style of governing is campaigning in sound bites. No rational discussion ever came from this president. The only thing we get is one manufactured crisis after another. He is polarizing this nation on purpose. The dividing line is between those who pay and those who receive tax money. Any one on this forum, one that contains people who have EARNED enough money to afford to fly, who support Obama and his policies is a fool.

Yes I run a small business. I see what damage this fool does to me personally.

 Any taxpayer arguing for the current regime is like a cop carrying this gun into harms way. 


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The first post is the problem. For many of the reasons stated. We are not truly cutting. We are cutting growth. We have manufactured events to stoke fear and keep the people focused on big government need. Cut, cut and cut some more until the budget is balanced and then work on the deficit. There is need and there is want. The current administration wants to infringe on rights based on an event. If just one life can be saved...isn't it worth it? No. Freedom and chice and free will ALL have consequences. I take freedom over a utopia that is and never will be realized.

To address the original post. When, not if an event occurs that involves a loss of life that relates to tower cutbacks and oversight that could have prevented it I will say investigate, learn and address it. We need to start deciding what is needed and what is just more big government and building for the sake of growth. Now I think I will go out and buy a late model 201 because I want one. I will worry about paying for it later. Maybe my neighbors and other folks can and will help me pay for it...cause I deserve it. Others on the site have one. I should too. Please send money. Especially you rich bastards who have more than I do. I don't mean a one time payment. Give me some of your money every month....and if times are good...give me more.

  • Like 2

Big government is bad. Barry boy thinks big government is good. hence the current problem with him. His style of governing is campaigning in sound bites. No rational discussion ever came from this president. The only thing we get is one manufactured crisis after another. He is polarizing this nation on purpose. The dividing line is between those who pay and those who receive tax money. Any one on this forum, one that contains people who have EARNED enough money to afford to fly, who support Obama and his policies is a fool.

Yes I run a small business. I see what damage this fool does to me personally.

 Any taxpayer arguing for the current regime is like a cop carrying this gun into harms way. 



RJ, I do think there are a few more people to blame in polarizing politics lately.  In fact please re-read your own post and see if you may understand how it it struck me as saying the following - see things my way or you are a fool.  Whether or not you believe that position is fine and your business, and I see your passion in declaring it, but it is clearly a polarized opinion, and a polarizing statement to make.  It seems to me that the other party also has a my-way-or-the highway perspective.


The first post is the problem. For many of the reasons stated. We are not truly cutting. We are cutting growth. We have manufactured events to stoke fear and keep the people focused on big government need. Cut, cut and cut some more until the budget is balanced and then work on the deficit. There is need and there is want. The current administration wants to infringe on rights based on an event. If just one life can be saved...isn't it worth it? No. Freedom and chice and free will ALL have consequences. I take freedom over a utopia that is and never will be realized.

To address the original post. When, not if an event occurs that involves a loss of life that relates to tower cutbacks and oversight that could have prevented it I will say investigate, learn and address it. We need to start deciding what is needed and what is just more big government and building for the sake of growth. Now I think I will go out and buy a late model 201 because I want one. I will worry about paying for it later. Maybe my neighbors and other folks can and will help me pay for it...cause I deserve it. Others on the site have one. I should too. Please send money. Especially you rich bastards who have more than I do. I don't mean a one time payment. Give me some of your money every month....and if times are good...give me more.


Coming a bit back to topic, thanks Scott.


I was quoting the FAA statement when I used the word "cut".  Those were not my words.  In my words I was disagreeing with the FAA position that all these towers can be closed without changing the safety level.  If the collective wisdom is that we cannot afford the safety steps of the towers then so be it.  Or maybe I am wrong, and these towers are simply not needed, as several here have said.


Clearly to me also there will be delays, but maybe millions of people traveling just need to suck it up.  I am not being ironic, that is the alternative of doing something about it.  Doomesdayer would say that significant delays also directly impacts the economic engine as it were.  More optimistic folks will say that it is not a big deal, that we cannot afford the expediency in scheduled carrier travel at hub airports of today, and we need to cut somewhere.  All I am clear on is that something is changing.


Last comment - sorry Scott - I am not sending you any money.  I am buying cylinders this annual....  :-)  Maybe you can send me some money instead?  Paypal will be fine.


I am a quid pro kinda guy. I see an attack and I am going to respond...in kind...even if I am not being kind. Thank you for your clarification to initial post. Thanks for fueling GA with your jug purchase. No thank you on $ coming your way...I of corse understand your lack of support coming my way for my new J. It's Girl Scout cookie time. Another good 'cause to support. You at least get something in return...


I was flying GA aircraft a lot when the great Ronald Reagan fired all of the controllers.  The story was that it was going to be a disaster.  Flying was never better!  The people that were put in place didn't have all of the training of the previous controllers, but they were eager to help.  Clearances came quick and everybody was friendly.  And the news was giving a very different story.  I was asked all the time how I could fly in such dangerous times. 


When government gets to big and full of themselves, a little shock and awe and reduction can be a very good thing.  I am and have been for less government at all levels for a long time.  I grew up in Europe and sadly see this country quickly going the same direction. 


And for the record, I do own a small business.


As always, FWIW

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I am a quid pro kinda guy. I see an attack and I am going to respond...in kind...even if I am not being kind. Thank you for your clarification to initial post. Thanks for fueling GA with your jug purchase. No thank you on $ coming your way...I of corse understand your lack of support coming my way for my new J. It's Girl Scout cookie time. Another good 'cause to support. You at least get something in return...


Ummmm....I would say "my pleasure" as my common polite comment to a thank you - but for buying jugs...  Ummm...well it is good to maintain my lovely airplane to the highest standard so I feel good about it anyway.


Well done for bringing up the girl scout cookies.  Maybe it is a metaphor.  Actually, I love love love thin mint cookies.  I have no self control for a box of thin mints once the box is open.  So I bought one box of thin mints from the little girl of a lady professor down the hall from me.  To "support the troops" and bump up her numbers.  I also decided to "buy" a second box but I just gave her the money and said please donate the full amount to the troops but don't give me a box of cookies because I will get fat if you do....  And the first box of cookies I have looked at and not opened for a week now. It is my plan to bring the box to my complex analysis exam tomorrow and pass it around and tell them to eat the box for me.  I will eat two cookies.  :-)  ANd then we can all share the fun.  I will see if grad students can learn about complex analysis full of sugar at 8am.


Peanut butter Do-Si-Dos... yummy!


That's it!  Cookies.  We can get everyone out there selling cookies.  Barrack, Boehner, all the air traffic controllers, the FDA food inspectors, Kerry when he is traveling to Syria, everyone. It works for the girls scouts, so why not just scale up?  


There.  Problem solved.


But...how many cookies do they need to sell to make ends meet?  I am a mathematician but I cannot count that high so I might need some help.


We might start with 3,000 boxes of cookeis for every man woman and child and we might get close to retiring the national debt. So get your check book ready the Gov't coming again. :-)) Of course we would all be extremely overweight afterwards and need more health care but let's not go there :-0


Great cookie idea, but it won't work. Half the folks in the USA will demand them for free :( and have the other half (us) pay double. Same old story...


The bottom line is that they are cuttin .02 of every dollar "of growth". There is no real cut back of spending, its a cutback of the growth of spendin. They are not cutting. Times are tough right now and now that all of us have tightened our belts, its time for the government to spend our money just a little more wisely. To cut 2% off the growth of spendin they can close our tower from 7:30pm to 9pm when it normally closes. That is 2% of total spending for the tower (not of the growth). Its more like shutting it down 15 minutes earlier each day. There doesn't need to be these painfull drastic cuts.


Here in Fort Lauderdale instead of cutting Police, Teachers, and first responders, maybe they shoud cut out the Millions of dollars worth of landscaping and sprinker systems on the highways. Maybe they do not need to install pavers at all the intersections downtown. Maybe they don't need to repave the roads every 6 months. I don't care what side of the aisle you are on, lets just use some common sense.   

I believe this is an actual reduction in spending and not a cut in growth of spending.  One of the most significant difference from previous so called cuts.


How would eliminating the flight review save the FAA (or anyone else in the government) money?

The administration of all required programs requires personnel.  Every useless program is a drain on resources.  The worst part is that potential money could be spent on something else that might actually be of value.  The example is small in savings but an easy one to pull out at 7 AM.

Small Business Owner - Yes Watch Fox News - Yes Able to manage my business and cut 2% without any fuss - Hell Yes Small business owners have always sacrificed to keep their businesses going INCLUDING working for months without pulling a salary from the till. I don't see any of our leaders, both Republicans and Dems as well the "Campaigner and Chief" volunteering their own wages. Keep Air Force One in the hangar and go to work. I agree that the manufactured "sky is falling" scare tactics are just that, scare tactics. Tomorrow, the sun will come up and life will go on just as it did January 1, 2000 when the world would come to an end. Don
Meanwhile airforce one was at KPBI while the man was getting golf lessons post-7889-13620831071575_thumb.jpg Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD



As I have thought more about this, I come to the conclusion that the FAA should definitely close the towers.  If they don't believe safety will be effected, make the cuts and measure the effect.  Why are the towers open anyway if their closing won't jeopardize safety?  I mean really, is the FAA saying towers should be open just to prop up government spending?  After the towers are closed, make another cut and measure the effect.  As they say with shampoo, and repeat.  With the savings, consider new programs that may actually provide benefit and measure the effect.  If they don't perform, cut them too.


Great cookie idea, but it won't work. Half the folks in the USA will demand them for free :( and have the other half (us) pay double. Same old story...


I think you are right.  Look at me and my own cookie story - I bought two boxes but only took one!

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