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IPad IOS5 - WingX


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The newest operating system (IOS 5) is available for Ipad 1 & 2, Iphone and Ipod......It has many small improvements included for several Apps. (you may need to plug into your PC and go to Itunes.  you may even need to update your itunes on your PC first)

Use Caution when changing operating systems....

Minor Issue: My WX (WingX) databases were erased in the transition and need to be reloaded.

File this under why Garmin may be slightly more trustworthy than Apple for charting and flight nav back-up requirements.....

As you know, never trust your life to a software (or hardware) update without testing it first....

Best regards,


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Look into skyradar.  (search this site - wingx, sky radar).  Unless you are specifically wanting XM.  Are you using an Ipad with WingX or Foreflight?  Their sites are worth reviewing to see what is compatable with their software for a nice combination....

Best regards,


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Quote: carusoam


Look into skyradar.  (search this site - wingx, sky radar).  Unless you are specifically wanting XM.  Are you using an Ipad with WingX or Foreflight?  Their sites are worth reviewing to see what is compatable with their software for a nice combination....

Best regards,


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There are a dozen IPad threads that you can learn a ton about.  Use the search button at the top of the screen.

You will find that nobody needs an IPad.  There are several GPS alternatives with WAAS accuracy.  The 3G version has the GPS bundled with it, and 3G service has nothing to do with the operability of the GPS receiver.

The most complete nav software with all the charts barely uses the available memory.  So the least expensive IPad can still handle everything the nav programs have to offer....

As far as getting a used Garmin 396, compare it to a used IPad......

Go search....You will like what you find.   You will even find Ipad vs. Garmin debates.

In the end, you will find that you will want a Garmin Portable and an Ipad for different reasons...

Good luck with your search.

Best regards,


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carusoam - I updated my ipad 1 after seeing your post and the new OS seems to provide faster screen refreshes in WingX. Thanks for the notification!

On another note, last week marks the 2nd time I have emailed Hilton Software (WingX manufacturer) with bugs but got no resonse. I sent another email yesterday morning requesting a response to the 1st email last week but still no response. The last time (5 months ago) it took a 2nd email almost 2 weeks after the initial to get a response. I like their product but, as far as I'm concerned, their support model sucks.

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Quote: JimR

Cool! I'm posting this from my freshly-updated iPad.

FWIW, I sent some WingX Pro7 feedback in to Hilton Software last week and was surprised to get a response with follow up questions to me within a couple of hours from their support desk.  I answered the questions and went to bed. When I woke up there was another email, this one from Hilton Goldstein himself at about 2 AM, with additional follow up questions. Each email thanked me profusely for my assistance in helping them improve their product. I came away from all of this with just the opposite impression of their customer service.  I also formed a pretty reasonable impression that they have every intention of implementing some of my suggestions. 



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"Minor Issue: My WX (WingX) databases were erased in the transition and need to be reloaded.

Took out Foreflight's databases as well, couse that happened to me before with any OS update on the IPad - lesson learned - don't upgrade till your databases are about to expire - that way you only have to re-download one time.....

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According to Hilton...

(1) they lost contact with their subscribers because of Apple glitch...

(2) memory limitations can cause automatic loss of data....ongoing.  Don't overload your iPad without checking your data...

(3) the future looks good to be able to integrate ahrs, weather and traffic with only one blue tooth connection....

(4) confirmed their relationship with the integrated cockpit concept.  aspen folks.

The attached link is a copy of their email news letter.

On the others and, they did not mention their shoe size....


Best regards,



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One point for those who have upgraded to the Ipad OS 5 operating system is that if you have the cloud backup activated it will automatically backup the data files from Wing X, Foreflight, EFB etc. You may quickly use up your cloud storage. To prevent that possible overload you can go into cloud setting, manage & uncheck Foreflight, Wing X or EFB. Also according to Wing X they have written their latest release to take advantage of the dual core processor in the Ipad 2 & Iphone 4S so the screen refreash rates are faster than in the Ipad one & Iphone 4.     

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