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45 minutes ago, Skates97 said:

My wife got me a new ornament for the tree this year.20161224_183110.jpg

Cool!! Nice ornament, too. It's great to have a supportive, understanding wife.

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Merry Christmas to everyone on Mooneyspace.  Wishing you all a year filled with flying.


13 hours ago, Skates97 said:

My wife got me a new ornament for the tree this year


My wife would like to know where your wife ordered that ornament if possible.


It would be awesome for a few Moonies obviously along with a Mooney co/pilot aboard to make the trek. I'd assume my Bravo with l/R tanks would make it? Hopefully I'll make the Summit this year after late cancellations the past two years.

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There was a E from Switzerland here last falls it was their fifth or sixth trip over. Where my cowling says "Mooney," theirs says "Honey Mooney."

Didn't someone years ago write about the Viking Route that let's even vintage Mooneys without ferry tanks make the crossing? Newfoundland, S. Greenland, NE Greenland, Iceland, Ireland then most anywhere (going by memory). The writer had an original C without even the 201 windshield. Yuri? I've read descriptions, but not the (now lost?) article.

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Before those US based Mooneys start planning their tranAtlantic flights, look into the cost of EU mandated liability coverage. Insurance, not fuel endurance, is typically the deal breaker.  European owners can usually make the flight with their existing policy, but not us.

Andrew, will EU insurance minima go away with Brexit?

  • Like 1
Just now, Hyett6420 said:

Brexit means Brexit.  Beyond that no one has a clue what is happening.  And that's NOT a political post.  It's just no one has a clue  literally.  

I have no idea about the insurance issue but I can see that you need to check. Normal liability in the UK is £5m. My Mooney insurance premium is only 1200 pa. So I would not have thought it to be too expensive. 

Many years ago a MS list member flew his J over from Atlanta.  IIRC he said he paid $5000 USD for the required EU rider, which I think was only for a 2-4 week trip and only met the lower 2M EU liability requirement then in effect.  Later he commented that at that price he had only liability coverage, his hull coverage was still limited to NA, and any loss he had in Europe was uninsured.

8 hours ago, kpaul said:


My wife would like to know where your wife ordered that ornament if possible.

It was a company on Etsy called Palmetto Engraving. I don't see where on Etsy they sell it but I found it on their site. I am assuming that you can request that they put a specific tail number on it.


There's another person on there that actually sells a Mooney ornament. Not sure if they do engraving or not.

https://www.etsy.com/listing/495831975/mooney-airplane?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=mooney airplane&ref=sr_gallery_2

  • Like 2
5 hours ago, Hyett6420 said:

I think this sounds like a great plan. Summer is best obviously.  I have looked gently at doing it Oshkosh in 2020. My route in my J against the winds would be Wick, Iceland, Greenland, Canada and down.  Would probably have ferry tanks fitted for security.  

In an ovation I would have thought you could do it with LR tanks on the same route.  Have a look at YouTube like I said.  There are ferry guys there that have done it. Could be worth giving one of them a call. 



This site may be helpful:



There was a E from Switzerland here last falls it was their fifth or sixth trip over. Where my cowling says "Mooney," theirs says "Honey Mooney."
Didn't someone years ago write about the Viking Route that let's even vintage Mooneys without ferry tanks make the crossing? Newfoundland, S. Greenland, NE Greenland, Iceland, Ireland then most anywhere (going by memory). The writer had an original C without even the 201 windshield. Yuri? I've read descriptions, but not the (now lost?) article.

Yes, I remember reading about a crazy Russian who flew his stock C to Europe. He had little margin for error. I believe I heard a few years later than his luck ran out

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This Christmas has been one of the saddest and most trying in my life but still hoping you all had a wonderful day and have a happy new year. We are all truly blessed to be...

33 minutes ago, Hyett6420 said:

You didnt stop in Greenland Jose?

I didn't stop at Narsarsuaq. I avoid Greenland when winds are favorable. Greenland is expensive and on holidays is more. But from BIRK to CYYR you may have to stop due to strong headwinds.


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On 12/25/2016 at 10:12 AM, Hyett6420 said:

So since most of your ancestors came from over here a little picture of home for you all. ;). Andrew and I just walked up parliament hill (he only has one leg so it's a big deal for him). We do this every Christmas Day. 

Herewith the view from the top.  Next to the triangle shaped spire (centre ish in the pic) you can see St Paul's Cathedral at the base. To the right of the picture is the BT tower and at its base to the left is the Houses of Parliament.  You can see them if you zoom in. Happy Christmas 

Enjoy. IMG_3740.JPGAndrew half way up the hill. 


view from the top of parliament hill. 

For a moment there I thought it was Primrose Hill!! We lived on Ainger Road, then on Henstridge Place in St John's Wood before moving to Harpenden. We've been back a number of times visiting old friends and still love the "Tea Cozy" and Odette's and Maison Blanc on St John's Wood High Street. Happy memories :)

Before my time, during WW II that was the location of an AA battery. Also a spectacular place from which to watch the local fireworks set off in Regents Park. Unfortunately insurance requirements forced them to be discontinued :( 

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On 12/24/2016 at 7:41 AM, cnoe said:

All I want for Christmas is a new Acclaim Ultra, and maybe a DMax gift car

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

What is DMax?

22 hours ago, bonal said:

This Christmas has been one of the saddest and most trying in my life but still hoping you all had a wonderful day and have a happy new year. We are all truly blessed to be...

I'm with you. Hope all is well


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A Don Maxwell gift card would be enough for one annual inspection.  :)

That would put the Merry in Merry Christmas! :):)

It is nice to have Professional expertise shared here like José's.   :):):)

It is also nice to see some expertise come from PPs flying around the world.  Watching Adríen flying his M20E(?) to Europe shortly after its acquisition was interesting and informing. :):):):)


I hear you Bonal. Hope things come together for you, quickly.  :):):):):)

Best regards,



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Best Christmas ever, except the time my uncle gave me a model airplane with a real engine.  This year I got to say Merry Christmas! to over a thousand happy people every night (except Mondays).  Just delightful!

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