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A Special Day


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There are a few days in a lifetime that are especially memorable.  In my case it would be my birthday, Shirley's Birthday, the day we met 41½ years ago, and the day I closed on N9148W, 31 years and 12½ thousand flight hours ago today.  Little did I know at the time the life changing event that would be.  Before I bought it, I was in awe of anyone who owned an airplane, and anyone who owned a Mooney TLS had to be in a different league than me.  I remember sitting in the airplane that day and thinking, "what have I done?"  Will I even be able to learn how to fly this thing?  It was intimidating.

I had, Suzanne, Top Gun's pilot and a flight instructor, fly with me down to San Antonio where I took the Flight Safety Mooney M20M Course.  After the course, I was still uncomfortable and had, Paul Arrambide, my flight instructor fly back with me to San Diego, where I showed my family what I had done.  My Mother had not a few reservations.

A PPP the following March in Fresno, where I flew with Jerry Johnson and met my soon to be mentor instructor, Robert Goldin, who fortuitously lived close by me, changed the direction of my life.  Who ever heard of someone changing from a Real Estate Developer into a Flight Instructor?  I did it.  Real Estate became a sideline and Aviation took front and center.  It still does.  It's a passion and never gets boring.

Along the way I've met hundreds and hundreds of people who became my students and later my friends.  I've met many top educators in the aviation field.  Most of them were dedicated teachers.

What an experience it has been and continues to be.

After all this time, buying my airplane was one of the best decisions I have ever made.  It's a special day indeed.


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Way to go Don, we’re not  puppies anymore, I remember my first Mooney like is was yesterday in 1986, moreover one of the times Mooney Co was in trouble they changed to company selling the planes instead of the dealers. They flew a demonstrator up to Wilmington for us to look at even though it was out of our price range, Fran said I only hope it’s not Red, it was red her weakness. We bought it 1988 new 201, flew to San Antonio for their flight safety transition instruction. The love affair with the best general aviation began. My longest flight previously was regionally in the north east the flight from Texas to Delaware seemed daunting at least. Transitioning to my Bravo in 2006 continues the reality that Mooney’s are true long distance trip machines. Congratulations on your anniversary your write up brought back my Mooney dreams to realizing what we have. We’re blessed with many Mooney Master CFIs who go out of their way helping us keeping the dream. 

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Besides our first names in common, my Mooney CFI @ the PPP I attended was also Jerry Johnson! You both have a lot of Mooney teaching behind you!

Great day indeed.. we’re all the better for it..


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1 hour ago, hammdo said:

Besides our first names in common, my Mooney CFI @ the PPP I attended was also Jerry Johnson! You both have a lot of Mooney teaching behind you!

Great day indeed.. we’re all the better for it..


My first PPP CFI was also Jerry Johnson! I was a newbie in my C, I hit 100 hours total time on my way to Owensboro, and I learned so much that weekend.

Thank you, and congratulations Don! You've helped build a better Mooney community. 

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That is a great story Don, and I can feel your passion in the words you write.  You are lucky to do what you love, and love what you do, and that does not always happen in life.  A wise friend once aked me, "did your actions make a difference in the lives of others today?"  You make MooneySpace and those around you better.  

You made a difference today.

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In addition to it being a special day for you it was good for the rest of us as well as you have been such a positive influence in Mooney instruction over the years.  I always tell people that I flew with an instructor in my Mooney before you but never knew how to fly my Mooney until flying with you.  I know you have had a similar impact on many other Mooney pilots. A good day for all of us indeed.

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