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How long do you think new guy (FRC) will stay?

Seemed like an upstanding, intelligent individual.

Welcome to the anti-MooneySpace thread...

The anti-whatever-you-hold-dear thread...

The it's OK to type whatever drivel comes to mind thread...

I went to the gym today as well, it was amazing that the HS guys were struggling with the same language skills that we have here.

They blurt out whatever comes to mind and don't look around to see if anyone is offended...

It is OK.

They have earned it...?

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not :P, but I probably won't stay long. I'm just bored.

To be honest you just sound like a winey bitch to me...They are throwing homosexuals off roofs in Iraq and Syria. Denying homosexuals drivers licenses in Russia.

Go find someone else to cry to about old sodemy laws. Playing to their constituants. I dont support it, but hey call me what I am a caucasian hetero agnostic male that fucking hates peaches.

Ya, I don't vote for them either. So what's your point? Republicans are OK because Islamic terrorists and Putin are worse? Is that our barometer as to what we should consider acceptable?

Btw it's "whiney." It comes from the word whine. Like the sound your wife makes when you try to mount her.

  • Like 1

I am younger generation. I don't know a single person in my generation and in my circle of aquaintances who will vote republican. It's just a shame that we don't have the choice of a socially liberal fiscal conservative. Even the Chris Christie type republicans still pander to the fringe and want to increase spending on military, etc. There's no one who is actually serious about cutting discretionary spending (our military is so damn bloated, and I say this as a former military member) and who is also not a lunatic when it comes to social issues / personal freedom / lack of governmental interference in ones private life. It's really a shame. And yes, I'd rather spend money on social welfare programs before spending it on F35s new tech toys for our military to play with. Every republican suggested budget I've seen has included a significant net increase to the militsry budget at the expense of things that actually help people like medical care and unemployment insurance. Not anti-spending, just anti-spending on people and pro-spending on the military-industrial complex. Sad.



You and I are on the same page regarding military spending, which is nearly a trillion a year (trillion with a T). Getting Washington off the military nipple is going to be a tough fight since the contractors strategically built plants in all 50 states over the past two decades (a brilliant move I must say) just so a senator or congressman will say "I won't support any cuts to military contractors in my state or district".



I can't tell if I am being sarcastic either...

What I find troubling is that the Fraternity style thread that we have here is misunderstood by the casual new observer to MooneySpace.

I like the freedom of discussion.

I just don't want people to accidently come upon this thread and feel insulted.

It wouldn't be good for anyone to feel insulted and leave the community.

For the most part, it is a community to support Mooney pilots and owners.

This thread doen't do much of that...

Best regards,



I'm 28. Lawyer. You know, the Harvard liberal elite kind that Sarah Palin hates because I'm not from "real 'Murica."


I think in that same speech she made reference to "the department of law".


Lol no it's cool I love a good old fashioned flame war, I usually come out on top :-D No hard feelings, we can still agree to disagree and we're at least entitled to our opinions in this country. Even if yours are wrong. :-)


Ya, I don't vote for them either. So what's your point? Republicans are OK because Islamic terrorists and Putin are worse? Is that our barometer as to what we should consider acceptable?

Btw it's "whiney." It comes from the word whine. Like the sound your wife makes when you try to mount her.

I swear Scott, this is not my online alter ego. Since I sobered up, I leave spouses out of the discussion. I do kind of like the guy, though. My kind of prick.

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I won't pick through that or argue any of that, it's your feeling about things. Can't knock your assessment of republicans, although it is a little harsh.

It's just that we had enough of the republicans and gave the democrats years of complete control ... and we really didn't see much difference. I wouldn't mind getting rid of them all.

Maybe I'll finally make that jump to "throwing my vote away" on the Libertarians? I am as disgusted with all of them as you are with the republicans. We thought no one could be more corrupt than the republicans. We were wrong. Not much difference ...

Honestly I agree with you, and we're probably not soooo far apart on most issues. I'm actually thinking of running for office some day, I'd love to get Feinstein or Pelosi out of there. Although Feinstein or Boxer is retiring, I forget which.

Honestly I agree with you, and we're probably not soooo far apart on most issues. I'm actually thinking of running for office some day, I'd love to get Feinstein or Pelosi out of there. Although Feinstein or Boxer is retiring, I forget which.

I would highly recommend removing your N number then as whatever you say here will come back to bite you when you running and pandering...


I would highly recommend removing your N number then as whatever you say here will come back to bite you when you running and pandering...

Ha ha, yes, I'll have to scrub a LOT of information from the Internet if that day ever comes. For the time being, I'm not ashamed of my opinions or of what I say. If I were scared to be confronted with it today, I'd be a little more careful about protecting my identity.

Tolerance...Does it go both ways...?

Everything I said is pretty much factually true.

But do I have to "tolerate" people who want to see me put in jail or killed and who yell in my face about how I'm going to hell and that I'm a sinner because of the way I'm wired? No, I don't think so. You're entitled to your opinions but I'm not required to respect or tolerate them, especially if your goal is to deny others rights that you enjoy.


So what's the difference between a lawyer and a barracuda?

bottom feeding blood sucking leech vs. fish? I've heard them all and agree with most :-)

Lol no it's cool I love a good old fashioned flame war, I usually come out on top :-D No hard feelings, we can still agree to disagree and we're at least entitled to our opinions in this country. Even if yours are wrong. :-)



I hope you know what you're up against here.


I do to....Married for 31 years and she usually asks me...No worries. Can't get me in that department. I just smile.

Lol no hard feelings, I promise. I was just ribbing you :-)

So do you guys ever get together to hash things out with fists? I find that's usually faster and gets to a more definitive conclusion.


Oh yeah,

Welcome to MooneySpace!

Thanks, I've been a long time lurker and have even occasionally posted in the past. I usually come back whenever I can't remember how to hot start the damn plane. Its a great resource for Mooney owners/pilots (and other pilots too!). Very helpful folks.

Everything I said is pretty much factually true.

But do I have to "tolerate" people who want to see me put in jail or killed and who yell in my face about how I'm going to hell and that I'm a sinner because of the way I'm wired? No, I don't think so. You're entitled to your opinions but I'm not required to respect or tolerate them, especially if your goal is to deny others rights that you enjoy.


Do you have any bi tendencies, swinging maybe towards plural marriage. Those really seem to scare John. He almost doesn't count though, he now has a Beech...


Once again, BS. The mass killings in our schools are due to mentally deranged individuals and no amount of Jesus would fix that. Also, I am very much for god in our public school. I strongly believe in well rounded, scientific and liberal arts education. I think all students should be required to take a few history of religion and theology classes as part of their public schooling learning about history of religion, various gods and customs through out history as well as various theological philosophies from Confucius, to Thomas Aquinas, to Martin Luther and Ghandi.

How much do you want to be if I proposed 6 years of this as a requirement in public schools starting in 7th grade, the religious right would loose their shit as it would expose their children to varied information. I highly doubt the liberal lefties would have a problem with that.

So, since Regressives are all about "equal time presented and you decide" such as evolution versus creationism. Lets devote 3 days for every religion there is and let students decide which religion, or none. Sounds fair, don't it?

Christianity, Islam (Shiite and Sunni), Judaism, Hindu, Wiccan, Buddhism, Scientology, let's not forget the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

But hey let's not forget to include all the different ways all these affiliations kill and maim in the name of their religion. Here in this country we used to burn people at the stakes for "Witchcraft" yet we have people today calling to "nuke the bastards" when they see the ISIS video of the F-16 pilot burned in the cage. It's totally different. Those people are brown, speak gibberish, and they didn't have gasoline back then or a front end loader.

Devote equal time. All points presented with equal weight. We report. You decide.


So, since Regressives are all about "equal time presented and you decide" such as evolution versus creationism. Lets devote 3 days for every religion there is and let students decide which religion, or none. Sounds fair, don't it?

Christianity, Islam (Shiite and Sunni), Judaism, Hindu, Wiccan, Buddhism, Scientology, let's not forget the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

But hey let's not forget to include all the different ways all these affiliations kill and maim in the name of their religion. Here in this country we used to burn people at the stakes for "Witchcraft" yet we have people today calling to "nuke the bastards" when they see the ISIS video of the F-16 pilot burned in the cage. It's totally different. Those people are brown, speak gibberish, and they didn't have gasoline back then or a front end loader.

Devote equal time. All points presented with equal weight. We report. You decide.


They're savages, but so are we. I've said it before. Gasoline in a cage vs a hit from a Mk77, end result, the same, for those on the receiving end. If we're going to be savages, let's have a good reason to go in, kill, main and get out. I am not a fan of the foreign ventures. We along with the Saudis funded these fuckers for good two years in Syria before they turned. The whole enemy of my enemy is my friend only works for so long, especially in the middle east, where they are sick and tired of Christ's love delivered from above. Maybe they weren't ready for Freedom .


As to ISIS' theatrics, if I was only a bit more cynical than I am, I'd think Fox lend them some cameramen to drag us back into that cluster fuck. From everything I read from former captured who were freed thanks to ransom paid, it appears the most violent ones of the bunch are the ones who grew up in the West. Surprise, surprise. They learnt from the best. We in the western world have perfected delivery of violence under pretense of civilization. Like I stated before, we have a 600 year jump start on them.


Fox is busy tonight...

Flaming cage.

Crashing plane.

Winter storm weatherman on location in Boston, repeat with less than proper language for the market.


Fox is busy tonight...

Flaming cage.

Crashing plane.

Winter storm weatherman on location in Boston, repeat with less than proper language for the market.


All outrage, all the time.


Do you have any bi tendencies, swinging maybe towards plural marriage. Those really seem to scare John. He almost doesn't count though, he now has a Beech...

You described me exactly! But a beech? Heretic! Let's get the cage and gasoline ready.

In all seriousness the Islamic State shit is scary as all hell. What's even scarier is that we're to blame for a lot of that by utterly destabilizing the region and giving those animals an opportunity to take control. And even more frightening is the measure of popular support they receive where they are. And finally, if you read the Koran or the Hadith, you'll find that a lot of what they are doing is not only biblically-justified, but also mandated (commanded) by the actual text. All that garbage about Islam being a religion of peace is utter horse puckey - the moderate Muslims, just like moderate Jews, simply choose not to literally follow the text to the letter. What makes you wonder, though, is that the Old Testament (i.e. Torah) is almost as barbaric and yet you don't see Jews engaging in the sort of behavior that Islamic fundamentalists do.

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