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15 hours ago, Zwaustin said:

Congrats, go get some actual!! I couldn't imagine flying long trips without the rating. 


Long trips work well VFR, if you don't mind adjusting departure/arrival times, exact course, or making an unplanned stop every now and then. I did that for three years, only had to leave the plane once. I canceled several times, too . . .

But it's much easier IFR.

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Sure it can be done. A family member owns a rural land surveying business in west Texas and has 4000 hours all vfr (no IFR rating) and it works but he has been held up/ delayed and postponed due to docile weather many times. Also flies a turbo 210 and can't go above 17,999ft. 

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Congratulations on your IR. Having the rating is just part of it. Having the self confidence and skill under real IMC (rain and turbulence) is the other part of it. To gain this confidence try to do every approach like it was an IFR approach. This will train you in knowing how to operate your radios and plane without thinking. And also it train your mind in visualizing the approach when in actual IMC. A very handy training tool I use is the Microsoft Flight Simulator. You can set up approaches anywhere down to CATIII.


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Great point José.  I'm always amazed at how much easier flying is when I'm shooting approaches under the hood on a reasonably nice day vs bouncing up and down going through clouds at 8000' merely trying to maintain a heading and altitude.

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Thank you so much! I can't wait to continue learning. This week, I fly the family from Colorado to NJ for a few weeks...I'll file for sure! 

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Big congrats Brian.  I'm a good ways off from finishing, but you've inspired me.  And your writeup is really great- kinda demystifies the whole thing.  When the day comes for me, I hope I will not be nearly as terrified as I was for my PPL.

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I just flew from Colorado to New Jersey! Whew...that was pretty awesome. IFR flight plan the whole way--out of 10.5 hours, I got 3 hours of actual! Crazy. I'll provide some pics soon.

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