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I should know this, but... I've flown several times into KHOU recently, but always on an IFR flight plan which, with north winds result in a very round about way of getting there. Coming from Dallas, it seems like I could cut the trip time by going VFR, below the MEAs, with vectors only necessary for spacing and also bypassing the arrival procedure. What I am not recalling is if I need to have an IFR clearance to a class B airport or not. Also, if not, do I risk not getting cleared into the Bravo under VFR. Worst case, I'll just file. But thought I'd ask here.

Posted (edited)

No, an IFR clearance is not necessary, and a denial of Class B clearance would be unusual. Our plane is based within the Memphis Class B veil, and we get cleared through the Bravo VFR without issue.

Edited by Rwsavory
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You need to be cleared before entering B airspace, and sometimes they will let you fly direct and sometimes you get vectored around, depends on you altitude and if you direction of flight will interfere with the standard departure, arrival procedures i would guess.


Yes you can go into Class B without an IFR clearance. It's done all the time. You just need a VFR clearance, i.e., "Houston Approach, N1234X. 30 south of Hobby 3000'. Landing Hobby." At some point along the way, before you actually enter the Class B., you should hear the words, "Cleared into Class B." If you don;t hear it, it's likely they the just forgot to say them, but it is always best to clarify and make sure you hear those magic words.


Easy as pie; piece of cake (I always wondered why we needed both expressions).

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Easy as pie; piece of cake (I always wondered why we needed both expressions).

because although both are tasty, some people only like one of them. My wife avoids pie.  .  .  Yeah, strange, but that's how the cookie crumbles sometimes.  :D

Just make sure you hear "NXXX cleared into the Bravo" and you're good to go. If that's your final destination, it shouldn't be a problem.

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If you don;t hear it, it's likely they the just forgot to say them, but it is always best to clarify and make sure you hear those magic words.

Just to clarify to the original poster (as I know what you are dying Midlife).  If VFR you MUST hear those magic words before penetrating the B, it is a required implicit clearance.  If they give you a heading towards the B and you don't hear those words don't enter it till you hear them.  

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Just to clarify to the original poster (as I know what you are dying Midlife).  If VFR you MUST hear those magic words before penetrating the B, it is a required implicit clearance.  If they give you a heading towards the B and you don't hear those words don't enter it till you hear them.  

just to be an language critic :) it is a required explicit clearance and should not be implied.

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But don't be afraid to ask for clearance to enter the class B.

Coming home to the Seattle area last week, with flight following, they handed me over to Seattle Approach.  He did not say the magic words.  I asked if I needed to stay below the Class B today and he promptly gave me clearance to enter, with the caveat to be below the class B by the time I was 5 miles east of my home drone.


Why, did you want to stay below the MEA while enroute?

I have often canceled IFR while arriving into the Phoenix area. While IFR they are limited as to the routing and altitudes they can give you. After you cancel you can almost always go direct at any altitude you like.


I've flown the Houston class B several times, always with VFR flight following.  I always get routed to the "I-10 corridor" at uncontrolled altitudes.  Being on controller radar with the VFR flight following keeps me aware of traffic, but a vigilant eye will be useful.  Have a look at the FLY chart for Houston (you can find one at skyvector.com) and try to pick a route that is already designated for VFR traffic.  There may already be a recommended procedure for VFR arrivals to KHOU on the chart or in the procedures for KHOU.

Have fun, and keep those eyes open.


Thought I'd add my $0.02 since I've been flying in, around, and under the Houston Bravo for 5 years now. My house is actually in ground level Bravo airspace.

Coming from the north (Dallas) they will absolutely vector you around KIAH which is MUCH busier than Hobby. Usually it's to the east over Lake Houston. There is no route from the north that will take you direct to KHOU VFR. But if they know you're landing at KHOU they will likely direct you across downtown once you're clear of IAH. Usually the winds are from the SE so I can't say for sure how they'll set you up for landing but they'll find a slot for you. With normal winds the 12L approach is really cool coming in over the city. Try not to make your arrival early in the morning (busy with departures) or early in the evening as SW flies over my house about every 2 minutes on the 04 approach (evenings).

Hope any of this is of some value to you.


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